| | Name | Description | |
| | AcceptFiles | Specifies whether the control accepts drag-and-drop files. | |
| | AllowCopyTemplate | Specifies whether the Shift + Ctrl + Alt + Insert sequence copies the control's content to the clipboard, in template form. | |
| | AllowEdit | Specifies the combination of keys that allows the user to edit a node. | |
| | AllowMoveChart | Indicates the combination of keys so the user moves or scrolls the chart at runtime. | |
| | AllowMoveNode | Specifies the combination of keys the user can move a node at runtime. | |
| | AllowResizeChart | Specifies the keys combination so the user can magnify or shrink the chart at runtime ( zooming ). | |
| | AllowSelectNothing | Specifies whether the user can select nothing if he clicks out of any node. | |
| | AnchorFromPoint | Retrieves the identifier of the anchor from point. | |
| | AntiAliasing | Specifies whether smoothing (antialiasing) is applied to lines or curves of the objects in the control. | |
| | Appearance | Retrieves or sets the control's appearance. | |
| | AttachTemplate | Attaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes. | |
| | BackColor | Specifies the control's background color. | |
| | BackColorNode | Specifies the default node's background color. | |
| | Background | Returns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control. | |
| | BeginUpdate | Maintains performance when items are added to the control one at a time. This method prevents the control from painting until the EndUpdate method is called. | |
| | BorderHeight | Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the border height of the control. | |
| | BorderWidth | Sets or retrieves a value that indicates the border width of the control. | |
| | ButtonsAlign | Specifies the alignment of the +/- buttons. | |
| | ChartHeight | Retrieves the height in pixels to display the entire chart. | |
| | ChartWidth | Retrieves the width in pixels to display the entire chart. | |
| | Copy | Copies the control's content to the clipboard in EMF format. | |
| | CopyTo | Exports the control's view to an EMF file. | |
| | Cursor | Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers the control. | |
| | DefaultNodePadding | Returns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the nodes in the control. | |
| | DragOutsideDef | Indicates the options to scroll the control's content like speed, step, and so on while user moves a node by drag and drop outside of the control's content. | |
| | DrawRoundNode | Specifies a value that indicates whether the node has borders with round corners. | |
| | EditNode | Edits the specified node. | |
| | Enabled | Enables or disables the control. | |
| | EndUpdate | Resumes painting the control after painting is suspended by the BeginUpdate method. | |
| | EnsureVisibleNode | Ensures the given node is in the visible client area. | |
| | EnsureVisibleOnSelect | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control ensures the selected node is visible. | |
| | EventParam | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter. | |
| | ExecuteTemplate | Executes a template and returns the result. | |
| | ExpandOnDblClk | Expands or collapses a node when the user dbl clicks the node. | |
| | ExploreFromNode | Explores the organigram from the node. | |
| | FixedHeightNode | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the height of the node's caption is fixed. | |
| | FixedWidthNode | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the width of the node's caption is fixed. | |
| | Font | Retrieves or sets the control's font. | |
| | ForeColor | Specifies the control's foreground color. | |
| | ForeColorNode | Specifies the default node's foreground color. | |
| | FormatABC | Formats the A,B,C values based on the giving expression and returns the result. | |
| | FormatAnchor | Specifies the visual effect for anchor elements in HTML captions. | |
| | FrameFromPoint | Gets the frame from point. | |
| | Frames | Gets the control's collection of frames. | |
| | HasButtons | Specifies whether a parent node displays +/- buttons if it contains child nodes. | |
| | HasButtonsCustom | Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom. | |
| | hEBNList | Retrieves the handle of the skins list. | |
| | hIconList | Retrieves the handle of the icons list. | |
| | HideSelection | Specifies whether the selection in the control is hidden when the control loses the focus. | |
| | hPictureList | Retrieves the handle of the pictures list. | |
| | HTMLPicture | Adds or replaces a picture in HTML captions. | |
| | hWnd | Retrieves the control's window handle. | |
| | Images | Sets at runtime the control's image list. The Handle should be a handle to an Image List Control. | |
| | ImageSize | Retrieves or sets the size of icons the control displays.. | |
| | IndentChild | Retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child nodes are indented relative to their parent nodes. | |
| | IndentSiblingX | Specifies the horizontal distance, in pixels between two siblings node. | |
| | IndentSiblingY | Specifies the vertical distance, in pixels between two siblings node. | |
| | Layout | Specifies the way the chart displays the diagram. | |
| | LinkAssistantColor | Specifies the color for assistant links. | |
| | LinkCaptionFromPoint | Gets the node whose caption on the link hovers the specified point. | |
| | LinkColor | Specifies the color for links. | |
| | LinkToColor | Specifies the color for 'LinkTo' links. | |
| | LoadXML | Loads an XML document from the specified location, using MSXML parser. | |
| | MaxZoomHeight | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on vertical axis (max value). | |
| | MaxZoomWidth | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on horizontal axis (max value). | |
| | MinZoomHeight | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on vertical axis (min value). | |
| | MinZoomWidth | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on horizontal axis (min value). | |
| | NodeFromPoint | Gets the node from point. | |
| | Nodes | Gets the control's collection of nodes. | |
| | PenBorderNode | Specifies the type of pen used to draw the node's borders. | |
| | PenLink | Specifies the type of the pen used to paint the links between nodes. | |
| | PenLinkAssistant | Specifies the type of the pen used to paint the links between assistant nodes. | |
| | PenLinkTo | Specifies the type of the pen used to show the 'LinkTo' links. | |
| | PenWidthLink | Specifies the width of the links between nodes. | |
| | PenWidthLinkAssistant | Specifies the width of the links between assistant nodes. | |
| | PenWidthLinkTo | Specifies the width of the 'LinkTo' links. | |
| | Picture | Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control. | |
| | PictureAspectRatioNode | Specifies the default aspect ratio for the node's picture. | |
| | PictureDisplay | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background | |
| | PictureHeightNode | Specifies the height of the node's picture. | |
| | PictureWidthNode | Specifies the width of the node's picture. | |
| | Refresh | Refreses the control. | |
| | ReplaceIcon | Adds a new icon, replaces an icon or clears the control's image list. | |
| | Root | Gets the root node. | |
| | SaveXML | Saves the control's content as XML document to the specified location, using the MSXML parser. | |
| | ScrollButtonHeight | Specifies the height of the button in the vertical scrollbar. | |
| | ScrollButtonWidth | Specifies the width of the button in the horizontal scrollbar. | |
| | ScrollByClick | Specifies a value that indicates whether the user scrolls the control's content by clicking the client area. | |
| | ScrollFont | Retrieves or sets the scrollbar's font. | |
| | ScrollHeight | Specifies the height of the horizontal scrollbar. | |
| | ScrollOnCursor | Scrolls the chart as the cursor indicates. | |
| | ScrollOnEnsure | Specifies a value that indicates whether the control scrolls the control's content when ensuring that a node is visible. | |
| | ScrollOrderParts | Specifies the order of the buttons in the scroll bar. | |
| | ScrollPartCaption | Specifies the caption being displayed on the specified scroll part. | |
| | ScrollPartCaptionAlignment | Specifies the alignment of the caption in the part of the scroll bar. | |
| | ScrollPartEnable | Indicates whether the specified scroll part is enabled or disabled. | |
| | ScrollPartVisible | Indicates whether the specified scroll part is visible or hidden. | |
| | ScrollPos | Specifies the vertical/horizontal scroll position. | |
| | ScrollThumbSize | Specifies the size of the thumb in the scrollbar. | |
| | ScrollToolTip | Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box. | |
| | ScrollWidth | Specifies the width of the vertical scrollbar. | |
| | SelColor | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color used to mark the selected node. | |
| | SelectNode | Specifies the selected node. | |
| | ShadowNode | Specifies whether the node has shadow. | |
| | ShowAddNew | Specifies whether the selected node shows or hides add new buttons. | |
| | ShowAssistants | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the assistant nodes are shown. | |
| | ShowImageList | Specifies whether the control's image list window is visible or hidden. | |
| | ShowLinksDir | Specifies whether links show the direction. | |
| | ShowRoundLink | Specifies whether the round links are shown between parent and child nodes. | |
| | ShowToolTip | Shows the specified tooltip at given position. | |
| | Template | Specifies the control's template. | |
| | TemplateDef | Defines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call. | |
| | TemplatePut | Defines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call. | |
| | ToolTipDelay | Specifies the time in ms that passes before the ToolTip appears. | |
| | ToolTipFont | Retrieves or sets the tooltip's font. | |
| | ToolTipPopDelay | Specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. | |
| | ToolTipWidth | Specifies a value that indicates the width of the tooltip window, in pixels. | |
| | ToTemplate | Generates the control's template. | |
| | Version | Retrieves the control's version. | |
| | VisualAppearance | Retrieves the control's appearance. | |
| | WidthNode | Specifies the maximum width of the nodes captions. | |
| | ZoomHeight | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on vertical axis. | |
| | ZoomHeightMode | Specifies a value that indicates whether the ZoomHeight property is updated when the control is resized. | |
| | ZoomWidth | Gets or sets a value indicating how large the chart will appear on horizontal axis. | |
| | ZoomWidthMode | Specifies a value that indicates whether the ZoomWidth property is updated when the control is resized. | |