property ChartView.ShowLinksDir as Boolean
Specifies whether links show the direction.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the links between nodes show the direction.   
By default, the ShowLinksDir property is False. Use the ShowLinksDir property to show the direction of the links. The LinkTo property adds arbitrary a link between any two nodes. The LinkToCaption property specifies the HTML caption being shown on the links between nodes. The LinkColor property specifies the color of the links between nodes. The ShowLinks property doesn't affect the links added with the LinkTo property. The AntiAliasing property specifies whether the control uses the antialiasing rendering to show the arrows of the links. The ShowRoundLink property specifies whether the round links are shown between parent and child nodes. Currently, the direction of the link is shown only for rectangular links, not for the round links. The PenWidthLink property specifies the thickness of the lines between nodes. Use the PenLink property to specify the type of the pen used to paint the lines between nodes. In case, the arrows of the link are not shown use the IndentSiblingY, IndentSiblingX or IndentChild property to increase the distance between sibling or child nodes. The LinkToShowDir property specifies the whether the links shows its direction . If the ShowLinksDir property is True, you can use the ShowLinkDir property to specify whether the node should show or hide its direction.

The following screen shot shows the links between nodes with no direction:

The following screen shot shows the links between nodes with their direction:

The following screen shot shows the links between nodes with their direction, and ShowRoundLink property on True:

The following screen shot shows the links between nodes with their direction including HTML captions on links: