property ChartView.Background(Part as BackgroundPartEnum) as Color
Returns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.

Part as BackgroundPartEnum A BackgroundPartEnum expression that indicates a part in the control.
Color A Color expression that indicates the background color for a specified part. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color to indicates the identifier of the skin being used. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. If you need to remove the skin appearance from a part of the control you need to reset the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color being applied to the background's part.
The Background property specifies a background color or a visual appearance for specific parts in the control. If the Background property is 0, the control draws the part as default. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control. Use the Remove method to remove a specific skin from the control. Use the Clear method to remove all skins in the control. Use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to maintain performance while init the control. Use the SelColor property to change the visual appearance for the selected node. Use the BackColor property to change the visual appearance for a specified node.

The following VB sample changes the frame for all nodes. The sample applies the "" frame to all nodes.  

With ChartView1
    .VisualAppearance.Add 2, "D:\Temp\ExOrgChart.Help\node.ebn"
    .Background(exNodeFrame) = &H2000000
End Wit

The following C++ sample changes the frame for all nodes:

#include "Appearance.h"
m_chartview.GetVisualAppearance().Add( 2, COleVariant("D:\\Temp\\ExOrgChart.Help\\node.ebn") );
m_chartview.SetBackground( 0, 0x2000000 );

The following VB.NET sample changes the frame for all nodes:

With AxChartView1
    .VisualAppearance.Add(2, "D:\Temp\ExOrgChart.Help\node.ebn")
    .set_Background(EXORGCHARTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exNodeFrame, &H2000000)
End With

The following C# sample changes the frame for all nodes:

axChartView1.VisualAppearance.Add(2, "D:\\Temp\\ExOrgChart.Help\\node.ebn");
axChartView1.set_Background(EXORGCHARTLib.BackgroundPartEnum.exNodeFrame, 0x2000000);

The following VFP sample changes the frame for all nodes:

With thisform.ChartView1
    .VisualAppearance.Add(2, "D:\Temp\ExOrgChart.Help\node.ebn")
    .Background(0) = 33554432

where the 33554432 in hexa is 0x2000000