EXSkinBox(skin based MessageBox control)

Exontrol's new ExSkinBox offers you skinable message and input boxes. A message box is a dialog box that displays a prompt and ends when the user clicks a button. An input box is a dialog box that waits for the user to input text or click a button.

Features of eXSkinBox include:
General information about eXSkinBox product:
Identifier: Exontrol.MsgBox, exontrol.EXSKINBOXLib.MsgBox
Files: exskinbox.dll, exskinbox.ocx, exontrol.exskinbox.dll, exskinbox.net
Available As:
Available since: 20042011
Compatible with: VB, VB.NET, VBA, C++, X++, C#, VFP, VFP Advanced (x64), Access, Delphi, Smalltalk, eDeveloper, xBasic, Dynamics AX, Dynamics NAV, Visual Objects, PowerBuilder, LabVIEW, Power++, FORTH, Progress
Lines of code: 16,811 (14,561 excluding comments and empty lines)
Includes: Objects 1, Functions 24, Events 1, Definitions 2
See Also:
Shortcut links: