FormatGridLinesOptions class (Graph)


new FormatGridLinesOptions()

The FormatGridLinesOptions object defines the configuration options to show the grid lines. The FormatGridLinesOptions type inherits all properties of GridLinesOptions type.

For instance, the "format" option:

categoryAxis: { categories: "x", overviewGridLines: { format: "date(value) format `mmm`", } }
specifies that the overview shows the grid lines from month to month


(static) align :exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum

The align field specifies the flags to display the label between grid lines. The exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum type supports the following flags:
  • exTextAlignTop (0x00), justifies the text to the top of the rectangle
  • exTextAlignLeft (0x00), aligns text to the left
  • exTextAlignCenter (0x01), centers text horizontally in the rectangle
  • exTextAlignRight (0x02), aligns text to the right
  • exTextAlignVCenter (0x04), centers text vertically
  • exTextAlignBottom (0x08), justifies the text to the bottom of the rectangle.
  • exTextAlignMask (0x0F), specifies the mask for text's alignment.
  • exTextWordBreak (0x10), breaks words. Lines are automatically broken between words if a word would extend past the edge of the rectangle specified by the lpRect parameter. A carriage return-line feed sequence also breaks the line. If this is not specified, output is on one line.
  • exTextSingleLine (0x20), displays text on a single line only. Carriage returns and line feeds do not break the line.
  • exTextExpandTabs (0x40), expands tab characters. The default number of characters per tab is eight.
  • exPlainText (0x80), treats the text as plain text.
  • exTextNoClip (0x0100), draws without clipping.
  • exHTMLTextNoColors (0x0200), ignores the and tags.
  • exTextCalcRect (0x0400), determines the width and height of the text.
  • exHTMLTextNoTags (0x0800), ignores all HTML tags.
  • exTextPathEllipsis (0x4000), for displayed text, replaces characters in the middle of the string with ellipses so that the result fits in the specified rectangle. If the string contains backslash (\) characters, exTextPathEllipsis preserves as much as possible of the text after the last backslash.
  • exTextEndEllipsis (0x8000), for displayed text, if the end of a string does not fit in the rectangle, it is truncated and ellipses are added. If a word that is not at the end of the string goes beyond the limits of the rectangle, it is truncated without ellipses.
  • exTextWordEllipsis (0x040000), truncates any word that does not fit in the rectangle and adds ellipses.
  • exontrol.DrawTextFormatEnum

(static) color :string

The color field specifies the color to show the line (accepts a valid CSS color string, including hex and rgb).
  • string
null {null}, indicates a black line
 "transparent" {string}, specifies a transparent line
 "red" {string}, specifies a red line
 "#00FF00" {string}, specifies a green line
 "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, indicates 50% red line

(static) format :string

The format field specifies an expression to define the labels between grid lines. The format-expression supports predefined constants, operators and keywords as explained:
  • "index" keyword defines the index of the category
  • "value" keyword defines the name of the category
The grid-lines are displayed every time the label is changed.
  • string

(static) skip :number

The skip field specifies the number of grid lines to skip.
  • number
null {null}, no grid lines are skipped
 2 {number}, skips the first two grid lines

(static) step :number

The step field defines the step to show the grid lines.
  • number
null {null}, 
 2 {number}, draw the grid lines two by two

(static) style :array

The style field defines the style of the line. An Array of numbers which specify distances to alternately draw a line and a gap. If the number of elements in the array is odd, the elements of the array get copied and concatenated.
  • array
null {null} or [] {array}, defines solid grid lines
 2 {number}, becomes [2, 2, ...]
 [5, 15, 25] {array}, becomes [5, 15, 25, 5, 15, 25, ...]

(static) width :number

The width field specifies the line's width or size (1 by default).
  • number
null {null}, indicates lines of 1-pixel wide
 2 {number}, indicates lines of 2-pixels wide