BackgroundOptions class (Graph)


new BackgroundOptions()

The BackgroundOptions object defines options to show different parts of the control, and it is stored by background option of the Graph.Options

For instance, the seriesColors option:

background: { seriesColors: "red,green,blue" }
changes the seriesColors option of the control to "red,green,blue"


(static) cursorSerieTooltipAlpha :null|number

The cursorSerieTooltipAlpha field is responsible for defining the alpha channel for the standard colors used in the tooltip series. It can either be null or any number between zero (completely transparent) and one (completely opaque). The cursorSerieTooltipBlend field defines a different color for tooltips when the background color is blended with the series default color. The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series.
  • null | number
null {null}, no alpha channel applied on default colors for the chart's series
 0, defines fully transparent colors
 0.5, defines semi-transparent colors
 1, defines fully-opaque colors

(static) cursorSerieTooltipBlend :null|string

The cursorSerieTooltipBlend field defines the color combination for the series tooltip (when the crosshair cursor hovers the charts of the series), which is combined with the series color. The seriesColorsAreaAlpha field is responsible for defining the alpha channel for the standard colors used in the area-type chart series. It can either be null or any number between zero (completely transparent) and one (completely opaque). The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series.
  • null | string
null {null}, no effect (default)
 "white", removes the transparency by combining the white background with the series default color

(static) seriesColors :string|Array.<string>

The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series. The seriesColorsDecrease field defines the default colors for the chart's series (when the value goes down). When all colors are used, new colors are pulled from the start again. Each color can be represented as:
  • Color Keywords, such as "red", "green", "blue", ...
  • RGB, such as "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,255,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)", ...
  • RGBA, such as "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)", "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)", "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)", ...
  • HSL, such as "hsl(240, 100%, 50%)", "hsl(240, 50%, 50%)", "hsl(128, 100%, 50%)", ...
  • HSLA, such as "hsla(240, 25%, 50%, .5)", ...
  • Hexadecimal Color Values, such as "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF" ...
  • string | Array.<string>
null {null}, defines the default colors for the chart's series to "blue,teal,pink,green,yellow,orange,turquoise,purple,brown,olive,violet,lime"
 "rgb(255,0,0,0.5),green,#0000ff" {string}, defines the default colors for the chart's series to "partial-transparent red,green,blue"

(static) seriesColorsAreaAlpha :null|number

The seriesColorsAreaAlpha field is responsible for defining the alpha channel for the standard colors used in the area-type chart series. It can either be null or any number between zero (completely transparent) and one (completely opaque). The seriesColorsAreaBlend field defines a different color for area-type charts when the background color is blended with the series default color. The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series.
  • null | number
null {null}, no alpha channel applied on default colors for the chart's series
 0, defines fully transparent colors
 0.5, defines semi-transparent colors
 1, defines fully-opaque colors

(static) seriesColorsAreaBlend :null|string

The seriesColorsAreaBlend field defines a different color for area-type charts when the background color is blended with the series default color. The seriesColorsAreaAlpha field is responsible for defining the alpha channel for the standard colors used in the area-type chart series. It can either be null or any number between zero (completely transparent) and one (completely opaque). The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series.
  • null | string
null {null}, no effect
 "white", removes the transparency by combining the white background with the series default color

(static) seriesColorsDecrease :string|Array.<string>

The seriesColorsDecrease field defines the default colors for the chart's series (when the value goes down). The seriesColors field defines the default colors for the chart's series. When all colors are used, new colors are pulled from the start again. The seriesColorsAreaAlpha field defines the alpha channel for the default colors of the area-type chart's series. Each color can be represented as:
  • Color Keywords, such as "red", "green", "blue", ...
  • RGB, such as "rgb(255,0,0)", "rgb(0,255,0)", "rgb(0,0,255)", ...
  • RGBA, such as "rgba(255,0,0,0.5)", "rgba(0,255,0,0.5)", "rgba(0,0,255,0.5)", ...
  • HSL, such as "hsl(240, 100%, 50%)", "hsl(240, 50%, 50%)", "hsl(128, 100%, 50%)", ...
  • HSLA, such as "hsla(240, 25%, 50%, .5)", ...
  • Hexadecimal Color Values, such as "#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF" ...
Currently, the seriesColorsDecrease field has effect for the following type of charts:
  • "waterfall" {string}, a waterfall chart is a form of data visualization that helps in understanding the cumulative effect of sequentially introduced positive or negative values. These intermediate values can either be time based or category based. The waterfall chart is also known as a flying bricks chart or Mario chart due to the apparent suspension of columns (bricks) in mid-air. Often in finance, it will be referred to as a bridge. (data requires array of numbers, supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • "candleStick" {string}, a candlestick chart (also called Japanese candlestick chart or K-line) is a style of financial chart used to describe price movements of a security, derivative, or currency. While similar in appearance to a bar chart, each candleStick represents four important pieces of information for that day: open and close in the thick body, and high and low in the "candle wick". Being densely packed with information, it tends to represent trading patterns over short periods of time, often a few days or a few trading sessions. (data requires array of array of four-numbers, such as [[open, high, low and close]], supports vertical field, scrollable)
  • string | Array.<string>
null {null}, defines no different color for the chart's series (when the value goes down)
 "rgb(255,0,0,0.5),green,#0000ff" {string}, defines the default colors for the chart's series to "partial-transparent red,green,blue"

(static) toolTipBackground :string

The toolTipBackground field specifies the tooltip's background color. The toolTipForeground field specifies the tooltip's foreground color.
  • string
null {null}, the tooltip's background is defined by the color of the serie from the point
 "white" {string}, the tooltip's background is white

(static) toolTipForeground :string

The toolTipForeground field specifies the tooltip's foreground color. The toolTipBackground field specifies the tooltip's background color.
  • string
null {null}, the tooltip's foreground is black
 "lightgray" {string}, the tooltip's foreground is lightgray
 "#D8D8D8" {string}, the tooltip's foreground is #D8D8D8