changes and additions for 2004 |
12-21-2004 |
ExMaskEdit, *NEW: Ability to mask a floating point number with digit grouping.
*Added: MaskFloat property. Specifies whether the Mask property masks a floating point number. |
12-16-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: "Split cells" support
*Added: Items.SplitCell property. Splits a cell, and returns the inner created cell.
*Added: Items.UnsplitCell property. Unsplits a cell.
*Added: Items.CellWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the inner cell.
*Added: Items.CellParent property. Retrieves the parent of an inner cell.
*Added: Items.InnerCell property. Retrieves the inner cell.
*Added: SelectColumnInner property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the inner cell that's selected.
*Added: A locked item may host an ActiveX control using the Items.InsertControlItem method.
*Added: VB\Split.Cells sample
*Added: VC\User.Edit sample. Using the exComboBox inside the exGrid.
*Fixed: The cell's check box is not shown on a multiple lines item, if the cell's VAlignment is not exMiddle and the cell's editor is CheckValueType. |
12-14-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *NEW: Ability to link a node with any other nodes.
*Added: Node.LinkTo property. Links the source node with a list of nodes delimited by comma character. |
12-09-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: Sorts by letter drive the "My Computer" folder.
*Added: Expand method expands a folder giving relative path and absolute path as well.
*Added: Option property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates an option for the control. For instance, you can change the date format in the 'Modified' column, and so on. |
12-08-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: "Split cells" support
*Added: Items.SplitCell property. Splits a cell, and returns the inner created cell.
*Added: Items.UnsplitCell property. Unsplits a cell.
*Added: Items.CellWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the inner cell.
*Added: Items.CellParent property. Retrieves the parent of an inner cell.
*Added: Items.InnerCell property. Retrieves the inner cell.
*Added: Group.SelectColumnInner property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the inner cell that's selected.
*Added: Items.SelectPos property. Selects an item by position.
*Added: Ability to select cells when the FullRowSelect property is False, when using the tab, left or right arrow keys. |
12-08-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: "Split cells" support
*Added: Items.SplitCell property. Splits a cell, and returns the inner created cell.
*Added: Items.UnsplitCell property. Unsplits a cell.
*Added: Items.CellWidth property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the inner cell.
*Added: Items.CellParent property. Retrieves the parent of an inner cell.
*Added: Items.InnerCell property. Retrieves the inner cell.
*Added: SelectColumnInner property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the inner cell that's selected.
*Added: Items.SelectPos property. Selects an item by position.
*Added: Ability to select cells when the FullRowSelect property is False, when using the tab, left or right arrow keys.
*Added: VB\Split.Cells sample |
12-01-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *Added: Cursor property. Specifies the mouse pointer that control diplays when the cursor hovers parts of the control.
*Added: Copy method. Copies the control's content to the clipboard, in EMF format.
*Added: PenWidthLink property. Specifies the width of the links between nodes. |
11-28-2004 |
ExList, *NEW: Merging cells support ( "Merge cells" support )
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Aligns the cell's icon(s), picture and check box to top or bottom of the cell, if Items.CellVAlignment property is set. |
11-24-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: "Merge cells" support
*NEW: Locked/fixed rows/items support.
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Items.MergeCells method. Merges a list of cells.
*Added: Items.UnmergeCells method. Unmerges a list of cells.
*Added: ShowLockedItems property. Shows or hides the locked items.
*Added: Items.LockedItemCount property. Specifies the number of items fixed on the top or bottom side of the control.
*Added: Items.LockedItem property. Retrieves the handle of the locked item.
*Added: Items.IsItemLocked property. Returns a value that indicates whether the item is locked or unlocked.
*Added: Draws the grid lines in the print preview.
*Added: Removes the searching column mark from the print preview.
*Added: Aligns the tree lines to the cell based on its vertical alignment ( Items.CellVAlignment ).
*Fixed: Aligns the cell's icon(s), picture and check box to top or bottom of the cell, if Items.CellVAlignment property is set. |
11-23-2004 |
ExFileView, *NEW: CheckBox Support ( two or three states check box, partial check box )
*Added: HasCheckBox property. Specifies whether the control displays a check box for each item.
*Added: Get( CheckItems ) property. Retrieves a collection of checked files and folders.
*Added: File.Checked property. Specifies whether a file is checked or unchecked.
*Fixed: Right click fires OLEStartDrag event if the OLEDropMode property is
OLEDropManual. |
11-22-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Locked/fixed rows/items support.
*NEW: Merging cells support ( "Merge cells" support )
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Items.MergeCells method. Merges a list of cells.
*Added: Items.UnmergeCells method. Unmerges a list of cells.
*Added: ShowLockedItems property. Shows or hides the locked items.
*Added: Items.LockedItemCount property. Specifies the number of items fixed on the top or bottom side of the control.
*Added: Items.LockedItem property. Retrieves the handle of the locked item.
*Added: Items.IsItemLocked property. Returns a value that indicates whether the item is locked or unlocked. |
11-22-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Merging cells support ( "Merge cells" support )
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Items.MergeCells method. Merges a list of cells.
*Added: Items.UnmergeCells method. Unmerges a list of cells. |
11-22-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Merging cells support ( "Merge cells" support )
*Added: Items.CellMerge property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the index of the cell that's merged to.
*Added: Items.MergeCells method. Merges a list of cells.
*Added: Items.UnmergeCells method. Unmerges a list of cells.
*Added: VB\Merge.Cells sample |
11-18-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Locked/fixed rows/items support.
*NEW: Divider items support
*Added: Items.ItemDivider property. Specifies whether the item acts like a divider item. The value indicates the index of column used to define the divider's title.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLine property. Defines the type of line in the divider item.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLineAlignment. Specifies the alignment of the line in the divider item.
*Added: ShowLockedItems property. Shows or hides the locked items.
*Added: Items.LockedItemCount property. Specifies the number of items fixed on the top or bottom side of the control.
*Added: Items.LockedItem property. Retrieves the handle of the locked item.
*Added: Items.IsItemLocked property. Returns a value that indicates whether the item is locked or unlocked.
*Added: Scroll's the control's content if the focused group can't be scrolled. |
11-17-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Ability to hide the drop down button when control loses the focus.
*Added: HideDropDownButton property. Returns a value that determines whether the drop down button is visible or hidden when the control loses the focus.
*Added: Aligns the cell's icon(s), picture and check box to top or bottom of the cell, if Items.CellVAlignment property is set.
*Added: Aligns the tree lines to the cell based on its vertical alignment ( Items.CellVAlignment ). |
11-16-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Locked/fixed rows/items support.
*NEW: Divider items support
*Added: Items.ItemDivider property. Specifies whether the item acts like a divider item. The value indicates the index of column used to define the divider's title.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLine property. Defines the type of line in the divider item.
*Added: Items.ItemDividerLineAlignment. Specifies the alignment of the line in the divider item.
*Added: ShowLockedItems property. Shows or hides the locked items.
*Added: Items.LockedItemCount property. Specifies the number of items fixed on the top or bottom side of the control.
*Added: Items.LockedItem property. Retrieves the handle of the locked item.
*Added: Items.IsItemLocked property. Returns a value that indicates whether the item is locked or unlocked.
*Added: Aligns the cell's icon(s), picture and check box to top or bottom of the cell, if Items.CellVAlignment property is set.
*Added: Aligns the tree lines to the cell based on its vertical alignment ( Items.CellVAlignment ). |
11-09-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *NEW: ExpandBar support
*Added: ExpandBarVisible property. Specifies whether the control's expand bar is visible or hidden.
*Added: HitTestEnum.exHTExpandBar. On the control's expand bar |
11-09-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: IndexItemsCollection property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the base index when control enumerates the items in the collection
*Fixed: Draws the font name using the control's font.
*Fixed: Centers vertically the editor based on the control's font. |
11-08-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-08-2004 |
ExSkinBox, *Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-08-2004 |
ExTab, *Added: VB\UNICODE
sample |
11-07-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: ColumnCaption property. Specifies the column's caption.
*Added: Ignoring the & characters when calling the ExecuteContextMenu method.
*Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-05-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: CloseOnEnum.exClick value. The ActiveX sub menu is closed when the user presses any of the mouse buttons.
*Added: CloseOnEnum.exDblClick value. The ActiveX sub menu is closed when the user double clicks any of the mouse buttons.
*Fixed: Misc Active/X hosting.
*Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-05-2004 |
ExRolList, *Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-04-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *Added: VB\UNICODE sample |
11-03-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: Cursor property. Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse pointer hovers portions of the control.
*Added: Select the crlf sequence too when user releases the mouse's button on the control's bookmark, line number header. |
11-03-2004 |
ExMaskEdit, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ). |
11-01-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key.
*Added: Avoids drawing the grid lines in the control's label if Style property is DropDownList.
*Fixed: Refreshes the control's label when changing the item's checkbox state. |
11-01-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: Group.BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: Group.PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: Group.PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key. |
10-31-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Multiple.Levels.Header sample |
10-30-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key.
*Added: Draws the check box item in a drop down check list editor as CheckImage property indicates.
*Added: VB\Multiple.Levels.Header sample
*Added: VB\HTML\MSHTML sample |
10-30-2004 |
ExList, *NEW: Multiple Levels Header support.
*Added: Column.LevelKey property. Specifies the key that identifies the column's level.
*Added: BackColorLevelHeader property. Specifies the multiple levels header's background color.
*Added: PictureLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control's header when multiple levels is on.
*Added: PictureDisplayLevelHeader property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's header background.
*Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: Filters the unformated value of the cell if it belongs to a column that has FilterType property on exNumeric.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key.
*Added: Multiple.Levels.Header sample |
10-28-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: Column.Def property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the default value of given properties for all cells in the same column.
*Added: ExpandOnKeys property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the control expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys.
*Added: ScrollPos property. Specifies the control's scroll position.
*Added: Keeps the Column.FilterType on exNumeric when the ClearFilter method is called.
*Added: Closing the drop down filter window editor when user releases the ENTER or ESCAPE key. |
10-25-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: ExpandOnKeys property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the control expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys.
*Added: ScrollPos property. Specifies the control's scroll position.
*Added: Keeps the Column.FilterType on exNumeric when ClearFilter method is called.
*Added: Filters the unformated value of the cell if it belongs to a column that has FilterType property on exNumeric.
*Added: If the Items.CellSingleLine is False, and the user reduces the column near to zero, the cell's caption is ignored in the row calculation. |
10-25-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *Added: Displays the week number compatible with ISO8601 format, in a DateType editor. |
10-25-2004 |
ExRolList, *Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference. |
10-25-2004 |
ExSkinBox, *Added: Ability to use transparent skins. |
10-19-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: Ability to expand a folder by its name or its path as well.
*Added: Update automatically the control's content when changes occurs recursively on the browsed directory.
*Fixed: On Windows ME, the folders does't display + sign if they contain sub folders. |
10-18-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval.
*Added: Group.ExpandOnKeys property. Specifies a value that indicates whether the control expands or collapses a node when user presses arrow keys. |
10-14-2004 |
ExFileView, *NEW: Ability to browse the desktop virtual folder.
*Added: hWnd property. Returns the handle of the control.
*Added: FileFromPoint property. Gets the file from the cursor.
*Added: IncludeFilesInFolder property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control includes files when expanding a folder.
*Added: If the ExplorerFromHere property is "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" the control explores the desktop folder. |
10-13-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. |
10-13-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval.
*Fixed: When multiple selection is on, the selection is cleared if the dragging rectangle is empty.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. |
10-13-2004 |
ExList, *NEW: Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval. |
10-12-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Ability to filter items giving numerical rules like >, < =, and so on.
*Added: FilterType.exNumeric type. Specifies that the filter may include numerical operations to filter items between an interval.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. |
10-11-2004 |
ExFileView, *Fixed: When multiple selection is on, the selection is cleared if the dragging rectangle is empty. |
10-11-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference. |
10-08-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: CTRL + Backspace to delete a word to the left of the cursor.
*Added: CTRL + Delete to delete a word to the right of the cursor
*Added: The CaretPos property gets the position limited by the number of characters in the caret line. |
10-08-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: Menu.Width property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the width of the menu.
*Fixed: The order of OpenPopup, Select, ClosePopup events is OpenPopup, ClosePopup, Select when using the keyboard. |
10-06-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: Validates the property's value when its drop down editor loses the focus.
*Fixed: The EditChange event is fired when the edit starts. |
10-04-2004 |
ExButton, *Added: Initializes the TooltipText property in design mode.
*Fixed: The control fails when an external library destroys the control's form. |
10-04-2004 |
ExListBar, *Added: Support for ALT keys.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference. |
10-01-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: Expand method. Expands or selects a folder giving its path.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. |
10-01-2004 |
ExList, *Added: Prints the entire list when virtual mode is running.
*Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Fixed: Adjusts the item's height in the drop down filter window, proportionally with the control's font. |
10-01-2004 |
ExSkin, *Added: Enables the Maximize, Minimize items in the form's system menu, if the skin contains HTMINBUTTON and HTMAXBUTTON buttons.
*Fixed: The 'Close' button doesn't work on MS Access popup forms.
*Fixed: Memory leaks when using transparent objects in the skin. |
09-27-2004 |
ExPopupMenu, *Added: PopupMenu.Font property. Specifies the control's font.
*Added: Displays pictures with their size using the MenuButton.Picture property. |
09-24-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: Ability to change the captions in the control's default context menu.
*Added: DialogEnum.exContextMenu value. Indicates the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextUndo. Specifies the Undo caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextRedo. Specifies the Redo caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextCut. Specifies the Cut caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextCopy. Specifies the Copy caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextPaste. Specifies the Paste caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextDelete. Specifies the Delete caption in the control's context menu.
*Added: FieldDialogEnum.exContextSelectAll. Specifies the Select All caption in the control's context menu. |
09-22-2004 |
ExCalendar, *Added: The SelBackColor property specifies the background color for selected item in the drop down months list.
*Added: The SelForeColor property specifies the foreground color for selected item in the drop down months list.
*Added: Assigns the control's font to the drop down months list too, for UNICODE version.
*Added: Changes the focus date when user selects a date by code. |
09-21-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *Added: Aligns the vertical link lines when nodes have different widths.
*Fixed: Sometimes the control includes a larger border on the left side. |
09-16-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: Support for case or non-case sensitive expressions.
*Added: CaseSensitive parameter of KeywordSensitiveEnum type to the AddExpression(Start As String, Expression As String, End As String, [MultipleLines], [CaseSensitive]) method
*Added: Increases the number of characters that Template page's edit control allows.
*Added: Moves the cursor to the beginning of the selected text, if the left arrow is pressed.
*Added: Moves the cursor to the end of the selected text, if the right arrow is pressed.
*Fixed: The caret of the edit control is hidden if the Font property is changed. |
09-15-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: ALT key support.
*Added: The KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events passed by reference.
*Added: The KeyAscii parameter of KeyPress event passed by reference.
*Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Fixed: Hides the item's grid line if the height of the item is 0 |
09-14-2004 |
ExEditors, *Fixed: In a date type editor, some dates can't display the first day of the month, if the first day of the week is Monday. |
09-13-2004 |
ExComboBox, *Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Added: Resizes the column when user dbl clicks the area between two columns.
*Fixed: Updates the focus edit control if the SearchColumnIndex property is changed, and SingleEdit property is False.
*Fixed: Changes the focus item control's filter is applied. |
09-11-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Column.FilterList as FilterListEnum property. Specifies whether the drop down filter list includes visible or all items.
*Added: Selecting items when user clicks a non text area and presses the SHIFT key, while FullRowSelect property is True, and SingleSel property is False.
*Added: Editor.Option( exDateWeeksHeader ). Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the weeks header is visible or hidden in a drop down date editor.
*Added: Displays the week number compatible with ISO8601 format, in a DateType editor.
*Added: Prints the entire list when virtual mode is running.
*Added: ExPrint
*Fixed: In a DateType editor, some dates can't display the first day of the month, if the first day of the week is Monday.
*Fixed: The KeyDown, KeyUp events pass ENTER key by value, not by reference.
*Fixed: The LayoutChanged event is not fired when user dbl clicks the area between two columns. |
09-08-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *Added: Sample\VC\Virtual.MS.Load.XML sample. Loads XML files using threads, without hanging the UI. |
09-07-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *Added: Editor.Option( exDateWeeksHeader ). Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the weeks header is visible or hidden in a drop down date editor.
*Fixed: The KeyDown, KeyUp events pass ENTER key by value, not by reference. |
09-03-2004 |
ExList, *Added: ExPrint ver.
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property gets the list of values being filtered separated by ',' instead '|' character, when Column.FilterType is exPattern.
*Fixed: Resizes multiple columns when user double clicks the area between two columns. |
09-03-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Ability to use custom size pictures to groups or items.
*Added: Group.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object. |
09-02-2004 |
ExListBar, *NEW: Ability to use custom size pictures to groups or items.
*Added: Group.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object.
*Added: Item.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object. |
09-02-2004 |
ExplorerBar, *NEW: Ability to use custom size pictures to groups or items.
*Added: Group.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object.
*Added: Item.Image property of VARIANT type. A long expression that indicates the index of icon being used, a string expression that indicates the base64 encoded string that holds a picture object, a Picture object. |
08-31-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: Selects an item using the ALT + key, if the key preceded by a underscore character.
*Fixed: The choose color dialog is not shown when clicking the foreground or background buttons in the menu's designer. |
08-21-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Calculator editor type
*Added: EditTypeEnum.CalculatorType editor. Provides calculator features to a node.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcExecuteKeys) property. Specifies whether the calculator editor executes the keys while focused and the drop down portion is hidden.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) property. Specifies the message whether a division by zero occurs in a calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtonWidth) property. Specifies the width of the buttons in the calculator editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtonHeight) property. Specifies the height of the buttons in the calculator editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtons) property. Specifies buttons in a calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcPictureUp) property. Specifies the picture when the button is up in a drop down calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcPictureDown) property. Specifies the picture when the button is down in a drop down calendar editor.
*Added: The exHTCellIcon value gets the index of the icon being clicked in the high word ( (HitTestInfo And &HFFFF0000) / 65536 )
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property gets the list of values being filtered separated by ',' instead '|' character, when Column.FilterType is exPattern. |
08-20-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Fixed: Changes the focus item when the control's filter is applied. |
08-19-2004 |
EXMLGrid, *NEW: Calculator editor type
*Added: EditTypeEnum.CalculatorType editor. Provides calculator features to a node.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcExecuteKeys) property. Specifies whether the calculator editor executes the keys while focused and the drop down portion is hidden.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcCannotDivideByZero) property. Specifies the message whether a division by zero occurs in a calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtonWidth) property. Specifies the width of the buttons in the calculator editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtonHeight) property. Specifies the height of the buttons in the calculator editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcButtons) property. Specifies buttons in a calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcPictureUp) property. Specifies the picture when the button is up in a drop down calendar editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exCalcPictureDown) property. Specifies the picture when the button is down in a drop down calendar editor. |
08-16-2004 |
ExCalc, *Initial Release |
08-16-2004 |
ExComboBox, *Added: The exHTCellIcon value gets the index of the icon being clicked in the high word ( (HitTestInfo And &HFFFF0000) / 65536 )
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property gets the list of values being filtered separated by ',' instead '|' character, when Column.FilterType is exPattern.
*Fixed: Aligns the caption of the control's edit when large font is used. |
08-14-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: Option property. Specifies an option for the editor. Ability to change the calendar's 'Today' caption, names of the months and so on.
*Added: Ability to move the edit's cursor inside a EditDate editor.
*Fixed: If the string is empty, the drop down calender shows invalid data.
*Fixed: Updates the calendar drop down window while user types characters in the edit portion. |
08-11-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Added: The exHTCellIcon value gets the index of the icon being clicked in the high word ( (HitTestInfo And &HFFFF0000) / 65536 )
*Fixed: The Column.Filter property gets the list of values being filtered separated by ',' instead '|' character, when Column.FilterType is exPattern. |
08-02-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Items.ItemFiltered property. Checks whether the item is included in the control's filter.
*Fixed: The CheckValueType editor is not read only, if the ReadOnly property is True.
*Fixed: Finds the items as they are sorted while the user types characters into a PickEditType editor. |
08-02-2004 |
ExListBar, *Added: Ability to load images collection from a BASE64 encoded string, using the Images method.
*Fixed: The Click event is never fired. |
08-02-2004 |
ExplorerBar, *Added: Ability to load images collection from a BASE64 encoded string, using the Images method.
*Fixed: The Click event is never fired. |
07-12-2004 |
ExButton, *Added: Handling the ALT (hot) keys.
*Fixed: Firing the Click event before firing the MouseUp event, |
07-11-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: SelectOn property. Specifies whether the control selects an item when user presses or releases the mouse button.
*Added: Avoids selecting an item if the user clicks the item's edit area.
*Fixed: The ID parameter is ignored when adding a new separator using the Menu.Add method. |
07-09-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: OLE Drag and Drop support.
*Added: OLEDropMode property. Returns or sets how a target component handles drop operations.
*Added: OLEStartDrag event. Occurs when the OLEDrag method is called.
*Added: OLEDragDrop event. Occurs when a source component is dropped onto a target component when the source component determines that a drop can occur.
*Added: OLEDragOver event. Occurs when one component is dragged over another.
*Added: OLEGiveFeedback event. Allows the drag source to specify the type of OLE drag-and-drop operation and the visual feedback.
*Added: OLESetData event. Occurs on a drag source when a drop target calls the GetData method and there is no data in a specified format in the OLE drag-and-drop DataObject.
*Added: OLECompleteDrag event. Occurs when a source component is dropped onto a target component, informing the source component that a drag action was either performed or canceled.
*Added: Filename property. Specifies the name of the file being loaded or saved.
*Added: Clears the selection when user presses the ESC key.
*Added: VB\DragDrop sample |
07-07-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: CaretPosX property. Retrieves the x coordinate of the caret in pixels, relative to the control's client area.
*Added: CaretPosY property. Retrieves the y coordinate of the caret in pixels, relative to the control's client area.
*Added: FocusPane property. Specifies the index of the pane that has the focus.
*Added: hWndPane property. Gets the window handle of the control's pane.
*Fixed: System commands are ignored when user presses hot keys. |
07-05-2004 |
EXMLGrid, * Initial Release |
07-04-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to display vertically the column's header.
*Added: Column.HeaderVertical property. Specifies whether the column's header is vertically displayed.
*Added: Allows divider items being editable
*Added: Handling the ALT (hot) keys.
*Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Added: IOwnerDrawHandler.DrawCellBk method. The source erases the cell's background. |
07-03-2004 |
ExList, *Added: Passing the KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress events by reference.
*Fixed: Small correction when the column's header is vertically displayed. |
07-02-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *Added: Ability to assign a key at runtime for an assistant node.
*Added: Passing the KeyCode parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp, KeyPress events by reference.
*Added: Handling the ALT (hot) keys. |
07-01-2004 |
ExComboBox, *Added: BackColorEdit property. Specifies the background color for the control's edit control.
*Added: ForeColorEdit property. Specifies the background color for the control's edit control.
*Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters. |
06-29-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: Handling the ALT (hot) keys.
*Fixed: GUI resources leaks when Refresh method is called multiple times. |
06-28-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: Handling the ALT (Hot) keys.
*Fixed: Sometime, if the user selects text from bottom to top the selection is lost after indenting the text using the TAB key. |
06-21-2004 |
ExFileView, *NEW: Background picture support.
*Added: Picture property. Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control.
*Added: PictureDisplay property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the control's background
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. |
06-14-2004 |
ExList, *Added: Items.ItemMaxHeight property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the maximum height when the item's height is variable.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters.
*Fixed: OLE Drag and Drop is initiated when clicking the cell's button ( CellHasButton property ) |
06-10-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: MarkTooltipCellsImage property. Specifies a value that indicates the index of icon being displayed in the cells that have tooltips.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters.
*Fixed: Increasing the speed of scrolling control's content when BackColorAlternate property not zero. |
06-04-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DefaultItemHeight property can be called before adding items to the control, at runtime. |
06-03-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: Reducing the number of GDI objects when using multiple instances in the same process.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateToday. Specifies the caption for 'Today' button inside the date filter window.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateMonths. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of months should be delimited by space characters.
*Added: DescriptionEnum.exFilterBarDateWeekDays. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a date filter window. The list of shortcut for the weekdays should be delimited by space characters. |
06-02-2004 |
ExChange, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VBA, the Visible property destroys the control. |
05-28-2004 |
ExCalendar, *Added: CalendarCombo.Value property. Specifies the selected date.
*Added: Calendar.Value property. Specifies the selected date.
*Added: Ability to load control's properties in HTML pages.
*Fixed: Resizing the control in design mode on Microsoft Front Page fails.
*Fixed: Event.UserData gets data by reference. |
05-27-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: IndentSel( Forward ). Indents the selection.
*Added: IndentOnTab property. Enables or disables identation of the multiple lines selection when user presses the TAB key.
*Added: RClick property. Specifies whether the control's cursor is placed at the mouse position when user right clicks the control.
*Added: ExPrint ver. |
05-26-2004 |
ExPrint, *Added: ItemCaption property. Specifies a value that indicates the caption for specified item. |
05-26-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: Scrolls the menu using the keyboard.
*Added: Selects the entire text inside an edit control while it gains the focus.
*Fixed: F1, ... , F12 keys calls Select event, if there are mnemonics with the same character code as F1, ... F12 keys. |
05-24-2004 |
ExButton, *Added: Improving the loading of multiple buttons of the same style
*Added: Reducing the number of GDI objects that the control uses when multiple instances are in the same process. |
05-21-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: Reducing the number of GDI objects when using multiple instances in the same process.
*Fixed: OLE Drag and Drop is initiated when clicking the cell's button ( CellHasButton property ) |
05-17-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Editor.Option( exDecimalSymbol ) property. Specifies the symbol that indicates the decimal values while editing a floating point number.
*Added: Includes the cell's picture ( CellPicture ) to the cell's button if the CellHasButton property is True, and CellButtonAutoWidth property is False.
*Added: Items.RemoveItem, Items.RemoveAllItems method is safe to be called during an event.
*Fixed: Sometimes a drop down type editor requires clicking twice on drop down button to open the drop down portion of the editor.
*Fixed: Parts of selected item is not highlighted if the HideSelection is true, FullRowSelect is true, when an editor is visible and focused.
*Fixed: Avoid painting the underlined char if the tooltip's title contains & character.
*Fixed: Generates the ButtonClick event after the MouseDown event, not before the MouseDown event. |
05-13-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: HitTestEnum parameter of HitTestInfoEnum type to Group.ItemFromPoint property. The HitTestEnum expression specifies the hit test code within the cell. |
05-12-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: Activates the item that contains an edit box using the shortcut key, instead selecting it.
*Added: Allows using the shortcut keys when multiple controls is on the same form.
*Fixed: Disables activating an item using its shortcut key, when the form is not active.
*Fixed: Avoids using the shortcuts while the control is hidden. |
05-03-2004 |
ExPrint, *Added: UNICODE support |
04-30-2004 |
ExButton, *NEW: Ability to display the hierarchy of objects that composes a skin in the control's WYSWYG designer. |
04-30-2004 |
ExSkin, *NEW: Ability to display the hierarchy of objects that composes a skin in the control's WYSWYG designer. |
04-30-2004 |
ExTab, *NEW: Ability to display the hierarchy of objects that composes a skin in the control's WYSWYG designer. |
04-29-2004 |
ExRolList, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ). |
04-27-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: Splitter support.
*Added: SplitterChange event. Occurs when the user splits the control.
*Added: AllowSplitter property. Specifies whether the control's splitter is visible or hidden.
*Added: SplitPaneWidth property. Specifies a value that indicates the height in pixels of the top pane(s) when splitting.
*Added: SplitPaneHeight property. Specifies a value that indicates the height in pixels of the top pane(s) when splitting. |
04-26-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: SelectLine method. Selects a line by code.
*Added: ID_CODE_COMPLETION code to call control's context list by code.
*Added: Fits the drop down context window to the screen.
*Fixed: Scrolls the control's content to the first line, after vertical scroll bar is removed. |
04-21-2004 |
ExButton, *Added: StateChange event. Occurs when the button's state is changing.
*Added: Initializes the exDisabled state with the exNormal state.
*Added: Inheriting the form's font at init time.
*Fixed: Calling Skin and FocusSkin methods fail if the File parameter is NULL value.
*Fixed: The control fails, if the user calls Unload Me, during Click event |
04-19-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to edit data using sliders ( new type of editor ).
*Added: EditType.SliderType type. Assigns a slider editor to a cell.
*Added: Editor.Option(exSliderWidth) property. Specifies the width in pixels of the slider control.
*Added: Editor.Option(exSliderStep) property. Specifies a value that represents the proposed change in the slider control's position.
*Added: Editor.Option(exSliderMin) property. Specifies the slider's minimum value.
*Added: Editor.Option(exSliderMax) property. Specifies the slider's maximum value.
*Added: Editor.Option(exKeepSelBackColor) property. Keeps the selection background color while the editor is visible. |
04-19-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: Indent property. Retrieves or sets the amount, in pixels, that child items are indented relative to their parent items.
*Added: AutoIndent property. Specifies a value that indicates whether child items are automatically indented.
*Added: EditTypeEnum.Label type. Similar with a ReadOnly property, but it looks not grayed.
*Added: Property.Enabled property. Enables or disables a property. The property is locked, and looks grayed.
*Added: Property.Bold property. Specifies a value that indicates whether a property appears as bold.
*Added: Dbl click on the property's value that contains child items, and an associated page opens the page, instead expanding or collapsing the property. |
04-15-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to edit floating point numbers using intelligent user input filtering.
*Added: Editor.Numeric property. Specifies whether the editor enables numeric values only.
*Added: Editor.Option(exSpinStep) propery. Specifies the proposed change when user clicks a spin control.
*Added: !Source parameter of IDispatch* type to ItemsCount method of IUnboundHandler interface.
*Added: Ability to scroll the drop down list editor while it is closed, using the mouse wheel, exAutoDropDownList must be 1.
*Added: HitTestEnum parameter of HitTestInfoEnum type to ItemFromPoint property. The HitTestEnum expression specifies the hit test code within the cell.
*Added: Hide the focus rectangle when the control loses the focus, valid only if the ShowFocusRect property is True.
*Fixed: Sometimes, if the control contains items with different heights, the Items.EnsureVisibleItem method works improperly. |
04-15-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *NEW: Ability to assign a slider control to a property.
*NEW: Ability to edit floating point numbers using intelligent user input filtering.
*Added: DisplayColorAs property. Specifies how the properties of color type are displayed.
*Added: Property.SliderWidth property. Specifies width of the property's slider.
*Added: Property.SliderMin property. Specifies the slider's minimum value.
*Added: Property.SliderMax property. Specifies the slider's maximum value.
*Added: Property.SliderStep property. Specifies a value that represents the proposed change in the slider control's position.
*Added: Property.EditType property. Specifies the type of the property's editor.
*Added: Property.SpinStep property. Specifies the proposed change when a spin control is clicked.
*Added: Property.NumericFloat property. Specifies whether the property hosts a float value.
*Added: Updates the edit box value as proposed in the PropertyChange event while user changes the property's value using the spin control.
*Added: Firing the PropertyChange event only if the edit box is visible and modified. |
04-15-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Ability to use custom images for +/- signs on the parent items.
*Added: ExpandButtonEnum.exCustom. Specifies whether the control displays custom +/- signs for parent items.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom( Expanded ) property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
*Added: HitTestEnum parameter of HitTestInfoEnum type to ItemFromPoint property. The HitTestEnum expression specifies the hit test code within the cell. |
04-13-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Ability to use custom icons for +/- signs for the parent items.
*Added: !Source parameter of IDispatch* type to ItemsCount method of IUnboundHandler interface.
*Added: ExpandButtonEnum.exCustom. Specifies whether the control displays custom +/- signs for parent items.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom( Expanded ) property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
*Added: HitTestEnum parameter of HitTestInfoEnum type to ItemFromPoint property. The HitTestEnum expression specifies the hit test code within the cell.
*Added: Column.EditAlignment property. Aligns the caption in the column's edit control. |
04-06-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: DrawGridLines property. Returns or sets a value that determines whether lines are drawn between rows, or unpopulated areas.
*Added: LineNumberFont property. Specifies the font for the line number bar.
*Added: KeyAscii parameter of KeyDown, KeyUp events by reference. |
04-02-2004 |
ExList, *Added: !Source parameter of IDispatch* type to ItemsCount method of IUnboundHandler interface.
*Added: Resize the edit control to the left while editing a right aligned cell.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview.
*Fixed: The cell's HTML caption is vertically centered if the height of the cell's caption is less than item's height, no matter if the Items.CellVAlignment property is set. |
04-02-2004 |
ExplorerBar, *Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VFP environment the control gains the focus, if it is hosted by a PageFrame control. |
04-01-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: Ability to paint the positions of expressions in text beside the control's vertical scroll bar
*Added: The Refresh method updates all lines starting from the top line, not from the first visible line.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the line is not properly parsed if it contains more than a single multiple lines expressions.
*Fixed: Refresh method updates the control starting from the first line. |
03-30-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to use incremental searching for collapsed items too.
*NEW: Ability to use custom icons for +/- signs for the parent items.
*Added: ExpandOnSearch property. Expands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exExpandOnSearch. Expands items while user types characters into a drop down editor.
*Added: EditorOptionEnum.exAutoSearch. Specifies the kind of searching while user types characters within the drop down editor.
*Added: ExpandButtonEnum.exCustom. Specifies whether the control displays custom +/- signs for parent items.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom( Expanded ) property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
*Added: Paints a focused rectangle around the CheckValueType editor, if the ShowFocusRect property is True.
*Added: Support for mouse wheel inside a drop down list editor.
*Fixed: In the UNICODE version, uses the control's UNICODE font for the drop down list editor, instead using the Arial font.
*Fixed: Adjusts the position of the editor when control is scrolling. |
03-27-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *NEW: Ability to expand or collapse nodes.
*Added: Expand event. Notifies your application that a node is expanded or collapsed.
*Added: HasButtons property. Specifies whether a parent node displays +/- buttons if it contains child nodes.
*Added: HasButtonsCustom property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom.
*Added: ButtonsAlign property. Specifies the alignment of the +/- buttons.
*Added: ExpandOnDblClk property. Expands or collapses a node when user dbl clicks the node.
*Added: Node.Expanded property. Sets or returns whether a node in the hierarchy is expanded.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. |
03-26-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: EditTypeEnum.EditCheck type. Adds a checkbox for boolean type entries.
*Added: EditTypeEnum.EditButton type. Adds a button and a text box control to a cell.
*Added: EditOnKey property. Customizes the F4 key that enables editing the cells using the keys.
*Fixed: The property's editor is disabled, if the EditOnSelect property is True, and the user double clicks a property of Edit type. |
03-25-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Ability to use incremental searching for collapsed items too.
*NEW: Ability to use custom icons for +/- signs for the parent items.
*Added: Group.ExpandOnSearch property. Expands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
*Added: ExpandButtonEnum.exCustom. Specifies whether the control displays custom +/- signs for parent items.
*Added: Group.HasButtonsCustom( Expanded ) property. Specifies the index of icons for +/- signs when the HasButtons property is exCustom. |
03-24-2004 |
ExComboBox, *Added: ExpandOnSearch property. Expands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview.
*Fixed: In VBA, the Visible property destroys the control. |
03-23-2004 |
ExMenu, *NEW: Avoid displaying partially menus, when popup menu exceeds the right margin of the screen,
*NEW: Ability to scroll the menu bar, instead using the chevron.
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: AllowChevron property of ChevronEnum type. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control programatically displays the chevron or the scroll.
*Added: ScrollImage( Left ) property specifies the index of icon being used to display the left and right scrolling items.
*Added: ItemHeight(Appearance) property. Specifies the item's height.
*Fixed: The ID parameter of the Menu.Add method is ignored for EXMENULibCtl.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu, or EXMENULibCtl.ItemTypeEnum.SubControl types.
*Fixed: The ampersand assigned for a shortcut shows and the underline disappears, for a disabled item
*Fixed: When using the .AllowEdit property, you may not use any underline shortcuts on the same menu, because another item is activated. |
03-23-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Ability to use incremental searching for collapsed items too.
*Added: ExpandOnSearch property. Expands items automatically while user types characters to search for a specific item.
*Added: Resize the edit control to the left while editing a right aligned cell.
*Added: Scroll( Type, ScrollTo ) method. Scrolls the control's content.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. |
03-21-2004 |
ExCalendar, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: Fits the control's tooltip window to the visible area of the monitor who owns the window
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. |
03-21-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in exPrint print preview. |
03-19-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: EditOpen event. Occurs when edit operation starts.
*Added: EditClose event. Occurs when edit operation ends.
*Added: Editor.AddButton method. Assigns a shortcut key to a button to let users simulate clicking the editor's button by pressing a shortcut key.
*Added: The Items.CellImage, Items.CellImages icons look disabled if the cell is disabled. The Items.CellPicture doesn't look as disabled if the cell is disabled.
*Added: The 16x16 icons look larger in the exPrint print preview. Make sure that the icons have only 16x16 configurations when printing using the exPrint component. |
03-19-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Scroll( Type, ScrollTo ) method. Scrolls the control's content.
*Added: Items.HasCellEditor method. Specifies whether a cell has already a built-in editor.
*Added: Items.IsItemVisible( Item, [Partially] ) property. Specifies whether an item fits the control's client area.
*Added: Editor.DropDown method. Shows the drop down portion of the editor.
*Added: Editor.ItemToolTip property. Gets or sets the text displayed when the mouse pointer hovers over a predefined item.
*Added: Use left, right arrows to navigate through custom editors in the same item.
*Added: Editor.Option( exAutoDropDown ) property. Automatically show the drop down list when user starts typing characters.
*Fixed: The KeyDown event is fired twice when user presses one of the arrow keys inside an opened editor.
*Fixed: The Items.RemoveAllItems method doesn't fire the RemoveItem event.
*Fixed: Reduce flickering when inserting user editor ActiveX control inside the SelectionChanged event.
*Fixed: Reducing the number of GDI objects used by a custom DropDownList editor. |
03-17-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Fixed: The Group.Items.RemoveAllItems doesn't fire the RemoveItem event for each item removed. |
03-14-2004 |
ExPopupMenu, *Added: The X and Y coordinates of the PopupMenu.Show method are relative to the screen.
*Fixed: On .NET, the popup menu shows up on design mode, if the user clicks the control's icon. |
03-11-2004 |
ExPrint, *Fixed: Calling the DoPrint method with ShowUI on False waits indefinitely to print the current object. |
03-11-2004 |
ExSkinBox, * Initial Release |
03-10-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Fits the control's tooltip window to the visible area of the monitor who owns the window.
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Fixed: The cell's button width is not the whole cell, if the CellButtonAutoWidth property is false, and the cell's alignment is different than LeftAlignment
*Fixed: If the HideSelection property is True, the control doesn't validate the control's client area if the control gains the focus.
*Fixed: Sometimes, the Edit event is fired twice.
*Fixed: The Editor.SortItems method does not sort the child items added using the Editor.InsertItem method.
*Fixed: In VFP, the control gains the focus if it is hosted by a PageFrame control. |
03-10-2004 |
ExList, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Displays the control's name in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: Fits the control's tooltip window to the visible area of the monitor who owns the window.
*Fixed: In VFP, the control gains the focus if it is hosted by a PageFrame control. |
03-10-2004 |
ExSkin, *Added: Hides the Help button if the window's extended style doesn't include the WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP style |
03-10-2004 |
ExTree, *Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ). |
03-04-2004 |
ExButton, *Added: In VFP environment the control gains the focus, if it is hosted by a PageFrame control.
*Added: In VBA environment, the Visible property destroys the control, instead hiding it.
*Fixed: Correcting the focus rectange position if the ShowFocusRect property is True. |
03-04-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VBA, the Visible property destroys the control. |
03-04-2004 |
ExListBar, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: In VFP environment the control gains the focus, if it is hosted by a PageFrame control. |
03-02-2004 |
ExPrint, *NEW: Ability to change the printer settings like PaperSize, Orientation, Margins, and so on.
*Added: Settings(Field) property. Sets or sets a value for the specified field.
*Added: FieldsEnum eneration contains the list of names for printer fiels that can be initialized |
03-01-2004 |
ExComboBox, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: ALT + Down, ALT + Up shows or hides the drop down portion of the control. |
03-01-2004 |
ExEditors, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ). |
03-01-2004 |
ExOrgChart, *Added: Displays the control's content in the VFP-IDE (design mode ).
*Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Added: Fits the control's tooltip window to the visible area of the monitor who owns the window
*Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ). |
02-27-2004 |
ExPropertiesList, *Added: ExPrint ver. ( ability to initialize the settings for the printer when previewing or printing ).
*Added: The EditTypeEnum.EditColorPage type assign a page button to a cell of color type.
*Added: Displays the property's tooltip window in the visible area of the monitor who owns the tooltip's window.
*Added: Property.Tooltip property. Specifies the a custom property's tooltip. |
02-24-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment.
*Fixed: Validates the group's client area when the group loses the focus. |
02-20-2004 |
ExListBar, *Added: Multiple improvements on usage the Template/Layout page in the MSVC environment. |
02-18-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to display items as tree in the built-in editors of drop down type.
*Added: Editor.InsertItem method inserts a child item to the editor's predefined list.
*Added: Editor.ExpandItem property expands or collapses items in the editor's list.
*Added: Editor.ExpandAll method expands all items in the editor's list. |
02-18-2004 |
*Added: Node.ArrangeSiblingNodesAs property. Specifies whether the first child node and its siblings nodes are arranged vertically or horizontally.
*Added: Node.Key property may change the node's key to a new key.
*Added: ToolTip event. Occurs when the control prepares the tooltip for a node to be shown or hidden. |
02-13-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarAnd type. Customizes the ' and ' text dispalyed by filter bar when multiple columns are used in fltering.
*Fixed: The dropdown portion of the control does not toggle properly, when clicking the drop down button on .NET environment ( WinForms windows ) |
02-12-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the dates interval to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: VFP\LoadData sample
*Added: VFP\DataSource sample
*Fixed: The Value property of OleEvenParam object changes only VARIANT values passed by reference.
*Fixed: Small drawing fix when DrawGridLines is exVLines. |
02-10-2004 |
ExList, *NEW: Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: The Items.LastVisibleItem( Partially ) gets the handle of the last visible item. The Partially parameter specifies whether the item is partially visible.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true. |
02-10-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarAnd type. Customizes the ' and ' text dispalyed by filter bar when multiple columns are used in fltering. |
02-10-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Ability to filter items between two dates, using an easy to use interface.
*Added: Column.DisplayFilterDate property specifies whether the drop down filter window displays a date selector to specify the interval dates to filter for.
*Added: FilterTypeEnum.exDate type. The Column.Filter specifies the interval of dates to filter items.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDate. Describes the caption of the 'Date' label in the drop down filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTo. Customizes the "to" caption used to separate dates in a date interval. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTooltip. Specifies the tooltip that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval filter window. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarDateTitle. Specifies the tooltip's title that shows up when the cursor is over the dates interval field. It has effect, only if the Column.DisplayFilterPattern and Column.DisplayFilterDate properties are true.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarAnd type. Customizes the ' and ' text dispalyed by filter bar when multiple columns are used in fltering. |
02-06-2004 |
ExRolList, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons.
*Added: Item.Picture property. Specifies the item's picture. |
02-05-2004 |
ExGrid, *Added: Ability to get directly the pointer to a IDataObject object during the OLEDragDrop event.
*Added: Editor.Option(exEditLimitText) property. Limits the length of the text that the user may enter into an edit control.
*Added: DescriptionTypeEnum.exFilterBarAnd type. Customizes the ' and ' text dispalyed by filter bar when multiple columns are used in fltering.
*Added: Editing property specifies the window's handle of the built-in editor while the control is running in edit mode. The Editing property gets 0, if the control is not running in the edit mode.
*Fixed: Calling the EndUpdate method during the MouseMove event generates MouseMove events with the same coordinates. |
02-03-2004 |
ExSkin, *NEW: Non-Rectangular forms
*Added: Multiple improvements to exontrol's skin builder and control too.
*Added: Help support |
01-29-2004 |
ExButton, *Initial Release |
01-19-2004 |
ExGrid, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Items.CellPicture property supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons.
*Added: Ability to align to the right or center a cell that contains multiple HTML lines.
*Added: Ability to change descriptions for a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateTodayCaption) property. Specifies the caption for the 'Today' button in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateMonths) property. Specifies the name for months to be displayed in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateWeekDays) property. Specifies the shortcut for the weekdays to be displayed in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateFirstWeekDay) property. Specifies the first day of the week in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateShowTodayButton) property. Specifies whether the 'Today' button is visible or hidden in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateMarkToday) property. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the today date is marked in a DateType editor.
*Added: Editor.Option(exDateShowScroll) property. Specifies whether the years scroll bar is visible or hidden in a DateType editor.
*Added: The GetItems method gets all data in the VirtualMode.
*Added: The Items.LastVisibleItem( Partially ) gets the handle of the last visible item. The Partially parameter specifies whether the item is partially visible.
*Fixed: Keep selection if the Refresh method is called in the VirtualMode.
*Fixed: The control fails if multiple ActiveX user editors are applied to the same cell. |
01-19-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Items.CellPicture property supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons.
*Added: The Items.LastVisibleItem( Partially ) gets the handle of the last visible item. The Partially parameter specifies whether the item is partially visible. |
01-18-2004 |
ExEditors, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-17-2004 |
ExEdit, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-16-2004 |
ExList, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Items.CellPicture property supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-15-2004 |
ExCalendar, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Calendar.Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons.
*Added: The CalendarCombo.Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-15-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: FireClickOnSelect property. Fires Click event when user changes the selection.
*Added: The Items.CellPicture property supports base64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-15-2004 |
ExFileView, *Added: Sort(Column,Ascending) method. Sorts a column.
*Added: HeaderAppearance property. Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the header's appearance.
*Added: BackColorHeader property. Specifies the header's background color.
*Added: ForeColorHeader property. Specifies the header's foreground color. |
01-15-2004 |
ExMenu, *NEW: Ability to load the Images using base64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-15-2004 |
*NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons.
*Added: The Node.Picture property supports pictures in BASE64 encoded
strings. |
01-15-2004 |
ExplorerTree, *NEW: Ability to load the Images using base64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Group.Items.CellPicture property supports base64 encoded strings that holds a picture
*Added: The Images method supports base64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-15-2004 |
ExTab, *NEW: Ability to load the control's Images collection using BASE64 encoded strings.
*Added: The Images method supports BASE64 encoded strings that holds a list of icons. |
01-14-2004 |
ExplorerTree, * Initial Release |
01-11-2004 |
ExplorerBar, *Added: Expands the group when user double clicks the group's caption.
*Fixed: Small fix when painting groups with exRound appearance. |
01-08-2004 |
ExEdit, *Added: IgnorePrefixInExpression property retrieves the list of prefixes being ignored line by line.
*Fixed: Strange characters are shown sometimes when BackSpace key is pressed. |
01-08-2004 |
ExPopupMenu, *Added: ItemHeight property. Specifies the item's height. |
01-07-2004 |
ExList, *Added: Ability to align to the right or center a cell that contains multiple HTML lines.
*Added: The GetItems method gets all data in the VirtualMode.
*Fixed: Keep selection if the Refresh method is called in the VirtualMode. |
01-07-2004 |
ExRolList, *Added: Item.Alignment property. Specifies the item's alignment.
*Added: ToolTipWidth property. Specifies the width of the tooltip window, in pixels. |
01-07-2004 |
ExTree, *NEW: Blinking cursor in the filter pattern field.
*Added: FilterBarDropDownHeight property. Specifies the height of the drop down filter window proportionally with the height of the control's list. |
01-06-2004 |
ExComboBox, *NEW: Blinking cursor in the filter pattern field.
*Added: FilterBarDropDownHeight property. Specifies the height of the drop down filter window proportionally with the height of the control's list. |
01-05-2004 |
ExDialog, *NEW: Ability to use HTML format in the Caption property.
*Added: CaptionFormat property. Specifies whether the control's caption displays data using HTML format.
*Added: Alignment property. Aligns the control's caption. |
01-04-2004 |
ExMenu, *Added: Item.Visible property. Specifies whether the item is visible or hidden.
*Fixed: Remove space to the left or right so the menu bar isn't so spaced out horizontally, when the menu is Flat and no icons are on the menu bar. |