Options class (Swimlane)


new Options()

The Swimlane.Options type defines additional options you can apply on the control. The control supports also all options of Surface.Options class.

Every option of the Surface.Options or Swimlane.Options type has associated a property of the control. For instance, the option:

allowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the control
is associated with the property:
AllowActions {string}, customizes the actions the user can perform once the user clicks or touches the control
which means that the following statements are equivalent:
oSwimlane.Options = {allowActions: "scroll"}
oSwimlane.SetOptions({allowActions: "scroll"})
oSwimlane.AllowActions = "scroll"
where oSwimlane is an object of Swimlane type


(static) spools :string

The spools field defines the pools of the control from a string-representation. The format of the pools'string representation is:
The string representation supports the following flags:
  • [key] {string}, specifies the pool's key (Key/GetKey()/SetKey(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [key=pool], specifies that the pool's key is "pool"
  • [vis]/[hid] {number}, shows or hides the pool (Visible/GetVisible()/SetVisible(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [hid] or [vis=0], hides the pool, while [vis=1] shows the pool
  • [dis] {number}, enables or disables the pool (Enabled/GetEnabled()/SetEnabled(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [dis] or [dis=0], disables the pool, while [dis=1] enables the pool
  • [pos] {number}, changes the pool's position (0-based) (Position/GetPosition()/SetPosition(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [pos=0] indicates that the pool should be displayed first
  • [client] {string}, specifies the pool's client-rectangle as a string of "x,y,width,height" type (without quotes) (Client/GetClient()/SetClient(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [client=0,0,128,128] specifies the pool's client are to [0,0,128,128]
  • [shape] {string}, defines the shape for individual pool (Shape/GetShape()/SetShape(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [shape=Button] specifies that the pool is shown as a "button".
  • [cursor] {string}, defines the mouse-cursor for individual pool (Cursor/GetCursor()/SetCursor(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [cursor=wait] indicates that the "wait" mouse-cursor is displayed while the cursor hovers the pool
  • [headers] {string}, defines the headers of the pool (Headers/GetHeaders()/SetHeaders(value) methods of of Pool class). The format of the headers is:
    • "type", defines the type of the header, which can be any of the following:
      • "left", defines the pool's header anchored to the left-side
      • "top", defines the pool's header anchored to the top-side
      • "right", defines the pool's header anchored to the right-side
      • "bottom", defines the pool's header anchored to the right-side
    • "flag", defines the property of the header such as:
      • [size=value], defines the size of the header, where value is a numeric value. If 0 or negative, the header is not shown
      • [shape=value], defines the shape of the header.
    For instance: [headers=left,top[size=24][shape=Button]], shows the pool's left-header with size 0, and top-header of the pool with specified size and shape.
  • [exclhead]/[inclhead] {number}, indicates whether the pool's lanes and phases excludes or includes the pool's headers (ExcludeHeaders/GetExcludeHeaders()/SetExcludeHeaders(value) methods of of Pool class). For instance, [inclhead] or [exclhead=0], indicates that the pool's lanes and phases includes the pool's headers, while [exclhead=1] excludes the pool's headers from lanes and phases.
  • [lanes] {string}, defines the lanes of the pool (the lanes goes vertically from top to bottom side of the pool) (Lanes/GetLanes()/SetLanes(value) methods of of Pool class). The format of lanes property is:
    • "caption", defines the lane's ex-HTML caption (shown into the pool's header)
    • "flag", defines a property of the lane such as:
      • [size=value], defines the size of the lane (in percent), where value is a numeric value. 0 or negative value hides the lane
      • [shape=value], defines the shape of the lane.
    For instance: [lanes=Lane 1[size=20],Lane 2,Lane 3,Lane 4[shape=FrameSel]], displays four-lanes where Lane 1 takes 20% from the pool, while the rest of lanes shares equaly the available space on the pool. The Lane 4 displays the FrameSel shape.
  • [phases] {string}, defines the phases of the pool (the phases goes horizontally from left to right side of the pool) (Phases/GetPhases()/SetPhases(value) methods of exontrol.Swimphase.Pool). The format of phases property is:
    • "caption", defines the phase's ex-HTML caption (shown into the pool's header)
    • "flag", defines a property of the phase such as:
      • [size=value], defines the size of the phase (in percent), where value is a numeric value. 0 or negative value hides the phase
      • [shape=value], defines the shape of the phase.
    For instance: [phases=Phase 1[size=20],Phase 2,Phase 3,Phase 4[shape=FrameSel]], displays four-phases where Phase 1 takes 20% from the pool, while the rest of phases shares equaly the available space on the pool. The Phase 4 displays the FrameSel shape.
  • string
"" {string}, clears the pools collection
 "[key=pool][client=-512,-256,612,512]" {string}, creates a pool at specified location with the key "pool"