EventOptions class (Schedule)


new EventOptions()

The EventOptions type holds all options an Event can display or own

Every option of the EventOptions type has associated a property of the Event object. For instance, the option:

cursor {string}, defines the mouse-cursor for the event
is associated with the property:
Cursor {string}, defines the mouse-cursor for the event
which means that the following statements are equivalent:
oEvent.Options = {cursor: "pointer"}
oEvent.SetOptions({cursor: "pointer"})
oEvent.Cursor = "pointer"
where oEvent is an object of Event type


(static) allDay :boolean

The allDay field indicates an all-day event event. The time is ignored for all-day events.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, the event is not an all-day event, and it is displayed in the time-scale of the day
 true {boolean}, the event is an all-day event, and it is displayed in All-Day header

(static) caption :any

The caption field defines the caption of the event.
  • any
null {null}, resets the caption of the event
 "caption" {string}, defines the plain-caption for the event

(static) cursor :string

The cursor field defines the mouse-cursor for the event.
  • string
"pointer" {string}, The cursor is a pointer that indicates a link (typically an image of a pointing hand)

(static) duration :number|string

The duration field specifies the event's duration in days (or hours, minutes, seconds if including the decimal point, for instance 0.5 indicates a 12 hours lenght). The duration field can be any of the following:
  • {number}, indicates a numeric expression that defines the event's duration in days. The duration field can be one of the following:
    • 0 {number}, specifies that the start and end margins of the event are identichal
    • positive {number}, specifies that the end margin of the event is changed as end = start + duration
    • negative {number}, specifies that the start margin of the event is changed as start = end + duration
  • {string}, specifes the hours and minutes in "[-]hh:mm" format
  • number | string
1 {number}, defines a 1-day event (changes the end-margin of the event)
 12/24 or 0.5 {number}, defines a 12 hours event (changes the end-margin of the event)
 -12/24 or -0.5 {number}, defines a 12 hours event (changes the start-margin of the event)
 "4:30" {number}, defines the event's duration to 4 hours and 30 minutes (changes the end-margin of the event)
 "-4:30" {number}, defines the event's duration to 4 hours and 30 minutes (changes the start-margin of the event)

(static) enabled :boolean

The enabled field indicates whether the event is enabled or disabled.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, disables the event
 true {boolean}, enables the event

(static) end :any

The end field indicates the date/time when the event or the appointment ends. The end field can be any of the following:
  • {null} or {undefined}, indicates the current date and time (equivalent of Date.Now())
  • {number}, indicates the Jan 1st of the year, such as "Jan 1st 2001" for 2001
  • {string}, defines the date in string-format as "#MM/DD/YYYY[ HH:mm:ss]#", such as "#10/10/2011 14:48#" or string-format as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" (ISO 8601), such as "2011-10-10" (date-only format), "2011-10-10T14:48:00" (local date-time format), "2011-10-10T14:48:00Z" (UTC date-time format), or "2011-10-10T14:48:00.000+09:00" (date-time format with milliseconds and time zone offset)
  • {Date}, indicates a javascript Date to be copied, such as "Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMT" for new Date("2015-03-25T15:00:00Z")
  • any
null {null}, is equivalent of Date.Now()
 2001 {number}, is equivalent of Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT
 "#12/31/1971 13:00#" {string}, is equivalent of Fri, 31 Dec 1971 13:00:00 GMT
 new Date("2015-03-25T15:00:00Z"), is equivalent of Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMT

(static) extraLabel :string

The extraLabel field specifies an extra HTML label, to be displayed on the event's body. The formatEventExtraLabel misc option defines the format to show the extra-label. The extraLabel field supports ex-HTML and <%=formula%> tags. The <%=formula%> tag indicates the result of the giving formula. The formula supports value formatting. Inside the formula the %0, %1, ... indicates the value of corresponding property of the event, such as %1 specifies the exEventStartDateTime, %2 exEventEndDateTime, and so on. The known identifiers within the <%=formula%> tag are: %1 (exEventStartDateTime) {Date}, indicates the starting date/time of the event. This property gets the Start property of the event. The Start property defines the lower margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventStartDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventStartTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%1)%>" displays the day of the week where the event starts %2 (exEventEndDateTime) {Date}, indicates the ending date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the End property of the event. The End property defines the upper margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventEndDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventEndTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%2)%>" gets the day of the week where the event ends. %3 (exEventAllDay) {boolean}, indicates if the current event is an all day event. This property is equivalent with the event's AllDay property which indicates if the current event is an all-day event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%3 ? `All-Day-Event: `: ``%><%=%256%>", displays automatically an "All-Day-Event: " prefix for all-day events. If the event is not an all-day event, the <%=%256%>, or exEventDisplayLongMargins, long margins of the events are displayed. %4 (exEventGroupID) {any}, specifies the identifier/index of the event's group. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%4%>
<%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's identifier, and the long margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another. %5 (exEventCaption) {string}, indicates the caption of the event. The Caption property of the event specifies the custom caption that can be displayed on the label, without having to change the event's label. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
<%=%5%>" displays on the first line, the event's long margins, while on the second line displays the event's caption. Once you update or edit the event's Caption, the event's body automatically shows the new caption. %6 (exEventUserData) {any}, indicates the extra data associated with the event. The UserData property of the event indicates an extra data associated with the event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
<%=%6%>" displays on the first line, the event's long margins, while on the second line displays the event's user data. Once you update or edit the event's UserData, the event's body automatically shows the new label. %7 (exEventDuration) {number}, specifies the duration of the event. The returned values is of float type, and it indicates the duration of the event in days. For instance, the 1.5 indicates, 1 day and 12 hours. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
<%=((1:=int(0:= (date(%2)-date(%1)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')%>" displays on the first line, the event's long margins, while on the second line displays the event's durations in days, hours and minutes. Once you update or edit the event's margins, the event's body automatically shows the new length. You can use the MoveBy method to delay the current event with a specified value time. You can use the SetKnownProperty(exEventDuration) to change the event's duration. %8 (exEventRepetitiveExpression) {string}, specifies the repetitive expression of the event. The Repetitive property of the event indicates the expression that determines whether the event is repetitive. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
<%=len(%8)? `repetitive event`:``%>" displays repetitive event for repetitive events. %12 (exEventID) {string}, specifies the event's unique key/identifier/index. %256 (exEventDisplayShortMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a short format (read-only). The ShortDateFormat property defines the short date format. The ShortTimeFormat property defines the short time format. %257 (exEventDisplayLongMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a long format (read-only). The LongDateFormat property defines the long date format. The LongTimeFormat property defines the long time format. %258 (exEventStartDate) {Date}, gets the starting date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting date of the event. %259 (exEventStartTime) {number}, gets the starting time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting time of the event. %260 (exEventEndDate) {Date}, gets the ending date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending date of the event. %261 (exEventEndTime) {number}, gets the ending time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending time of the event. %262 (exEventGroupLabel) {string}, gets the label of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%262%>
<%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another. %263 (exEventGroupTitle) {string}, gets the title of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%263%>
<%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another. %264 (exEventRepetitive) {boolean}, Indicates if the current event is a repetitive event. (read-only). You can use this flag to specify whether Repetitive property is not empty, and valid.
  • string
null {null}, undefined {undefined}, no extra-label is displayed
 "" {string}, no extra-label is displayed
 "<img>image</img> and text" {string}, displays the image and the text. The image can be added using the exontrol.HTMLPicture.Add() method
 "<%=%256%>", displays the event's start and end margins in a long format

(static) groupID :any

The groupID field specifies the identifier of the group where the Event object belongs.
  • any
null {null}, no group is associated with the event
 0 {number}, the event is associated with the group index 0 (0-based)
 "G1" {string}, the event is associated with the group of identifier "G1"

(static) key :string

The key field specifies the key associated with the event.
  • string
"logo" {string}, defines the event with the giving key (logo). You can use the oSchedule.Event("logo") method to request the event giving its key.

(static) longLabel :string

The longLabel field defines the event's long-label. The event's long-label is displayed only if it is not empty and fits the event. The event's short-label is displayed if the event's long-label is empty or does not fit the event. The caption and extra-label of the event are always displayed. The formatEventLongLabel misc option defines the format to show the long-label. The longLabel field supports ex-HTML and <%=formula%> tags. The <%=formula%> tag indicates the result of the giving formula. The formula supports value formatting. Inside the formula the %0, %1, ... indicates the value of corresponding property of the event, such as %1 specifies the exEventStartDateTime, %2 exEventEndDateTime, and so on. The known identifiers within the <%=formula%> tag are:
  • %1 (exEventStartDateTime) {Date}, indicates the starting date/time of the event. This property gets the Start property of the event. The Start property defines the lower margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventStartDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventStartTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%1)%>" displays the day of the week where the event starts
  • %2 (exEventEndDateTime) {Date}, indicates the ending date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the End property of the event. The End property defines the upper margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventEndDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventEndTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%2)%>" gets the day of the week where the event ends.
  • %3 (exEventAllDay) {boolean}, indicates if the current event is an all day event. This property is equivalent with the event's AllDay property which indicates if the current event is an all-day event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%3 ? `All-Day-Event: `: ``%><%=%256%>", displays automatically an "All-Day-Event: " prefix for all-day events. If the event is not an all-day event, the <%=%256%>, or exEventDisplayShortMargins, short margins of the events are displayed.
  • %4 (exEventGroupID) {any}, specifies the identifier/index of the event's group. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%4%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's identifier, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %5 (exEventCaption) {string}, indicates the caption of the event. The Caption property of the event specifies the custom caption that can be displayed on the label, without having to change the event's label. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%5%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's caption. Once you update or edit the event's Caption, the event's body automatically shows the new caption.
  • %6 (exEventUserData) {any}, indicates the extra data associated with the event. The UserData property of the event indicates an extra data associated with the event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%6%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's user data. Once you update or edit the event's UserData, the event's body automatically shows the new label.
  • %7 (exEventDuration) {number}, specifies the duration of the event. The returned values is of float type, and it indicates the duration of the event in days. For instance, the 1.5 indicates, 1 day and 12 hours. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=((1:=int(0:= (date(%2)-date(%1)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's durations in days, hours and minutes. Once you update or edit the event's margins, the event's body automatically shows the new length. You can use the MoveBy method to delay the current event with a specified value time. You can use the SetKnownProperty(exEventDuration) to change the event's duration.
  • %8 (exEventRepetitiveExpression) {string}, specifies the repetitive expression of the event. The Repetitive property of the event indicates the expression that determines whether the event is repetitive. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=len(%8)? `repetitive event`:``%>" displays repetitive event for repetitive events.
  • %12 (exEventID) {string}, specifies the event's unique key/identifier/index.
  • %256 (exEventDisplayShortMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a short format (read-only). The ShortDateFormat property defines the short date format. The ShortTimeFormat property defines the short time format.
  • %257 (exEventDisplayLongMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a long format (read-only). The LongDateFormat property defines the long date format. The LongTimeFormat property defines the long time format.
  • %258 (exEventStartDate) {Date}, gets the starting date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting date of the event.
  • %259 (exEventStartTime) {number}, gets the starting time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting time of the event.
  • %260 (exEventEndDate) {Date}, gets the ending date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending date of the event.
  • %261 (exEventEndTime) {number}, gets the ending time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending time of the event.
  • %262 (exEventGroupLabel) {string}, gets the label of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%262%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %263 (exEventGroupTitle) {string}, gets the title of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%263%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %264 (exEventRepetitive) {boolean}, Indicates if the current event is a repetitive event. (read-only). You can use this flag to specify whether Repetitive property is not empty, and valid.
  • string
null {null} or undefined {undefined}, the control's DefaultEventLongLabel property defines the event's long-label. The event's long-label is displayed only if it is not empty and fits the event. The event's short-label is displayed if the event's long-label is empty or does not fit the event. The caption and extra-label of the event are always displayed.
 "" {string}, no long-label is displayed
 "<img>image</img> and text" {string}, displays the image and the text. The image can be added using the exontrol.HTMLPicture.Add() method
 "<%=%256%>", displays the event's start and end margins in a long format

(static) movable :boolean

The movable field specifies whether the user can move the event by drag and drop.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, the event can not be moved by drag and drop
 true {boolean}, the event is movable

(static) repetitive :string

The repetitive field indicates the expression to define the repetitive-event. If You specify a not empty and valid formula for the Repetitive property, the time part of the Start and End properties determines the time to start and end the repetitive event. The date part is determined by the Repetitive expression. The Repetitive property supports: 1) Value format, when using the value keyword. For instance, "weekday(value) = 1", the event occurs every Monday or 2) ICalendar format, as described in RFC 5545. For instance, "FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO", the event occurs every Monday (requires "exontrol.icalendar.js").
  • string
"" {string} or null {null}, the event is not repetitive (no effect)
 "0" {string}, no occurrence
 "1" {string}, the event occurs every day
 "weekday(value) = 1" {string}, the event occurs every Monday
 "weekday(value) in (1,2) and month(value) = 6", the event occurs every Monday and Tuesday, on June only
 "value in (#6/8/2012#,#6/11/2012#,#6/20/2012#)", the event occurs on 6/8/2012, 6/11/2012 and 6/20/2012
 "value >= #6/1/2012# and ( (value - #6/1/2012#)/86400000 mod 5 = 0)", the event starts on 6/1/2012, and shows up every 5 days

(static) resizable :exontrol.Schedule.EventResizableEnum

The resizable field specifies whether the user can resizes the event at runtime
The exontrol.Schedule.EventResizableEnum type supports the following flags:
  • exNoResizable (0), the event can not be resized
  • exResizableStart (1), only the starting point of the event can be resized
  • exResizableEnd (2), only the ending point of the event can be resized
  • exResizableBoth (3), indicates a sizeable event, so the user can resize at runtime the start or end point of the event (default)
  • exontrol.Schedule.EventResizableEnum
false {boolean} exNoResizable (0), the event can not be resized
 true {boolean} or exResizableStart(1), only the starting point of the event can be resized
 3 {number} or exResizableBoth(3), indicates a sizeable event, so the user can resize at runtime the start or end point of the event (default)

(static) selectable :boolean

The selectable field indicates whether the user can select, resize or move the event.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, the item is unselectable
 true {boolean}, the item is selectable

(static) selected :boolean

The selected field indicates whether the item is selected or unselected.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, the item is unselected
 true {boolean}, the item is selected

(static) shape :any

The shape field defines the shape for the event. The shape field can be any of the following:
  • the shape's name within the exontrol.Shape.Schedule or exontrol.Shape namespace
  • a CSS color
  • a JSON string-representation of an object of exontrol.Def.Shape type, for the event
  • an object of {normal,hover,click,disabled} type. The normal, hover, click and disabled are objects of exontrol.Def.Shape type
  • any
null {null}, no custom shape is applied (default object's shape may be applied)
 "" {string}, no custom shape is applied (no default object's shape is be applied)
 "red" {string}, fills the object's background in red (CSS color)
 '{"fillColor": "red"}' or '{"normal":{"fillColor": "red"}}' {string}, fills the object's background in red (JSON-representation of an object of exontrol.Def.Shape type)
 "xxx" {string}, indicates that exontrol.Shapes.Schedule.xxx or exontrol.Shapes.xxx is applied on the object's background. If the xxx field is missing, no custom shape is applied (no default object's shape is be applied)
 exontrol.Shapes.Button {object}, applies the "Button" shape on the object as defined into exontrol.Shapes namespace

(static) shortLabel :string

The shortLabel field defines the event's short-label. The formatEventShortLabel misc option defines the format to show the short-label. The shortLabel field supports ex-HTML and <%=formula%> tags. The <%=formula%> tag indicates the result of the giving formula. The formula supports value formatting. Inside the formula the %0, %1, ... indicates the value of corresponding property of the event, such as %1 specifies the exEventStartDateTime, %2 exEventEndDateTime, and so on. The known identifiers within the <%=formula%> tag are:
  • %1 (exEventStartDateTime) {Date}, indicates the starting date/time of the event. This property gets the Start property of the event. The Start property defines the lower margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventStartDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventStartTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%1)%>" displays the day of the week where the event starts
  • %2 (exEventEndDateTime) {Date}, indicates the ending date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the End property of the event. The End property defines the upper margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventEndDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventEndTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%2)%>" gets the day of the week where the event ends.
  • %3 (exEventAllDay) {boolean}, indicates if the current event is an all day event. This property is equivalent with the event's AllDay property which indicates if the current event is an all-day event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%3 ? `All-Day-Event: `: ``%><%=%256%>", displays automatically an "All-Day-Event: " prefix for all-day events. If the event is not an all-day event, the <%=%256%>, or exEventDisplayShortMargins, short margins of the events are displayed.
  • %4 (exEventGroupID) {any}, specifies the identifier/index of the event's group. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%4%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's identifier, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %5 (exEventCaption) {string}, indicates the caption of the event. The Caption property of the event specifies the custom caption that can be displayed on the label, without having to change the event's label. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%5%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's caption. Once you update or edit the event's Caption, the event's body automatically shows the new caption.
  • %6 (exEventUserData) {any}, indicates the extra data associated with the event. The UserData property of the event indicates an extra data associated with the event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%6%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's user data. Once you update or edit the event's UserData, the event's body automatically shows the new label.
  • %7 (exEventDuration) {number}, specifies the duration of the event. The returned values is of float type, and it indicates the duration of the event in days. For instance, the 1.5 indicates, 1 day and 12 hours. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=((1:=int(0:= (date(%2)-date(%1)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's durations in days, hours and minutes. Once you update or edit the event's margins, the event's body automatically shows the new length. You can use the MoveBy method to delay the current event with a specified value time. You can use the SetKnownProperty(exEventDuration) to change the event's duration.
  • %8 (exEventRepetitiveExpression) {string}, specifies the repetitive expression of the event. The Repetitive property of the event indicates the expression that determines whether the event is repetitive. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=len(%8)? `repetitive event`:``%>" displays repetitive event for repetitive events.
  • %12 (exEventID) {string}, specifies the event's unique key/identifier/index.
  • %256 (exEventDisplayShortMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a short format (read-only). The ShortDateFormat property defines the short date format. The ShortTimeFormat property defines the short time format.
  • %257 (exEventDisplayLongMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a long format (read-only). The LongDateFormat property defines the long date format. The LongTimeFormat property defines the long time format.
  • %258 (exEventStartDate) {Date}, gets the starting date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting date of the event.
  • %259 (exEventStartTime) {number}, gets the starting time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting time of the event.
  • %260 (exEventEndDate) {Date}, gets the ending date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending date of the event.
  • %261 (exEventEndTime) {number}, gets the ending time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending time of the event.
  • %262 (exEventGroupLabel) {string}, gets the label of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%262%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %263 (exEventGroupTitle) {string}, gets the title of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%263%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %264 (exEventRepetitive) {boolean}, Indicates if the current event is a repetitive event. (read-only). You can use this flag to specify whether Repetitive property is not empty, and valid.
  • string
null {null} or undefined {undefined}, the control's DefaultEventShortLabel property defines the event's short-label
 "" {string}, no short-label is displayed
 "<img>image</img> and text" {string}, displays the image and the text. The image can be added using the exontrol.HTMLPicture.Add() method
 "<%=%256%>", displays the event's start and end margins in a short format

(static) start :any

The start field indicates the date/time when the event or the appointment begins. The start field can be any of the following:
  • {null} or {undefined}, indicates the current date and time (equivalent of Date.Now())
  • {number}, indicates the Jan 1st of the year, such as "Jan 1st 2001" for 2001
  • {string}, defines the date in string-format as "#MM/DD/YYYY[ HH:mm:ss]#", such as "#10/10/2011 14:48#" or string-format as "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ" (ISO 8601), such as "2011-10-10" (date-only format), "2011-10-10T14:48:00" (local date-time format), "2011-10-10T14:48:00Z" (UTC date-time format), or "2011-10-10T14:48:00.000+09:00" (date-time format with milliseconds and time zone offset)
  • {Date}, indicates a javascript Date to be copied, such as "Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMT" for new Date("2015-03-25T15:00:00Z")
  • any
null {null}, is equivalent of Date.Now()
 2001 {number}, is equivalent of Mon, 01 Jan 2001 00:00:00 GMT
 "#12/31/1971 13:00#" {string}, is equivalent of Fri, 31 Dec 1971 13:00:00 GMT
 new Date("2015-03-25T15:00:00Z"), is equivalent of Wed, 25 Mar 2015 15:00:00 GMT

(static) toolTip :string

The toolTip field defines the event's predefined tooltip. The event's tooltip is shown once the cursor hovers the event. The toolTip field supports ex-HTML and <%=formula%> tags. The <%=formula%> tag indicates the result of the giving formula. The formula supports value formatting. Inside the formula the %0, %1, ... indicates the value of corresponding property of the event, such as %1 specifies the exEventStartDateTime, %2 exEventEndDateTime, and so on. The known identifiers within the <%=formula%> tag are:
  • %1 (exEventStartDateTime) {Date}, indicates the starting date/time of the event. This property gets the Start property of the event. The Start property defines the lower margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventStartDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventStartTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%1)%>" displays the day of the week where the event starts
  • %2 (exEventEndDateTime) {Date}, indicates the ending date/time of the event. This property gets or sets the End property of the event. The End property defines the upper margin of the event, and it includes the date and the time values. The exEventEndDate specifies the DATE value only, while the exEventEndTime includes the TIME value only. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=weekday(%2)%>" gets the day of the week where the event ends.
  • %3 (exEventAllDay) {boolean}, indicates if the current event is an all day event. This property is equivalent with the event's AllDay property which indicates if the current event is an all-day event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%3 ? `All-Day-Event: `: ``%><%=%256%>", displays automatically an "All-Day-Event: " prefix for all-day events. If the event is not an all-day event, the <%=%256%>, or exEventDisplayShortMargins, short margins of the events are displayed.
  • %4 (exEventGroupID) {any}, specifies the identifier/index of the event's group. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%4%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's identifier, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %5 (exEventCaption) {string}, indicates the caption of the event. The Caption property of the event specifies the custom caption that can be displayed on the label, without having to change the event's label. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%5%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's caption. Once you update or edit the event's Caption, the event's body automatically shows the new caption.
  • %6 (exEventUserData) {any}, indicates the extra data associated with the event. The UserData property of the event indicates an extra data associated with the event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=%6%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's user data. Once you update or edit the event's UserData, the event's body automatically shows the new label.
  • %7 (exEventDuration) {number}, specifies the duration of the event. The returned values is of float type, and it indicates the duration of the event in days. For instance, the 1.5 indicates, 1 day and 12 hours. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=((1:=int(0:= (date(%2)-date(%1)))) != 0 ? (=:1 + ' day(s)') : '') + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=int(0:=((=:0 - =:1 + 1/24/60/60/2)*24))) != 0 ? =:1 + ' hour(s)' : '' ) + (=:1 ? ' ' : '' ) + ((1:=round((=:0 - =:1)*60)) != 0 ? =:1 + ' min(s)' : '')%>" displays on the first line, the event's short margins, while on the second line displays the event's durations in days, hours and minutes. Once you update or edit the event's margins, the event's body automatically shows the new length. You can use the MoveBy method to delay the current event with a specified value time. You can use the SetKnownProperty(exEventDuration) to change the event's duration.
  • %8 (exEventRepetitiveExpression) {string}, specifies the repetitive expression of the event. The Repetitive property of the event indicates the expression that determines whether the event is repetitive. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%256%>
    <%=len(%8)? `repetitive event`:``%>" displays repetitive event for repetitive events.
  • %12 (exEventID) {string}, specifies the event's unique key/identifier/index.
  • %256 (exEventDisplayShortMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a short format (read-only). The ShortDateFormat property defines the short date format. The ShortTimeFormat property defines the short time format.
  • %257 (exEventDisplayLongMargins) {string}, displays the margins of the event in a long format (read-only). The LongDateFormat property defines the long date format. The LongTimeFormat property defines the long time format.
  • %258 (exEventStartDate) {Date}, gets the starting date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting date of the event.
  • %259 (exEventStartTime) {number}, gets the starting time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the starting time of the event.
  • %260 (exEventEndDate) {Date}, gets the ending date ( not including the time ) of the event (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending date of the event.
  • %261 (exEventEndTime) {number}, gets the ending time ( not including the date ) of the event, as a number between 0 and 1 (read-only). You can use this property to get the ending time of the event.
  • %262 (exEventGroupLabel) {string}, gets the label of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%262%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %263 (exEventGroupTitle) {string}, gets the title of the owner group (read-only). The exEventGroupTitle property indicates the Title property of the Group's event. The exEventGroupLabel property indicates the Caption property of the Group's event. The GroupID property of the event indicates the identifier of the group that event belongs to. For instance, the LabelProperty = "<%=%263%>
    <%=%256%>" displays on the first line, the group's caption, and the short margins of the event on the second line. The caption of the label is automatically updated once an event is moved from a group to another.
  • %264 (exEventRepetitive) {boolean}, Indicates if the current event is a repetitive event. (read-only). You can use this flag to specify whether Repetitive property is not empty, and valid.
  • string
null {null} or undefined {undefined}, the control's DefaultEventToolTip property defines the event's tooltip
 "" {string}, no tooltip for the event is displayed
 "<img>image</img> and text" {string}, the image and text is being shown once the mouse pointer hovers the event. The image can be added using the exontrol.HTMLPicture.Add() method
 "<%=%256%>", displays the event's start and end margins in a short format

(static) userData :any

The userData field stores any extra-data associated with the event.
  • any

(static) visible :boolean

The visible field indicates whether the event is visible or hidden.
  • boolean
false {boolean}, hides the event
 true {boolean}, shows the event