new Options()
The Bezier.Options type defines different options you can apply on the control.
(static) bezierCoord :any
The bezierCoord fiels defines the control points of the current bezier object.
The bezierCoord field can be any of the following:
- {string}, defines the name of a predefined transition as any of: "linear", "ease", "ease-in", "ease-out", "ease-in-out", "ease-in-out-expo" or "swipe"
- {array}, specifies an array of [x1,y1,x2,y2] type that defines the control points P1(x1,y1), P2(x1,y1) of the bezier curve.
- any
"ease" {string}, generates an "ease" bezier transition
[1,0,0,1] {array}, shows a custom bezier curve
(static) bezierScaleRangeX :object
The bezierScaleRangeX field specifies an object of {min,max} type that limits the number of units to be displayed on the x-axis.
- object
(static) bezierScaleRangeY :object
The bezierScaleRangeY field specifies an object of {min,max} type that limits the number of units to be displayed on the y-axis.
- object
(static) bezierScaleX :number
The bezierScaleX field specifies the number of units to be displayed on the x-axis.
- number
1 {number}, the units on x-axis are 0 and 1
5 {number}, the units on x-axis are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(static) bezierScaleY :number
The bezierScaleY field specifies the number of units to be displayed on the y-axis.
- number
1 {number}, the units on y-axis are 0 and 1
5 {number}, the units on y-axis are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
(static) clipBezier :boolean
The clipBezier field specifies if the control clips the entire bezier to its client area.
- boolean
false {boolean}, shows the bezier curve un-clipped
true {boolean}, clips the bezier curve
(static) colorBezier :string
The colorBezier field defines the color to show the bezier's curve.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color (hides the bezier curve)
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorBezierControl :string
The colorBezierControl field specifies the CSS color to display the control points.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color (hides the bezier control points)
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorBezierScale :string
The colorBezierScale field defines a color to show the lines of the scale.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorBezierScaleControl :string
The colorBezierScaleControl field specifies the color to display the control-scale point.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorBezierValue :string
The colorBezierValue field defines the color to show the background of the values on the bezier curve (while the value is between margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorBezierValueOutside :string
The colorBezierValueOutside field defines the color to show the background of the values on the bezier curve (while the value is outside of margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorLineBezierControl :string
The colorLineBezierControl field defines the CSS color to show the line between control point and bezier's origin.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color (hides the line between control point and bezier's origin)
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorShadowBezierValue :string
The colorShadowBezierValue field specifies the shadow's color for bezier values (while the value is between margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorShadowBezierValueOutside :string
The colorShadowBezierValueOutside field specifies the shadow's color for bezier value (while the value is outside of margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorTextBezierScale :string
The colorTextBezierScale field defines the color to display the scale (excluding the margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorTextBezierValue :string
The colorTextBezierValue field defines the color to show the values on the bezier curve (while the value is between margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorTextBezierValueOutside :string
The colorTextBezierValueOutside field defines the color to show the values on the bezier curve (while the value is outside of margins).
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) colorTextMarginsBezierScale :string
The colorTextMarginsBezierScale field defines the CSS color to display the margins of the scale.
- string
null {null}, defines a black-color
"transparent" {string}, defines a transparent-color
"red" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgb(255,0,0)" {string}, defines a red-color
"rgba(255,0,0,0.5)" {string}, defines a 50% red-color
(static) formatBezierValue :string
The formatBezierValue field specifies a general expression that defines the values to be shown on the curve, based on the progress.
The formatBezierValue expression supports the following keywords:
- "value" {number}, indicates a value between 0 and 1, indicating the time,
- "scale" {number}, specifies the count of elements on the progress scale.
- string
null {null}, shows values in default format
"``" {string}, no values are displayed
"value format 2" {string}, shows the value with 2 decimals
"scale * value format 2" {string}, shows the scaled values with 2 decimals
(static) formatColorBezierValue :string
The formatColorBezierValue field specifies a general expression that defines the intensity of the color to show the values, based on the progress (see also colorBezierValue)
The formatColorBezierValue expression supports the following keywords:
- "value" {number}, a numeric expression that specifies the x-position to request the color (a value between 0 and 1)
- "color" {number}, A RGB component to be converted (a value between 0 and 255)
- string
"0", indicates a black color or rgb(0,0,0)
"255", indicates a white color or rgb(255,255,255)
"255*value", returns a value between 0 and 255 that defines the RGB component based on the time/value.
"color", indicates the original color (colorBezierValue property)
(static) highlightBezierScaleProgress :boolean
The highlightBezierScaleProgress field highligths the value on the bezier, on the progress scale as well.
- boolean
false {boolean}, unhighligths the values on axis
true {boolean}, highligths the values on axis
(static) locked :boolean
The locked field indicates whether the control is locked(protected) or unlocked.
- boolean
false {boolean}, unlocks the control
true {boolean}, locks the control (the user can not change the bezier control points)
(static) pArgBezierValue :object
The pArgBezierValue field holds different properties to customize the object's primitive (see also primitiveBezierValue).
The pArgBezierValue parameter can include different properties for predefined primitive such as:
- exontrol.D.P.RoundRect or "RoundRect" => {x: 24, y:24}
- exontrol.D.P.Arc or "Arc" => {startAngle: 0, sweepAngle: Math.PI/2}
- exontrol.D.P.Pie or "Pie" => {startAngle: 0, sweepAngle: Math.PI/2}
- exontrol.D.P.PieRing or "PieRing" => {startAngle: 0, sweepAngle: PI/2, width: 10}
- exontrol.D.P.EllipticPolygon or "EllipticPolygon" => {edges: 6, startAngle: -Math.PI/2}
- exontrol.D.P.Polygon or "Polygon" => {points: [[0,100],[50,0],[100,100]]}
- exontrol.D.P.Star or "Star" => {edges: 6, startAngle: -Math.PI/2, deep: 0.5, tilt: 0.5}
- exontrol.D.P.Star or "Spline" => {points: [[0,100],[50,0],[100,100]], tension: 0, alpha: 0.5, closed: false}
- object
(static) primitiveBezierValue :string
The primitiveBezierValue field defines the type of frame the object is displaying (see also pArgBezierValue)
The primitiveBezierValue could be any of the following predefined values:
- "Rect" {string}, defines a rectangular-object
- "RoundRect" {string}, defines a round rectangular-object. The pArgBezierValue.x, pArgBezierValue.y define the radius of round-corners.
- "Ellipse" {string}, defines an elliptic-object
- "Pie" {string}, defines a pie-object. The pArgBezierValue.startAngle property defines the angle (radians) the pie starts from. The pArgBezierValue.sweepAngle property defines the length (radians) of the pie.
- "Arc" {string}, defines an arc-object. The pArgBezierValue.startAngle property defines the angle (radians) the arc starts from. The pArgBezierValue.sweepAngle property defines the length (radians) of the arc.
- "Oval" {string}, defines an oval-object.
- "Circle" {string}, defines a circle-object.
- "Triangle" {string}, defines a triangle-object.
- "EllipticPolygon" {string}, defines an elliptic-polygon-object. The pArgBezierValue.edges property defines the number of edges within the elliptic-polygon. The pArgBezierValue.startAngle property defines the angle (radians) the elliptic-polygon starts from.
- "Polygon" {string}, defines a polygon-object. The pArgBezierValue.points property defines points of the polygon.
- "Star" {string}, defines a star-object. The pArgBezierValue.edges property defines the number of edges of the star. The pArgBezierValue.startAngle property defines the angle (radians) the star-object starts from. The pArgBezierValue.deep defines the star's deepness, while pArgBezierValue.tilt defines the star's tile as a number betwee 0 and 1
- "Spline" {string}, defines the Catmull-Rom spline-primitive (a curve that goes through its control points). The pArg.points property defines the control-points of the curve. The pArg.tension property specifies the tension of the curve, as a value ptFrom 0(round) to 1 (rectangular). The pArg.alpha specifies the alpha of the curve (0.5 by default), while pArg.closed defines a closed curve
- "Summary" {string}, defines a summary-object (outlines the summary-bar)
- "Deadline" {string}, defines a deadline-object (outlines the deadline-bar)
- string
(static) readOnly :boolean
The readOnly field indicates whether the control is read-only (no changes are allowed).
- boolean
false {boolean}, unlocks the control
true {boolean}, locks the control (the user can not change the bezier control points)
(static) restrictBezier :boolean
The restrictBezier field specifies whether the control points of the bezier curve are limited to [0,1] range.
- boolean
false {boolean}, no limit for P1 and P2 control points
true {boolean}, limits the P1 and P2 control points to [0,1] range
(static) showBezierControl :boolean
The showBezierControl field specifies whether the P1 and P2 control points of the bezier are shown on the client.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the P1 and P2 control points of the bezier
true {boolean}, shows the P1 and P2 control points of the bezier
(static) showBezierCoord :boolean
The showBezierCoord field indicates whether the control displays the current coordinates of the bezier being displayed ( P1 and P2 control points).
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the bezier's coordinates
true {boolean}, shows the bezier's coordinates
(static) showBezierDuplicateControl :boolean
The showBezierDuplicateControl field indicates whether the P1 and P2 control points (duplicate) of the bezier are shown on the client. A duplicate control point is shown on the bezier's client edge, when the control point does not fit the control area.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the P1 and P2 control points (duplicate) of the bezier
true {boolean}, shows the P1 and P2 control points (duplicate) of the bezier
(static) showBezierScale :boolean
The showBezierScale field indicates whether the scale time/progress is displayed.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the scale time/progress
true {boolean}, shows the scale time/progress
(static) showBezierScaleControl :boolean
The showBezierScaleControl field indicates whether the control displays a control-scale point, that allows you to change the scale to display the values on the bezier.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the control-scale point
true {boolean}, shows the control-scale point
(static) showBezierValue :boolean
The showBezierValue field indicates whether the values are shown on the bezier curve.
- boolean
false {boolean}, hides the values are shown on the bezier curve
true {boolean}, shows the values are shown on the bezier curve
(static) sizeBezier :number
The sizeBezier fiels defines the size of the bezier's curve in pixels.
- number
1 {number}, shows a bezier curve of 1-pixels wide
5 {number}, shows a bezier curve of 5-pixels wide
(static) sizeBezierControl :array
The sizeBezierControl field defines the size in pixels to display the control points.
- array
null {null}, defines the default size for bezier control points
[0,0] {array}, defines the empty bezier control points
[4,4] {array}, defines the a 4x4 bezier control points
(static) sizeHoverPointControl :number
The sizeHoverPointControl field defines the size to increase the bezier's control points when the mouse pointer hovers it.
- number
null {null}, indicates the sizeHoverPointControl's default value
0 {number}, no change of the size to display the bezier's control points when the mouse pointer hovers it
4 {number}, increases by 4 the size to display the bezier's control points when the mouse pointer hovers it
(static) tfi :string|object
The tfi field applies font attributes to captions within the control. The tfi field can be defined using a string representation such as "b monospace 16" or as an object such as {bold: true, fontName: "monospace", fontSize: 16}.
The tfi field as string supports any of the following keywords (each keyword can be specified using first letters only such as "b" for "bold) separated by space characters:
- bold, displays the text in bold (equivalent of <b> tag)
- italic, displays the text in italics (equivalent of <i> tag)
- underline, underlines the text (equivalent of <u> tag)
- strikeout, specifies whether the text is strike-through (equivalent of <s> tag)
- <fontName name>, specifies the font's family (equivalent of <font name> tag)
- <fontSize size>, specifies the size of the font (equivalent of <font ;size> tag)
- <fgColor CSSColor>, specifies the text's foreground color (equivalent of <fgcolor> tag)
- <bgColor CSSColor>, specifies the text's background color (equivalent of <bgcolor> tag)
- <shaColor CSSColor;width;offset>, defines the text's shadow (equivalent of <sha color;width;offset> tag)
- <outColor CSSColor>, shows the text with outlined characters (CSScolor) (equivalent of <out color> tag)
- <graColor CSSColor;mode;blend>, defines a gradient text (equivalent of <gra color;mode;blend> tag)
Any other word within the tfi field that's not recognized as a keyword is interpreted as:
- name of the font (not a number), specifies the font's family (equivalent of <font name> tag)
- size of the font (number), specifies the size of the font (equivalent of <font ;size> tag)
The tfi field as object supports any of the following fields:
- bold {boolean}, displays the text in bold (equivalent of <b> tag)
- italic {boolean}, displays the text in italics (equivalent of <i> tag)
- underline {boolean}, underlines the text (equivalent of <u> tag)
- strikeout {boolean}, specifies whether the text is strike-through (equivalent of <s> tag)
- fontName {string}, specifies the font's family (equivalent of <font name> tag)
- fontSize {number}, specifies the size of the font (equivalent of <font ;size> tag)
- fgColor {string}, specifies the text's foreground color (CSScolor) (equivalent of <fgcolor> tag)
- bgColor {string}, specifies the text's background color (CSScolor) (equivalent of <bgcolor> tag)
- shaColor {object}, specifies an object of {color, width, offset} type that defines the text's shadow (equivalent of <sha color;width;offset> tag), where:
- color {string}, defines the color of the text's shadow (CSScolor)
- width {number}, defines the size of the text's shadow
- offset {number}, defines the offset to show the text's shadow relative to the text
- outColor {string}, shows the text with outlined characters (CSScolor) (equivalent of <out color> tag)
- graColor {object}, specifies an object of {color, mode, blend} type that defines a gradient text (equivalent of <gra color;mode;blend> tag), where:
- color {string}, defines the gradient-color (CSScolor)
- mode {number}, defines the gradient mode as a value between 0 and 4
- blend {number}, defines the gradient blend as a value between 0 and 1
CSSColor or CSS legal color values can be specified by the following methods:
- Hexadecimal colors, is specified with: #RRGGBB, where the RR (red), GG (green) and BB (blue) hexadecimal integers specify the components of the color. All values must be between 00 and FF. For example, #0000ff value is rendered as blue, because the blue component is set to its highest value (ff) and the others are set to 00.
- Hexadecimal colors with transparency, is specified with: #RRGGBBAA, where AA (alpha) value must be between 00 and FF. For example, #0000ff80 defines a semi-transparent blue.
- RGB colors, is specified with the RGB(red, green, blue) function. Each parameter (red, green, and blue) defines the intensity of the color and can be an integer between 0 and 255. For example, rgb(0,0,255) defines the blue color.
- RGBA colors, are an extension of RGB color values with an alpha channel as RGBA(red, green, blue, alpha) function, where the alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). For example, rgba(0,0,255,0.5) defines a semi-transparent blue.
- HSL colors, is specified with the HSL(hue, saturation, lightness) function, where hue is a degree on the color wheel (from 0 to 360) - 0 (or 360) is red, 120 is green, 240 is blue. saturation is a percentage value; 0% means a shade of gray and 100% is the full color. lightness is also a percentage; 0% is black, 100% is white. HSL stands for hue, saturation, and lightness - and represents a cylindrical-coordinate representation of colors. For example, hsl(240, 100%, 50%) defines the blue color.
- HSLA colors, are an extension of HSL color values with an alpha channel - which specifies the opacity of the object as HSLA(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) function, where alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque). For example, hsla(240, 100%, 50%,0.5) defines a semi-transparent blue.
- Predefined/Cross-browser color names, 140 color names are predefined in the HTML and CSS color specification. For example, blue defines the blue color.
- string | object
null {null}, the tfi field is ignored
"bold monospace 16 <fg blue>" {string}, defines Monospace font of 16px height, bold and blue
{bold: true, fontName: "monospace", fontSize: 16, fgColor: "blue"} {object}, defines Monospace font of 16px height, bold and blue
(static) wheelChange :number
The wheelChange field specifies the amount the control scrolls when the user rolls the mouse wheel.
- number
0 {number}, locks any action the mouse's wheel performs
5 {number}, increases the control's value by 5 once the user rotates the mouse's wheel