
The eXSuite/JS library includes several HTML5 standalone-components, written in pure JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries. The eXSuite/JS library includes different type of components such as:

  • Multiple-Columns Tree-Grid controls (gantt, tree, grid, list, pivot, ...)
  • Scheduling controls (scheduler, event calendar, calendar, ...)
  • Graph controls (swimlane, surface, organization charts, ...)
  • Menu controls (menu, context-menu, toolbar, radial-menu)
  • Miscellaneous controls (gauge, led, scrollbar, ...)
The /JS license is per developer/domain. In other words, once you licensed the eXSuite/JS library, you can use the any component of the eXSuite/JS library free of charge, without paying any run-time fees to us, locally or on your registered domain(s).


Download eXSuite/JS (size: 42 MB)

JavaScript: Suitable for: Web Development, HTML, Angular, React, Vue, Node.js, and so on.
