Element object defines an object on the surface. The Element object supports
the following properties and methods:
| | Name | Description | |
| | AllowChangeParent | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element can change its parent ( by drag and drop ). | |
| | AllowInsertChild | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element allows child elements ( by drag and drop ). | |
| | AutoHeight | Gets the height of the element to fit its content ( as if the AutoSize property is True ). | |
| | AutoSize | Specifies if the element computes its size automatically. | |
| | AutoWidth | Gets the width of the element to fit its content ( as if the AutoSize property is True ). | |
| | BackColor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's background color. | |
| | BackgroundExt | Indicates additional colors, text, images that can be displayed on the element's background using the EBN string format. | |
| | BackgroundExtValue | Specifies at runtime, the value of the giving property for specified part of the background extension. | |
| | BorderColor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's border color. | |
| | BorderPadding | Returns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the element's borders. | |
| | BringToFront | Brings the element to front. | |
| | Caption | Gets or sets a value that indicates the HTML caption to be displayed on the element. | |
| | CaptionAlign | Indicates the alignment of the element's caption. | |
| | CaptionSingleLine | Specifies if the element's caption is displayed on single or multiple lines. | |
| | CheckBoxAlign | Indicates the alignment of the element's checkbox. | |
| | Checked | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's check-box state. | |
| | ChildCount | Counts the number of child elements. | |
| | ChildPosition | Specifies the position of the element while it is a child element. | |
| | Children | Returns a safe array of child elements. | |
| | ClientPadding | Returns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the element's client. | |
| | Control | Specifies the identifier of the inner control hosted by the current element. | |
| | Edit | Edits the element. | |
| | ElementFormat | Specifies the way the control shows the parts of the element. | |
| | Enabled | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element is enabled or disabled. | |
| | EndUpdateElement | Adds programmatically updated properties of the element to undo/redo queue. | |
| | EnsureVisible | Scrolls the surface to ensure that the current element fits the control's visible area. | |
| | Expanded | Expands or collapses the element. | |
| | ExtraCaption | Gets or sets a value that indicates the extra HTML caption to be displayed on the element. | |
| | ExtraCaptionAlign | Indicates the alignment of the element's extra caption. | |
| | ExtraCaptionSingleLine | Specifies if the element's extra caption is displayed on single or multiple lines. | |
| | ExtraPictures | Specifies the list of extra pictures to be displayed on the element. | |
| | ExtraPicturesAlign | Indicates the alignment of the element's extra picture. | |
| | FirstChild | Gets the first child of the element. | |
| | ForeColor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's foreground color. | |
| | Height | Specifies the height of the element. | |
| | ID | Specifies the element's unique identifier. | |
| | IncomingLinks | Returns a safe array of incoming links. | |
| | InflateSize | Increases or decreases the width and height of the element. | |
| | LastChild | Gets the last child of the element. | |
| | Level | Specifies the level of the element in a hierarchy. | |
| | License | Indicates the runtime license required to create the inner control. | |
| | MaxHeight | Specifies the maximum height of the element. | |
| | MaxWidth | Specifies the maximum width of the element. | |
| | MinHeight | Specifies the minimum height of the element. | |
| | MinWidth | Specifies the minimum width of the element. | |
| | MoveTo | Moves the element to a new position. | |
| | NextSiblingChild | Retrieves the next sibling of the element in the parent's child list | |
| | NextVisibleChild | Retrieves the next visible element in the parent's child list | |
| | Object | Returns the inner object hosted by the current element. | |
| | OutgoingLinks | Returns a safe array of outgoing links. | |
| | OverviewColor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's overview color. | |
| | Padding | Returns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the element's background. | |
| | Parent | Specifies the element's parent. | |
| | PathTo | Determines if there is any path from the current element to the specified element. | |
| | Pattern | Specifies the pattern to be shown on the element's background. | |
| | Picture | Retrieves or sets a graphic to be displayed in the control. | |
| | PictureDisplay | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the way how the graphic is displayed on the element's background | |
| | Pictures | Specifies the list of pictures to be displayed on the element. | |
| | PicturesAlign | Indicates the alignment of the element's picture. | |
| | PrevSiblingChild | Retrieves the prev sibling of the element in the parent's child list | |
| | PrevVisibleChild | Retrieves the prev visible element in the parent's child list | |
| | Resizable | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can resize the element. | |
| | ScrollTo | Moves or scrolls the surface, so the current element aligns to the specified corner. | |
| | Selectable | Indicates if the element is selectable. | |
| | Selected | Indicates if the element is selected or unselected. | |
| | SendToBack | Sends the element to the back. | |
| | ShowCheckBox | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the element shows or hides the check-box. | |
| | ShowHandCursorOn | Specifies whether the hand cursor is shown when hovering the element. | |
| | StartUpdateElement | Starts changing properties of the element, so EndUpdateElement method adds programmatically updated properties to undo/redo queue. | |
| | StatusAlign | Specifies the alignment of the status inside the element. | |
| | StatusColor | Gets or sets a value that indicates the element's status color. | |
| | StatusPadding | Returns or sets a value that indicates the padding of the element's status. | |
| | StatusPattern | Specifies the pattern of the element's status | |
| | StatusSize | Specifies the size of the status inside the element. | |
| | ToolTip | Gets or sets a value (tooltip) that's displayed once the cursor hovers the element. | |
| | ToolTipTitle | Gets or sets a value (title) that's displayed once the cursor hovers the element. | |
| | Type | Specifies the element's type. | |
| | UserData | Indicates any extra data associated with the element. | |
| | Visible | Shows or hides the element. | |
| | VisibleChildCount | Counts the number of visible child elements. | |
| | VisibleChildren | Returns a safe array of visible child elements. | |
| | Width | Specifies the width of the element. | |
| | Window | Returns or sets the handle of the window to be hosted by the element. | |
| | X | Specifies the element's x-position. | |
| | Y | Specifies the element's y-position. | |