property Element.Expanded as Boolean
Expands or collapses the element.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the element is expanded or collapsed.
The control displays a +/- expanding glyphs next to the parent elements that contain child elements or outgoing elements (ExpandLinkedElements property). The Expanded property specifies whether the element is expanded or collapsed. The ExpandLinkedElements property specifies whether the elements displays the expand/collapse glyphs when the element has outgoing elements ( the OutgoingLinks property specifies the links that starts from the element ). The Background(exTreeGlyphCollapsed) and Background(exTreeGlyphExpanded) specifies the visual appearance to show the glyph next to the collapsed/expanded element. The Parent property specifies the element's parent. The Children property specifies the list of child elements. The control fires the ExpandElement event when a node is collapsed or expanded. The Add method adds programmatically a link between two elements. Use the Insert method to insert programmatically a child element. Use the ShowLinksOnCollapse property to show the links between an element and collapsed elements. Use the IndentX / IndentY property to specify the indentation between child and parent elements.

The following screen shot shows the elements arranged as a tree: