ExShellView object
Tip The /COM object can be placed on a HTML page (with usage of the HTML object tag:  <object classid="clsid:...">)  using the class identifier: {B4E1F234-AF0D-4EAD-8113-A563B40E71CA}. The object's program identifier is: "Exontrol.ShellView". The /COM object module is: "ExShellView.dll"
Exontrol's new ExShellView component provides a file list view which is identical with the right pane of your Windows Explorer. The control supports the following properties and methods:

AlignToGridSpecifies whether in icon view, icons automatically snap into a grid.
AllowContextMenuEnables or disables the control's context-menu.
AppearanceReturns or sets a value that determines the appearance of the object.
AttachTemplateAttaches a script to the current object, including the events, from a string, file, a safe array of bytes.
AutoArrangeSpecifies whether the files are automatically kept arranged in icon and small icon view.
BrowseFilesSpecifies a list ( separated by | character ) or safe array of files to be shown in the shell view.
BrowseFolderRetrieves or sets the browsed folder using a path, a special folder constant or another Folder object.
CancelObjectSelectCancels opening the object being double clicked ( aka folder or zip files ) during the ObjectSelect event.
CanRenameRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the user can rename files/folders at runtime.
ColumnNamesDefines a list of column's name replacements, separated by comma as 'Name1(NewName1),...'
CurrentFolderRetrieves or sets the folder to be browsed.
DefaultMenuItemsRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the control allows default shell context menu items.
DisableDragDropDisables the OLE Drag and Drop within the control.
DrawGridLinesSpecifies whether the control shows the grid lines around items, when the control's view is details.
EnabledRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control responds to the user-generated events.
EventParamRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter.
ExecuteTemplateExecutes a template and returns the result.
FilePatternRetrieves or sets a string value that indicates the file pattern used to include files. "*.jpg *.bmp "
FontRetrieves or sets a Font object used to paint the items.
HeaderVisibleSpecifies whether the view's header is visible or hidden.
HideFileNamesSpecifies whether the files hides the names in icon and small icon view.
HideToolTipsSpecifies whether the file displays a tooltip when the cursor hovers the shellview.
hWndRetrieves the window handle.
IncludeObjectTypeRetrieves or sets the way how the control will filter the objects.
MatchPatternChecks if the given word matches the given mask.
ModifyFolderFlagsAdds or removes flags that indicates the options for browsed folder.
ObjectsRetrieves a collection of ExShellObject objects that indicates the current selection, or all items from the view.
OverlayIconsRetrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control displays the overlay icons.
RefreshRefreshes the content of the browsed folder.
SelectAllSelects or unselects all files in the control when the multiple selection is enabled.
ShellFolderRetrieves a Folder object based on a path, on a special folder constant or on an ID property.
SpecialFolderRetrieves a Folder object given a special folder constant.
TemplateSpecifies the control's template.
TemplateDefDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
TemplatePutDefines inside variables for the next Template/ExecuteTemplate call.
UpOneLevelBrowses the parent of current browsed folder.
VersionRetrieves the Version of the control.
ViewFolderFlagsRetrieves the flags for the browsed folder.
ViewModeReturns or changes the current view of the control.