Type | Description | |||
String | A String expression that specifies the items to be added. The list of items is separated by , (comma) character, while sub-menus are include between () parenthesis. The [] brackets indicates the options to be applied on the item |
The ToString property loads or saves the control items from a string.
The user can add new items to the control using any of the following:The Remove method removes a specified item. The BrowseType property specifies what the item displays, when the user clicks/browses it. The BrowseCustomType property indicates the custom object to be shown when the user clicks/browses the item ( child, radial-slider or gauge ). The BrowseCustom property gets or sets a value for specified property, when browsing custom control.
For instance, the "Item 1,Item 2,Item 3, Item 4", generates the following screen shot:
For instance, the "Item <b>1</b>,Item <b>2</b>[scap=<font ;6>continue],Item <b>3</b>(Child 1,Child 2)", generates the following screen shot:
The ToString syntax in BNF notation:
<ToString> ::= <ITEMS>
<ITEMS> ::= <ITEM>["("<ITEMS>")"][","<ITEMS>]
<OPTIONS> ::= "["<OPTION>"]"["["<OPTIONS>"]"]
<PROPERTY> ::= "scap" | "img" | "simg" | "bg" | "sbg" | "bga" | "sbga" | "fg" | "sfg" | "ttp" | "sttp" | "ttpt" | "sttpt" | "data" | "sdata" | "browse" | "custom" | "value"
where the <CAPTION> is the HTML caption to be shown on the item, equivalent with Caption(exRadialItems). The <VALUE> indicates the value of giving property.