property Item.Tooltip(Type as RadialItemsEnum) as String
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the item's tooltip.

Type as RadialItemsEnum A RadialItemsEnum expression that specifies the part of the item to assign the tooltip.
String A String expression that defines the item's tooltip. The ToolTip supports built-in HTML format.
By default, the Tooltip property is empty. The Tooltip property specifies the item's tooltip. The TooltipTitle property retrieves or sets a value that indicates the title of the item's tooltip. Use the ShowToolTip method to display a custom tooltip. The ItemFromPoint property returns the item from the cursor. Use the ToolTipWidth property to specify the width of the tooltip window Use the ToolTipPopDelay property specifies the period in ms of time the ToolTip remains visible if the mouse pointer is stationary within a control. Use the ToolTipFont property to change the tooltip's font. Use the Background(exToolTipAppearance) property indicates the visual appearance of the borders of the tooltips. Use the Background(exToolTipBackColor) property indicates the tooltip's background color. Use the Background(exToolTipForeColor) property indicates the tooltip's foreground color.

The following screen shot shows a tooltip when user hovers the mouse over an item:


The ToolTip supports the following built-in HTML format:

The following samples show how you can assign a tooltip to an item: 

VBA (MS Access, Excell...)

With RadialMenu1
	.DisplayAngle = -45
	.Expanded = True
	With .Items
		.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
		With .Add("Item 2")
			.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
			.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		End With
	End With
End With


With RadialMenu1
	.DisplayAngle = -45
	.Expanded = True
	With .Items
		.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(exRadialItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
		With .Add("Item 2")
			.Tooltip(exRadialItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
			.Tooltip(exRadialSubItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		End With
	End With
End With


With Exradialmenu1
	.DisplayAngle = -45
	.Expanded = True
	With .Items
		.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		.Add("Item 1").set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item")
		With .Add("Item 2")
			.set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item")
			.set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialSubItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item")
		End With
	End With
End With


With AxRadialMenu1
	.DisplayAngle = -45
	.Expanded = True
	With .Items
		.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
		With .Add("Item 2")
			.Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
			.Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialSubItems) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		End With
	End With
End With


	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXRADIALMENULib' for the library: 'ExRadialMenu 1.0 Control Library'

	#import <ExRadialMenu.dll>
	using namespace EXRADIALMENULib;
EXRADIALMENULib::IRadialMenuPtr spRadialMenu1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_RADIALMENU1)->GetControlUnknown();
EXRADIALMENULib::IItemsPtr var_Items = spRadialMenu1->GetItems();
	var_Items->PutToString(L"Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]");
	var_Items->Add(L"Item 1",vtMissing,vtMissing)->PutTooltip(EXRADIALMENULib::exRadialItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item");
	EXRADIALMENULib::IItemPtr var_Item = var_Items->Add(L"Item 2",vtMissing,vtMissing);
		var_Item->PutTooltip(EXRADIALMENULib::exRadialItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item");
		var_Item->PutTooltip(EXRADIALMENULib::exRadialSubItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item");

C++ Builder

RadialMenu1->DisplayAngle = -45;
RadialMenu1->Expanded = true;
Exradialmenulib_tlb::IItemsPtr var_Items = RadialMenu1->Items;
	var_Items->ToString = L"Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]";
	var_Items->Add(L"Item 1",TNoParam(),TNoParam())->set_Tooltip(Exradialmenulib_tlb::RadialItemsEnum::exRadialItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item");
	Exradialmenulib_tlb::IItemPtr var_Item = var_Items->Add(L"Item 2",TNoParam(),TNoParam());
		var_Item->set_Tooltip(Exradialmenulib_tlb::RadialItemsEnum::exRadialItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item");
		var_Item->set_Tooltip(Exradialmenulib_tlb::RadialItemsEnum::exRadialSubItems,L"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item");


exradialmenu1.DisplayAngle = -45;
exradialmenu1.Expanded = true;
exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.Items var_Items = exradialmenu1.Items;
	var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]";
	var_Items.Add("Item 1",null,null).set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item");
	exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.Item var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 2",null,null);
		var_Item.set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item");
		var_Item.set_Tooltip(exontrol.EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialSubItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item");


<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:1604BDE1-D48F-4D3F-B51B-49C0CD74236C" id="RadialMenu1"></OBJECT>

function Init()
	RadialMenu1.DisplayAngle = -45;
	RadialMenu1.Expanded = true;
	var var_Items = RadialMenu1.Items;
		var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]";
		var_Items.Add("Item 1",null,null).Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item";
		var var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 2",null,null);
			var_Item.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item";
			var_Item.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item";


<BODY onload="Init()">
<OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:1604BDE1-D48F-4D3F-B51B-49C0CD74236C" id="RadialMenu1"></OBJECT>

Function Init()
	With RadialMenu1
		.DisplayAngle = -45
		.Expanded = True
		With .Items
			.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
			.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
			With .Add("Item 2")
				.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
				.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
			End With
		End With
	End With
End Function

C# for /COM

axRadialMenu1.DisplayAngle = -45;
axRadialMenu1.Expanded = true;
EXRADIALMENULib.Items var_Items = axRadialMenu1.Items;
	var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]";
	var_Items.Add("Item 1",null,null).set_Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item");
	EXRADIALMENULib.Item var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 2",null,null);
		var_Item.set_Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item");
		var_Item.set_Tooltip(EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialSubItems,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item");

X++ (Dynamics Ax 2009)

public void init()
	COM com_Item,com_Items;
	anytype var_Item,var_Items;


	var_Items = exradialmenu1.Items(); com_Items = var_Items;
		com_Items.ToString("Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]");
		var_Item = COM::createFromObject(com_Items.Add("Item 1")); com_Item = var_Item;
		com_Item.Tooltip(1/*exRadialItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item");
		var_Item = com_Items.Add("Item 2"); com_Item = var_Item;
			com_Item.Tooltip(1/*exRadialItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item");
			com_Item.Tooltip(2/*exRadialSubItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item");

Delphi 8 (.NET only)

with AxRadialMenu1 do
	DisplayAngle := -45;
	Expanded := True;
	with Items do
		ToString := 'Item 0[ttp=tooltip''s item][sttp=tooltip''s subitem]';
		Add('Item 1',Nil,Nil).Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item';
		with Add('Item 2',Nil,Nil) do
			Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item';
			Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib.RadialItemsEnum.exRadialSubItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item';

Delphi (standard)

with RadialMenu1 do
	DisplayAngle := -45;
	Expanded := True;
	with Items do
		ToString := 'Item 0[ttp=tooltip''s item][sttp=tooltip''s subitem]';
		Add('Item 1',Null,Null).Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib_TLB.exRadialItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item';
		with Add('Item 2',Null,Null) do
			Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib_TLB.exRadialItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item';
			Tooltip[EXRADIALMENULib_TLB.exRadialSubItems] := 'This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item';


with thisform.RadialMenu1
	.DisplayAngle = -45
	.Expanded = .T.
	with .Items
		.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
		with .Add("Item 2")
			.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
			.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"

dBASE Plus

local oRadialMenu,var_Item,var_Item1,var_Items

oRadialMenu = form.EXRADIALMENUACTIVEXCONTROL1.nativeObject
oRadialMenu.DisplayAngle = -45
oRadialMenu.Expanded = true
var_Items = oRadialMenu.Items
	var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
	// var_Items.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
	var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 1")
	with (oRadialMenu)
		TemplateDef = [dim var_Item]
		TemplateDef = var_Item
		Template = [var_Item.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"]
	var_Item1 = var_Items.Add("Item 2")
		// var_Item1.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
		with (oRadialMenu)
			TemplateDef = [dim var_Item1]
			TemplateDef = var_Item1
			Template = [var_Item1.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"]
		// var_Item1.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		with (oRadialMenu)
			TemplateDef = [dim var_Item1]
			TemplateDef = var_Item1
			Template = [var_Item1.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"]

XBasic (Alpha Five)

Dim oRadialMenu as P
Dim var_Item as local
Dim var_Item1 as P
Dim var_Items as P

oRadialMenu = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex
oRadialMenu.DisplayAngle = -45
oRadialMenu.Expanded = .t.
var_Items = oRadialMenu.Items
	var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
	' var_Items.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
	var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 1")
	oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = "dim var_Item"
	oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = var_Item
	oRadialMenu.Template = "var_Item.Tooltip(1) = `This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item`"

	var_Item1 = var_Items.Add("Item 2")
		' var_Item1.Tooltip(1) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
		oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = "dim var_Item1"
		oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = var_Item1
		oRadialMenu.Template = "var_Item1.Tooltip(1) = `This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item`"

		' var_Item1.Tooltip(2) = "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = "dim var_Item1"
		oRadialMenu.TemplateDef = var_Item1
		oRadialMenu.Template = "var_Item1.Tooltip(2) = `This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item`"

Visual Objects

local var_Item as IItem
local var_Items as IItems

oDCOCX_Exontrol1:DisplayAngle := -45
oDCOCX_Exontrol1:Expanded := true
var_Items := oDCOCX_Exontrol1:Items
	var_Items:ToString := "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
	var_Items:Add("Item 1",nil,nil):[Tooltip,exRadialItems] := "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
	var_Item := var_Items:Add("Item 2",nil,nil)
		var_Item:[Tooltip,exRadialItems] := "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
		var_Item:[Tooltip,exRadialSubItems] := "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"


OleObject oRadialMenu,var_Item,var_Items

oRadialMenu = ole_1.Object
oRadialMenu.DisplayAngle = -45
oRadialMenu.Expanded = true
var_Items = oRadialMenu.Items
	var_Items.ToString = "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
	var_Items.Add("Item 1").Tooltip(1,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item")
	var_Item = var_Items.Add("Item 2")
		var_Item.Tooltip(1,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item")
		var_Item.Tooltip(2,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item")

Visual DataFlex

Procedure OnCreate
	Forward Send OnCreate
	Set ComDisplayAngle to -45
	Set ComExpanded to True
	Variant voItems
	Get ComItems to voItems
	Handle hoItems
	Get Create (RefClass(cComItems)) to hoItems
	Set pvComObject of hoItems to voItems
		Set ComToString of hoItems to "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
		Variant voItem
		Get ComAdd of hoItems "Item 1" Nothing Nothing to voItem
		Handle hoItem
		Get Create (RefClass(cComItem)) to hoItem
		Set pvComObject of hoItem to voItem
			Set ComTooltip of hoItem OLEexRadialItems to "This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item"
		Send Destroy to hoItem
		Variant voItem1
		Get ComAdd of hoItems "Item 2" Nothing Nothing to voItem1
		Handle hoItem1
		Get Create (RefClass(cComItem)) to hoItem1
		Set pvComObject of hoItem1 to voItem1
			Set ComTooltip of hoItem1 OLEexRadialItems to "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item"
			Set ComTooltip of hoItem1 OLEexRadialSubItems to "This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item"
		Send Destroy to hoItem1
	Send Destroy to hoItems


#include ""
#include ""

 	LOCAL oForm
	LOCAL nEvent := 0, mp1 := NIL, mp2 := NIL, oXbp := NIL
	LOCAL oItem
	LOCAL oItems
	LOCAL oRadialMenu

	oForm := XbpDialog():new( AppDesktop() )
	oForm:drawingArea:clipChildren := .T.
	oForm:create( ,,{100,100}, {640,480},, .F. )
	oForm:close  := {|| PostAppEvent( xbeP_Quit )}

	oRadialMenu := XbpActiveXControl():new( oForm:drawingArea )
	oRadialMenu:CLSID  := "Exontrol.RadialMenu.1" /*{1604BDE1-D48F-4D3F-B51B-49C0CD74236C}*/
	oRadialMenu:create(,, {10,60},{610,370} )

		oRadialMenu:DisplayAngle := -45
		oRadialMenu:Expanded := .T.
		oItems := oRadialMenu:Items()
			oItems:ToString := "Item 0[ttp=tooltip's item][sttp=tooltip's subitem]"
			oItems:Add("Item 1"):SetProperty("Tooltip",1/*exRadialItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user <b>hovers</b> the item")
			oItem := oItems:Add("Item 2")
				oItem:SetProperty("Tooltip",1/*exRadialItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the item")
				oItem:SetProperty("Tooltip",2/*exRadialSubItems*/,"This is a bit of text that shown when user hovers the sub-item")

	DO WHILE nEvent != xbeP_Quit
		nEvent := AppEvent( @mp1, @mp2, @oXbp )
		oXbp:handleEvent( nEvent, mp1, mp2 )