property Group.IndentGroupRight as Long
Specifies a value that indicates the indent of the group's list to the right side.

Long A long expression that indicates the indent of the group's list to the right side in pixels.
The IndentGroupRight property is 0. Use the IndentGroupLeft property to specify the indent of the group's list to the left side. The group's list client area is computed based on the BorderWidth, BorderHeight, IndentGroupLeft, IndentGroupRight and BorderGroupHeight properties. Use the Left, Top, Width and Height to determine the client coordinates of the group's list. Use the IndentHeaderLeft property to indent the group's header from left side. Use the IndentHeaderRight property to indent the group's header from right side.  Use the IndentHeaderTop property to indent the group's header from top side. Use the IndentHeaderBottom property to indent the group's header from bott