property Pivot.PivotRows as String
Specifies the list of group-by columns that determines the rows in the list.

String A String expression that indicates the list of columns that builds the first column(s) / group-by column in the control's list. The column is identified by its index, and it can be followed by A or D character, which indicates Ascending or Descending sorting order. The , (comma character) may divide multiple columns in the list. For instance, the "0,1:D[bold]" indicates that the Group-By columns are 0 and 1, and the 1 is in descending order displayed in bold. If A is missing, the default sorting order is ascending.
The PivotRows property specifies the list of columns that defines the rows of the pivot table. The PivotColumns property specifies the list of columns that display the summarized data in the pivot table. The LockRowsColumn property specifies whether the first column is locked or unlocked. By lock a row or a column it means that the position of it remains unchanged when the user scrolls the control's content. Use the Layout property to save or restore the control's view once the user closes/runs the application. The DataColumns collection holds the collection of Column objects that specifies the control's data. The FormatConditionalAppearances helps you to provide conditional-format for your data, or in other words, ability to highlight values that matches a specified expression.

The PivotRows in BNF notation is:

PivotRows ::= "<Column>[,<Column>]"
Column ::= <Index>[:<Order>][<Options>]
Index ::= <Digit>[<Digit>]
Digit ::= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
Order ::= A | D
Options ::= \[<Option> | ,<Option>\]
Option ::= <CheckOption> | content=<RadioOption>


The control can load data using one of the following methods:

Once the data is loaded to the control, the user can drag and drop columns to summarize the data or set the following properties in the following order:

The following screen shot shows the first column in the control's list, that's specified by the PivotRows property: