property Pivot.Aggregates as Aggregates
Retrieves the Aggregates collection of the pivot control.

Aggregates The Aggregates collection that holds the Aggregate objects.
The Aggregates property gives access to the Aggregates collection. The Aggregates collection holds a collection of Aggregate objects. An aggregate function is a function where the values of multiple rows are grouped together as input on certain criteria to form a single value of more significant meaning or measurement such as a set, a bag or a list. The Aggregate object is identified by an unique key. By default, the Aggregates collection contains the "sum", "min", "max", "count" or "avg" Aggregate objects. Use the Add method to add a new Aggregate function/object to the control. Use the FormatValue/FormatResult property to convert/format the value/result of the Aggregate function. The PivotColumns or PivotTotals property to display aggregate functions on the columns. Use the FormatPivotAggregate / FormatPivotTotal property to display aggregate functions in a different format.

The following screen shot shows the Aggregate objects in the control's context menu:

By default, the Aggregates collection contains the following elements:

For instance: