property XMLGrid.Editing as Long
Specifies the window's handle of the built-in editor while the control is running in edit mode.

Long A long expression that indicates the window's handle for the built-in editor that's focused while the control is running in the edit mode.
Use the Editing property to check whether the control is in edit mode.  Use the Editing property to get the window's handle for the built-in editor while editing.  Use the Edit method to start editing the focused cell. Use the EditType property to define the type of the editor. Use the ReadOnly property to make the control read only. Use the Editor property to assign an editor to a node.

The edit events are fired in the following order:

  1. Edit event. Prevents editing nodes, before showing the node's editor.

  2. EditOpen event. The edit operation started, the node's editor is shown. The Editing property gives the window's handle of the built-in editor being shown.

  3. Change event. The Change event is fired only if the user types ENTER key, the user selects a new value from a predefined data list, or focus a new node.

  4. EditClose event. The node's editor is hidden and closed.