property Item.ShowDown as Boolean
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the item's submenu is up or down oriented .

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the item's submenu is up or down oriented.

By default, a sub menu is shown down.  Use the ShowDown property to display the sub menu up or down. Use the Popup property to specify whether an item hosts a popup menu. Use the Separator property to specify whether an item is a separator item. Use the Add method to add a popup menu, an ActiveX Item, or a separator menu.

The following screen displays the Popup's sub menu if the ShowDown property is True:

The following screen displays the Popup's sub menu if the ShowDown property is False:

The following VB sample adds a submenu that shows :

With ExMenu1
        .Border = BumpBorder
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu 1", EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu)
                .ShowDown = False
                With .SubMenu
                    .Add("File").Alignment = exRight
                    .Add("Open").Alignment = exRight
                    .Add ("Print Preview")
                End With
            End With
        End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
m_menu.SetBorder( 5/*BumpBorder*/ );
CItem item = m_menu.GetItems().Add( "Menu 1", COleVariant( (long)2 /*SubMenu*/ ), vtMissing );
item.SetShowDown( FALSE );
CItem itemF = item.GetSubMenu().Add( "File", vtMissing, vtMissing );
itemF.SetAlignment( 2 /*RightAlignment*/ );
CItem itemO = item.GetSubMenu().Add( "Open", vtMissing, vtMissing );
itemO.SetAlignment( 2 /*RightAlignment*/ );
item.GetSubMenu().Add("Print Preview", vtMissing, vtMissing);

The following VB.NET sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

With AxExMenu1
    .Border = EXMENULib.BorderEnum.BumpBorder
    With .Items
        With .Add("Menu 1", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu)
            .ShowDown = False
            With .SubMenu
                .Add("File").Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
                .Add("Open").Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
                .Add("Print Preview")
            End With
        End With
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

axExMenu1.Border = EXMENULib.BorderEnum.BumpBorder;
EXMENULib.Menu items = axExMenu1.Items;
EXMENULib.item item = items.Add("Menu 1", EXMENULib.ItemTypeEnum.SubMenu, null);
item.ShowDown = false;
EXMENULib.Menu subMenu = item.SubMenu;
subMenu.Add("File", null, null).Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;
subMenu.Add("Open", null, null).Alignment = EXMENULib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;
subMenu.Add("Print Preview", null, null);

The following VFP sample adds some items that are aligned to the right:

With thisform.ExMenu1
        .Border = 5 && BumpBorder
        With .Items
            With .Add("Menu 1", 2)
            	.ShowDown = .f.
            	with .SubMenu && EXMENULibCtl.SubMenu
	                .Add("File").Alignment = 2 && exRight
	                .Add("Open").Alignment = 2 && exRight
	                .Add ("Print Preview")