property Layer.RotateClip as Boolean
Specifies whether the layer's clipping region is rotated once the layer is rotated.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the layer's clipping region is rotated once the current later is rotated.
By default, the RotateClip property is False, which indicates that has no effect. The RotateClip property specifies whether the layer's clipping region is rotated once the layer is rotated. The Clip property gets access to the layer's clipping object. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerRotateClip) property to specify the default value for the RotateClip property, before adding the layer. The OnDrag property indicates the action to be performed when the user drags the layer. The Selectable property returns or sets a value that indicates whether the layer is selectable.

The RotateClip property has effect if:

Any of the following properties can be used to rotate the layer:

The following properties can be used to specify a different rotation center:

The following properties can be used to change the rotation center, while the layer's OnDrag property is exDoRotamove: