property Layer.OffsetToValue as String
Specifies the expression to convert the offsetx,offsety to value.

String A String value that specifies the expression to convert the offsetx,offsety to value.
By default, the OffsetToValue property is empty. If the OffsetToValue property is empty, missing or invalid, it has no effect. If the OffsetToValue property is valid, the result of evaluation of the OffsetToValue property indicates the layer's Value property. The ValueToOffsetX / ValueToOffsetY property converts the value back to an offset. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerOffsetToValue) property to specify the default value for the OffsetToValue property, before adding the layer.

For instance:

The OffsetToValue property supports the following keywords:

Also, this property supports all constants, operators and functions defined here.

The Value property indicates the value keyword in the following properties:

The Value property works in association with the layer's OnDrag property like follows: