ConditionalFormat object
The conditional formatting feature allows you to apply formats to a cell or range of cells, and have that formatting change depending on the value of the cell or the value of a formula. Use the Add method to add new ConditionalFormat objects. Use the Item property to access a ConditionalFormat object. The ConditionalFormat object supports the following properties and method:

ApplyToSpecifies whether the format is applied to items or columns.
ApplyToBarsSpecifies the list of bars that the current format is applied to. The list includes the name of the bars separated by comma character.
BackColorRetrieves or sets the background color for objects that match the condition.
BarColorSpecifies the color to be applied to bars if the conditional expression is accomplished.
BarOverviewColorSpecifies the color to be applied to bars, in the overview portion of the control, if the conditional expression is accomplished.
BoldBolds the objects that match the condition.
ClearBackColorClears the background color.
ClearBarColorClears the bar's color.
ClearBarOverviewColorClears the bar's overview color.
ClearForeColorClears the foreground color.
EnabledSpecifies whether the condition is enabled or disabled.
ExpressionIndicates the expression being used in the conditional format.
FontRetrieves or sets the font for objects that match the criteria.
ForeColorRetrieves or sets the foreground color for objects that match the condition.
ItalicSpecifies whether the objects that match the condition should appear in italic.
KeyChecks whether the expression is syntactically correct.
StrikeOutSpecifies whether the objects that match the condition should appear in strikeout.
UnderlineUnderlines the objects that match the condition.
ValidChecks whether the expression is syntactically correct.