property ConditionalFormat.ApplyToBars as String
Specifies the list of bars that the current format is applied to. The list includes the name of the bars separated by comma character.

String A String expression that indicates the list of bars that the current format is applied to.
By default, the ApplyToBars property is empty, which means that the current format is not applied to any bar. The list includes the name of the bars separated by comma character. The Name property indicates the name of the bar. The ApplyTo property specifies whether the format is applied to item or cell/column. For instance, if the ApplyToBars property is "Task,Milestone", it indicates that the current format is applied to Task and Milestone bars being displayed in the chart. The following properties of the ConditionalFormat object are applied while the ApplyToBars property contains existing bars:

The following screen shot shows different colors applied to different items, using the ConditionalFormat feature: