event AfterDrawPart (Part as DrawPartEnum, hDC as Long, X as Long, Y as Long, Width as Long, Height as Long)
Occurs right after drawing the part of the control.

Part as DrawPartEnum A Part being painted. If the Part parameter is exOwnerDrawBar, the DrawPartItem property specifies the handle of the item that hosts the "OwnerDraw" bar, while the DrawPartKey property specifies the key of the bar to be painted. Use the Add or Copy method to add an "OwnerDraw" bar
hDC as Long A long expression that specifies the handle of the device context where you can draw. The /NET or /WPF assembly provides a System.Drawing.Graphics object instead hDC parameter
X as Long A long expression that specifies the left coordinate of the rectangle where the paint should occur. The /NET or /WPF assembly provides a System.Drawing.Rectangle instead (X, Y, Width, Height ).
Y as Long A long expression that specifies the top coordinate of the rectangle where the paint should occur. The /NET or /WPF assembly provides a System.Drawing.Rectangle instead (X, Y, Width, Height ).
Width as Long A long expression that specifies the width of the rectangle where the paint should occur. The /NET or /WPF assembly provides a System.Drawing.Rectangle instead (X, Y, Width, Height ).
Height as Long A long expression that specifies the height of the rectangle where the paint should occur. The /NET or /WPF assembly provides a System.Drawing.Rectangle instead (X, Y, Width, Height ).
The BeforeDrawPart and AfterDrawPart events occur when different parts of the control requires to be drawn. Use the BeforeDrawPart and AfterDrawPart events to add your custom drawing to be shown in the component. Use the BeforeDrawPart event to perform your own drawing before the default drawing, canceling the default drawing, or changing the area being assigned to the part part when painting. Use the AfterDrawPart event to perform your own drawing after default painting occurs. The /NET Assembly provides instead hDC and (X,Y,Width,Height) parameters a Graphics object and a Rectangle object, the last being passed by reference. Use the HistogramBoundsChanged event to notify your application when the left part of the histogram is resized, so inside controls must be re-positioned.

Currently, the control's owner-draw feature allows you to customize the visual-appearance for bars/tasks or control's histogram part.

The control provides the following events:

Shortly, you can customize the drawing of control's part before and after default-drawing. 

For instance, let's say that you need to specify a different background color, for "task" bars, while still keeping the bar's pattern color, which is specified by the bar's exBarColor property. In order to perform owner-draw for bars you need:

During the BeforeDrawPart and AfterDrawPart events, while Part event parameter is exOwnerDrawBar, the control's DrawPartItem and DrawPartKey provides the handle of the item and the key of the bar being drawn. You can use the Items.ItemBar(DrawPartItem, DrawPartKey, BarProperty) property to access any property related to the bar being painted. In the same manner you can use the Items.CellValue/Items.CellCaption properties to access any value/caption from the list/columns part of the control.

Syntax for AfterDrawPart event, /NET version, on:

private void AfterDrawPart(object sender,exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum Part,int hDC,int X,int Y,int Width,int Height)

Private Sub AfterDrawPart(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Part As exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum,ByVal hDC As Integer,ByVal X As Integer,ByVal Y As Integer,ByVal Width As Integer,ByVal Height As Integer) Handles AfterDrawPart
End Sub

Syntax for AfterDrawPart event, /COM version, on:

private void AfterDrawPart(object sender, AxEXG2ANTTLib._IG2anttEvents_AfterDrawPartEvent e)

void OnAfterDrawPart(long Part,long hDC,long X,long Y,long Width,long Height)

void __fastcall AfterDrawPart(TObject *Sender,Exg2anttlib_tlb::DrawPartEnum Part,long hDC,long X,long Y,long Width,long Height)

procedure AfterDrawPart(ASender: TObject; Part : DrawPartEnum;hDC : Integer;X : Integer;Y : Integer;Width : Integer;Height : Integer);

procedure AfterDrawPart(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXG2ANTTLib._IG2anttEvents_AfterDrawPartEvent);

begin event AfterDrawPart(long Part,long hDC,long X,long Y,long Width,long Height)
end event AfterDrawPart

Private Sub AfterDrawPart(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXG2ANTTLib._IG2anttEvents_AfterDrawPartEvent) Handles AfterDrawPart
End Sub

Private Sub AfterDrawPart(ByVal Part As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.DrawPartEnum,ByVal hDC As Long,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long,ByVal Width As Long,ByVal Height As Long)
End Sub

Private Sub AfterDrawPart(ByVal Part As Long,ByVal hDC As Long,ByVal X As Long,ByVal Y As Long,ByVal Width As Long,ByVal Height As Long)
End Sub

LPARAMETERS Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height

PROCEDURE OnAfterDrawPart(oG2antt,Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height)

Syntax for AfterDrawPart event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="AfterDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function AfterDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height)
End Function

Procedure OnComAfterDrawPart OLEDrawPartEnum llPart Integer llhDC Integer llX Integer llY Integer llWidth Integer llHeight
	Forward Send OnComAfterDrawPart llPart llhDC llX llY llWidth llHeight

METHOD OCX_AfterDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_AfterDrawPart(int _Part,int _hDC,int _X,int _Y,int _Width,int _Height)

function AfterDrawPart as v (Part as OLE::Exontrol.G2antt.1::DrawPartEnum,hDC as N,X as N,Y as N,Width as N,Height as N)
end function

function nativeObject_AfterDrawPart(Part,hDC,X,Y,Width,Height)

The following VB/NET sample (/NET Assembly) shows how you can divide a bar in three colors with dynamic percentages (percentage of colors can be different for each bar):

Private Sub exg2antt1_AfterDrawPart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal Part As exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum, ByVal G As System.Drawing.Graphics, ByVal Rect As System.Drawing.Rectangle) Handles exg2antt1.AfterDrawPart
    Rect.Inflate(-1, -1)
    Dim left As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Rect.Location, Rect.Size), right As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Rect.Location, Rect.Size)
    left.Width = left.Width / (2 + exg2antt1.DrawPartItem Mod 3)
    right.Width = left.Width / 2
    right.X = Rect.Right - right.Width
    Using fmt As StringFormat = New StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoClip Or StringFormatFlags.NoWrap)
        fmt.Trimming = StringTrimming.None
        fmt.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
        G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Yellow, left)
        G.DrawString(String.Format("{0:0}", 100 * (left.Width / CDbl(Rect.Width))) + "%", exg2antt1.Font, Brushes.Black, left, fmt)
        G.FillRectangle(Brushes.Lime, right)
        G.DrawString(String.Format("{0:0}", 100 * (right.Width / CDbl(Rect.Width))) + "%", exg2antt1.Font, Brushes.Black, right, fmt)
    End Using
End Sub

Prior to this code, you can call the following:

.Chart.Bars.Add("OwnerDraw").Color = Color.DodgerBlue
.Items.set_ItemBar(0, "<*>", exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.ItemBarPropertyEnum.exBarName, "OwnerDraw")

that adds the "OwnerDraw" type of bar, and converts all existing bars to "OwnerDraw" type

The following VB6 sample paints over the default-visual appearance of the bar:

Private Sub G2antt1_AfterDrawPart(ByVal Part As EXG2ANTTLibCtl.DrawPartEnum, ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal Width As Long, ByVal Height As Long)
    If (Part = exOwnerDrawBar) Then
        Dim nBkMode, nTextAlign, nColor, hBrush As Long
        Height = Height - 1
        hBrush = SelectObject(hdc, GetStockObject(4))
        Ellipse hdc, x + (Width - Height) / 2, y, x + (Width - Height) / 2 + Height, y + Height
        SelectObject hdc, hBrush
        nBkMode = SetBkMode(hdc, 1)
        nTextAlign = SetTextAlign(hdc, 6)
        nColor = SetTextColor(hdc, RGB(255, 255, 255))
        Dim s As String
        s = G2antt1.Items.CellCaption(G2antt1.DrawPartItem, 1)
        TextOut hdc, x + (Width) / 2 - 1, y + Height / 8, s, Len(s)
        SetTextAlign hdc, nTextAlign
        SetTextColor hdc, nColor
        SetBkMode hdc, nBkMode
    End If
End Sub

and previously you have to declare the API functions as:

Private Declare Function Ellipse Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetBkMode Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal nBkMode As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetTextAlign Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function TextOut Lib "gdi32" Alias "TextOutA" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal nCount As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetTextColor Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal crColor As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SelectObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetStockObject Lib "gdi32" (ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long

The following VB/NET sample (/NET Assembly) shows how you can paint over the default-visual appearance of the bar:

Private Sub Exg2antt1_AfterDrawPart(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal Part As exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum, ByVal G As System.Drawing.Graphics, ByVal Rect As System.Drawing.Rectangle) Handles Exg2antt1.AfterDrawPart
    If (Part = exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum.exOwnerDrawBar) Then
        Dim rText As Rectangle = New Rectangle(Rect.Left + (Rect.Width - Rect.Height) / 2, Rect.Top, Rect.Height, Rect.Height)
        G.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, rText)
        If Not (Exg2antt1.DrawPartItem = 0) Then
            Dim s As String = Exg2antt1.Items.get_CellCaption(Exg2antt1.DrawPartItem, 1)
            G.DrawString(s, sfFont, Brushes.White, rText, sfCenter)
        End If
    End If
End Sub

The following C# sample (/NET Assembly) shows how you can paint over the default-visual appearance of the bar:

private void Exg2antt1_AfterDrawPart(object sender, exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum Part, Graphics G, Rectangle Rect)
    if ( Part == exontrol.EXG2ANTTLib.DrawPartEnum.exOwnerDrawBar )
        Rectangle rText = new Rectangle(Rect.Left + (Rect.Width - Rect.Height) / 2, Rect.Top, Rect.Height, Rect.Height);
        G.FillEllipse(Brushes.Black, rText);
        if (Exg2antt1.DrawPartItem != 0)
            String s = Exg2antt1.Items.get_CellCaption(Exg2antt1.DrawPartItem, 1);
            G.DrawString(s, sfFont, Brushes.White, rText, sfCenter);

The following C++ sample shows how you can paint over the default-visual appearance of the bar:

void CSchedulingDlg::AfterDrawPartG2antt1(long Part, long hDC, long X, long Y, long Width, long Height)
	if ( m_spG2antt != NULL )
		if ( Part == 0 )
			HDC hDCDraw = (HDC)hDC;
			Height = Height - 1;
			HBRUSH hBrush = (HBRUSH)::SelectObject( hDCDraw, GetStockObject( 4 /*BLACK_BRUSH*/ ) );
			Ellipse( hDCDraw, X + (Width - Height)/2, Y, X + (Width - Height)/2 + Height, Y + Height );
			::SelectObject( hDCDraw, hBrush );
			int nBkMode = SetBkMode( hDCDraw, 1 /*TRANSPARENT*/ );
			int nColor = SetTextColor( hDCDraw, RGB(255,255,255) );
			int nTextAlign = SetTextAlign( hDCDraw, 6 /*TA_CENTER*/ );
			CString s = m_spG2antt->Items->CellCaption[m_spG2antt->DrawPartItem, 1];
			TextOut( hDCDraw, X + (Width)/2 - 1, Y + Height/8, s, s.GetLength() );
			SetTextAlign( hDCDraw, nTextAlign );
			SetTextColor( hDCDraw, nColor );
			SetBkMode( hDCDraw, nBkMode );