property Chart.ShowNonworkingDates as Boolean
Shows or hides nonworking dates.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the chart marks the nonworking days.
Use the ShowNonworkingDates property to stop highlighting the nonworking dates. The NonworkingDays property specifies the days being marked as nonworking in a week. Use the AddNonworkingDate method to add custom dates as being nonworking days. Use the IsNonworkingDate property to specify whether the date is a nonworking day. Use the NonworkingDaysPattern property to specify the pattern being used to fill non-working days. The NonworkingDaysColor property specifies the color being used to fill the non-working days. Use the ClearNonworkingDates method to remove all nonworking dates. Use the ItemNonworkingUnits property to specify different non-working zones for different items. Use the UnitWidthNonworking property to specify a different width for non-working units in the base level. The ShowNonworkingUnits property specifies whether the nonworking units are shown or hidden. Use the FormatLabel property to specify the format of the chart's level ( header ).

Generally, you can use the following functions to specify non-working parts in the chart:

Generally, you can use the following attributes for a bar ( ItemBar property ) to work with non-working part of the bars:

The following screen shots shows the chart based on the value for the properties:

Use the AdjustLevelsToBase property to align the levels to base level. The chart's NonworkingDays property is 65 ( indicates that saturday and sunday are non-working days ) while the NonworkingHours property is 16761855 ( indicates working hour from 10AM to 2 PM ).