property Chart.AllowInsideZoom as Boolean
Specifies whether the chart can magnify only parts of the chart.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the char may display magnified only portions of the chart. 
By default, the AllowInsideZoom property is False. The inside zoom feature allows displaying portions of the chart with different time scale units. For instance, you can display the bars on hours, while the chart still displays days. Once the AllowInsideZoom property is True, the user can double clicks the chart's header, so this portion gets magnified. Also, at runtime, the user can resize the time scale units, so the unit gets magnified. Each inside zoom unit is fully customizable, so you can change the background color for the portion being zoomed, draw the grid lines, specify a different format label to be displayed while the unit gets zoomed, and so on. The DateFromPoint property retrieves the date from the cursor based on the inside zoom unit also. Use the DefaultInsideZoomFormat property to specify the format ( as background color, grid lines, labels ), for new inside zoom units. The InsideZoomOnDblClick property specifies whether the date being double clicked gets magnified. The AllowResizeInsideZoom property specifies whether the user may resize the time units in the levels area, so they get magnified. The CondInsideZoom property specifies a formula that determines the dates that can be magnified by double clicking or resizing.

Use the InsideZooms property to access the inside zoom units.

Beside inside zooming, your application can provide the following options to help user while performing moving or resizing the bars at runtime:

The following chart displays days:  

The Jun 22, gets magnified to hours so it looks like follows ( the first line displays the day, while the second displays the hours, the rest of the chart displays days ):

The chart displays weeks:

while the week 26 and 27 gets magnified to days it looks like follows ( the first line displays the week number, while the second line displays days, the rest of the chart displays weeks ):

The following animation shows resizing the bars, using the inside zoom feature: