/************************************ REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Mihai Filimon ( mfl@exontrol.com ) Created on 11/23/2020 10:00:00 AM Modified on 02/25/2022 11:00:00 AM (*Added: Include the "title" (description) and "data-values" (values of an enumeration type) attributes of the inside of LI element, while filtering. Currently, the filter includes the property, method, event or type's name, description and values (for enumeration types) (enum type includes each defined constants such as CheckStateEnum)) Modified on 09/19/2022 10:50:00 AM (includes support for @media only screen and (max-width: 580px)) Modified on 06/18/2024 09:30:00 AM (*Fixed: The resizing of the navbar section of the frame pauses when the cursor hovers over the content area (right panel)) Comments: help.js, help.css This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This file may not be redistributed modified or unmodified without the authors written consent. ************************************/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (QP) (QueryParam) // // The QP namespace provides functions to update or query the URL parameters. // // The QP namespace includes definitions for the following methods: // // Split(url) {object}, splits the URL into location, params and hash parts, as an object of {a(ll),u(rl),h(ash),l(ocation),p(arams)} type // Add(url, param, value) {string}, adds(replaces) the parameter of the specified url and returns the new url(adds/replaces "param=value" or "param") // Del(url, param) {string}, removes the parameter of the specified url and returns the new url // Has(url, param) {string}, gets the value of the specified parameter within the giving url (returns null if no parameter is found) // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @description Creates the QP namespace */ QP = function() { /** * @description The split() method splits the URL into location, params and hash parts, as an object of {a(ll),u(rl),h(ash),l(ocation),p(arams)} type * @param {string} url A string expression that defines the URL to split * @returns {object} Returns an object of {a(ll),u(rl),h(ash),l(ocation),p(arams)} type as explained: * * a(ll) {string}, indicates the unsplited URL (as it was provided) * u(rl) {string}, specifies the URL without the # hash section (location + params) * h(ash) {string}, indicates empty string or the # hash section (includes the '#' character) * l(ocation) {string}, specifies the location of the URL (the string precceding the ? character, includes protocol, domain and path) * p(arams) {string}, specifies the query-parameters of the URL (the string after the ? character, includes '?' character) * */ function split(url) { var iHash = String(url || "").indexOf('#'), // {number} indicates the position of '#' character within the url (-1 if not found) u = ~iHash ? url.substr(0, iHash).trim() : url, // {string} specifies the URL without the # hash section (location + params) iParam = u.indexOf('?'); // {number} indicates the position of '?' character within the url (-1 if not found) return { a: url, // a(ll) {string}, indicates the unsplited URL (as it was provided) u: u, // u(rl) {string}, specifies the URL without the # hash section (location + params) h: ~iHash ? url.substr(iHash).trim() : "", // h(ash) {string}, indicates empty string or the # hash section (includes the '#' character) l: ~iParam ? u.substr(0, iParam).trim() : u, // l(ocation) {string}, specifies the location of the URL (the string precceding the ? character, includes protocol, domain and path) p: ~iParam ? u.substr(iParam).trim() : "", // p(arams) {string}, specifies the query-parameters of the URL (the string after the ? character, includes '?' character) } } /** * @description The getParamEx() method gets the regular-expression to search for the parameter * @param {string} param Specifies the name of the parameter to look for * @returns {object} Returns an object of RegExp type */ function getParamEx(param) { return new RegExp("[?&]" + param + "($|[&]|=[^&]*)", "i"); } /** * @description The add() method adds(replaces) the parameter of the specified url (adds/replaces "param=value" or "param") * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to change * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to add * @param {string} value Specifies the value of the parameter to add * @returns {string} Returns the new URL (includes the added parameter) */ function add(url, param, value) { var oURL = split(url), oParamEx = getParamEx(param = String(param || "").trim()), separator = oURL.u.indexOf('?') != -1 ? "&" : "?", oMatch = oURL.u.match(oParamEx); // builds the value as "param=value" or "param" if ( value = String(value || "").trim() ) value = "=" + value; value = param + value; // adds or replaces the parameter return (oMatch ? oURL.u.substr(0,oMatch.index + 1) + value + oURL.u.substr(oMatch.index + oMatch[0].length) : oURL.u + separator + value) + oURL.h } /** * @description The del() method removes the parameter of the specified url * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to change * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to delete * @returns {string} Returns the new URL (excludes the parameter) */ function del(url, param) { var oURL = split(url); url = oURL.u.replace(getParamEx(String(param || "").trim()), ''); if (url.slice(-1) == '?') url = url.slice(0, -1); // removes the last ? character if any if (url.indexOf('?') < 0) url = url.replace(/&/, '?'); // replace the first occurrence of & by ? if no ? is present return url + oURL.h; } /** * @description The has() method gets the value of the specified parameter within the giving url (returns undefined if no parameter is found) * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to query * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to request * @returns {string} Returns null (no parameter found), or a string expression that defines the value of the giving parameter (could be empty string) */ function has(url, param) { var oParam = split(url).u.match(getParamEx(param = String(param || "").trim())), // {array} returns the matches, as an Array object nEqual; // {number} specifies the position of the "=" character inside the match if ( oParam ) { oParam = oParam[0]; nEqual = oParam.indexOf("="); oParam = ~nEqual ? oParam.substr(nEqual + 1) : ""; } return oParam; } return { /** * @description The Split(url) method splits the URL into location, params and hash parts, as an object of {a(ll),u(rl),h(ash),l(ocation),p(arams)} type * @param {string} url A string expression that defines the URL to split * @returns {object} Returns an object of {a(ll),u(rl),h(ash),l(ocation),p(arams)} type as explained: * * a(ll) {string}, indicates the unsplited URL (as it was provided) * u(rl) {string}, specifies the URL without the # hash section (location + params) * h(ash) {string}, indicates empty string or the # hash section (includes the '#' character) * l(ocation) {string}, specifies the location of the URL (the string precceding the ? character, includes protocol, domain and path) * p(arams) {string}, specifies the query-parameters of the URL (the string after the ? character, includes '?' character) * * @example * * QP.Split("http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid#bookmark") * * returns: * * { * a:'http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid#bookmark' * h:'#bookmark' * l:'http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp' * p:'?product=exgrid' * u:'http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid' * } */ Split: split, /** * @description The Add(url, param, value) method adds(replaces) the parameter of the specified url and returns the new url (adds/replaces "param=value" or "param") * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to change * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to add * @param {string} value Specifies the value of the parameter to add * @returns {string} Returns the new URL (includes the added parameter) * @example * * QP.Add("http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid#bookmark","src","InsideZooms_default") * * returns: * * "http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid&src=InsideZooms_default#bookmark" */ Add: add, /** * @description The Del(url, param) method removes the parameter of the specified url and returns the new url * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to change * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to add * @returns {string} Returns the new URL (excludes the parameter) * @example * * QP.Del("http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid#bookmark","product") * * returns: * * "http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp#bookmark" */ Del: del, /** * @description The Has(url, param) method gets the value of the specified parameter within the giving url (returns null if no parameter is found) * @param {string} url Specifies an URL to query * @param {string} param Indicates the name of the parameter to request * @returns {string} Returns null (no parameter found), or a string expression that defines the value of the giving parameter (could be empty string) * @example * * QP.Has("http://exontrol.com/rhelp.jsp?product=exgrid#bookmark","product") * * returns: * * "exgrid" */ Has: has }; }(); /** * @description The oDEF variable holds definition for several options */ var oDEF = { EXPANDED: "expanded", // {string} specifies the class name to expand the object OBJECT: "object", // {string} specifies the class name that defines an object PROPERTY: "property", // {string} specifies the class name that defines a property METHOD: "method", // {string} specifies the class name that defines a method READONLY: "readonly", // {string} specifies the class name that defines a method TOPIC: "topic", // {string} specifies the class name that defines a topic HIDDEN: "hidden", // {string} specifies the name of the class for non-visible elements ACTIVE: "active", // {string} specifies the name of the class to activate a "LI" element GLYPH: "glyph", // {string} specifies the name of the class that displays the expand/collapse glyphs CLOSE: "close", // {string} specifies the name of the class/identifier that displays the filter's close button PX: "px", // {string} indicates the px-units TOC: "TOC", // {string} indicates the identifier of the document's `TOC` element (Table of Contents) CNT: "CNT", // {string} indicates the identifier of the document's `CNT` element (Content) F: "F", // {string} specifies the identifier of the DIV that hosts the `Filter` element (Parent-Filter) FILTER: "Filter", // {string} indicates the identifier of the document's `Filter` element (Filter) L: "L", // {string} indicates the identifier of the document's `L` element (Left side) R: "R", // {string} indicates the identifier of the document's `R` element (Right side) PARAM: // {object} defines the parameters of the current document { S: "S", // {string} specifies the source to display (indicates the URL to set for `CNT` element) F: "F" // {string} specifies the current filter } } /** * @description The feU/forEachUntil() method invokes the callback for each element of the HTMLCollection object until it returns a truly value (handy function to enumerate the elements of HTMLCollection) * @param {callback} callback Specifies the function of callback(oElement) {boolean} type that's invoked for each element * @returns {any} Returns the result of the last callback */ function feU(collection, callback) { var oResult; for ( var i = 0, l = collection.length; !oResult && i < l; i++ ) oResult = callback(collection.item(i)); return oResult; } /** * @description The eV/ensureVisible() method ensures that the giving element fits the view's client area (scroll into the view) * @param {object} oElement Specifies the element to fit the view's client area (scroll into the view) */ function eV(oElement) { /** * @description The scrollIntoView() method scrolls the element to fit its parent * @param {object} oElement Specifies the element to fit the view's client area (scroll into the view) * @since 1.7 */ function scrollIntoView(oElement) { /** * @description The getScrollParent() method determines the parent-element responsible to scroll the element * @param {object} oElement Specifies the element to fit the view's client area (scroll into the view) * @returns {object} Returns the parent-element responsible to scroll the element */ function getScrollParent(oElement) { while (oElement && !/(auto|scroll)/.test(getComputedStyle(oElement).overflow) ) oElement = oElement.parentElement; return oElement; } /* // scrolls the element's ancestor containers such that the element on which scrollIntoView() is called is visible to the user oElement.scrollIntoView( { behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest', inline: 'nearest' }); //*/ ///* var rtElement = oElement.getBoundingClientRect(), oScrollParent = getScrollParent(oElement), rtContainer = oScrollParent.getBoundingClientRect(), topFixedHeight = 56, bottomFixedHeight = 4 + (oScrollParent.offsetHeight - oScrollParent.clientHeight) /*height of the scroll bar*/, scrollBy = 0, dy = 0; if ( (dy = rtElement.top - topFixedHeight) < 0 ) scrollBy = dy; else if ( (dy = (rtElement.bottom - (rtContainer.bottom - bottomFixedHeight))) > 0 ) scrollBy = dy; scrollBy && oScrollParent.scrollBy( { behavior: "smooth", top: scrollBy }) //*/ } if ( oElement ) { var oCL, // {object} indicates an object of DOMTokenList type that holds classes of the element o; // {object} holds a reference to an HTML element // adds `expanded` class to "LI" of `object` class (expand the object that contains the property) ((oElement.classList.contains(oDEF.OBJECT) && (oCL = oElement.classList)) || ((o = oElement.parentElement) /*