The ExSurface/JS lets you organize your objects to a surface. You can use the tool to generate organigrams, diagrams, graphs, flowcharts and so on. The ExSurface/JS is a HTML standalone-component, written in JavaScript, that uses no third-party libraries.

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ALT creates element or link. CTRL + X Cut, CTRL + C Copy, CTRL + V Paste. CTRL + Z Undo, CTRL + Y Redo. Drag and drop an element over other to insert it as a child. Drag and drop a child element over another sibling, for 1 second, to exchange their positions. Delete deletes the selection. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. ESC cancels drag and drop operation.
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ALT creates element or link. CTRL / SHIFT selects elements. Delete deletes the selection. Click wheel + drag or CTRL + Click wheel + drag magnifies (a portion of) the control. Roll (+ SHIFT) the wheel to scroll.
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Click wheel + drag or CTRL + Click wheel + drag magnifies (a portion of) the control. CTRL + Double-click fit the entire chart. CTRL + Z Undo, CTRL + Y Redo.
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Move the mouse in-out of the control.
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Click the (top-right arrow) to show the source-code. Click the (bottom-left arrow) to show the help. ✔ Check/uncheck options to include/exclude the property. Change the option's value according to the below description.
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here goes the events
Click, drag, drop or roll the mouse-wheel to get for the control's events. CTRL + Z Undo, CTRL + Y Redo.