property Face.TexturePictureName as String
Specifies the comma-separated list of picture file name to be tried to load by the TexturePicturePath property.

String A String expression that specifies the comma-separated list of picture file name to be tried to load by the TexturePicturePath property. Each file name may include the degree rotate angle, after a / character. The TexturePictureExt property specifies the comma-separated list of graphics format/extension to be tried to load by the TexturePicturePath property.

For instance, the "dTexture,negy/-90", indicates that the control is looking first for the dTexture file, and if it is not found it looks for the negy file, and in case it is found, loads and rotates it by 90 degree anti-clockwise.

By default, the TexturePictureName property is:

The TexturePictureName property specifies the comma-separated list of picture file name to be tried to load by the TexturePicturePath property. The TexturePictureExt property specifies the comma-separated list of graphics format/extension to be tried to load by the TexturePicturePath property. The Title / ExtraTitle property grant unlimited options to show any HTML text, images, colors, EBNs, patterns, frames anywhere on the face's background. The IdentifyFace property specifies whether each face shows its index/name/frame. 

The following properties change the texture on each face of the cube:

The following properties change the size of the texture on all faces of the cube:

The size of the textures/ pictures is automatically set on the control's size, as soon as it gets resized.