property ToolBar.ArrangeItemsAs as ArrangeItemsEnum
Specifies the how the items are arranged on the toolbar.

ArrangeItemsEnum An ArrangeItemsEnum expression that determines how the items are arranged on the toolbar.
By default, the ArrangeItemsAs property is exArrangeItemsDefault, which makes the items to be arranged from top to bottom. The X / Y property indicates the x / y-coordinate of the item relative to the control's view. For instance, the ArrangeItemsAs property on exArrangeItemsHorizontal + exArrangeItemsWrap, aligns the items from left to right, and if the last item on the row does not fit on the line, it will be arranged on the next line and so on. 

Let's say we have the following buttons on the toolbar:

The following screen shots show how the items are arranged based on different values of ArrangeItemsAs property: