property Thumbnail.InputFile as String
Specifies the file to display the thumbnail.

String A String expression that specifies the file to display its thumbnail or a web page to get its thumbnail ( if it starts with http://).
By default, the InputFile property is empty. The InputFile property removes any previously files. Use the InputFile property to programmatically display a thumbnail for a specified file. Use the OutputFile property to save the thumbnail picture. Use the Borders property to specify the size of the margins where the thumbnail is displayed. Use the Thumbnail property to retrieve the thumbnail picture. Use the ThumbnailType property to specify whether the thumbnail is a bitmap or an icon. For instance, if you set the ThumbnailType property on exThumbnailIcon, and calling the InputFile property, the control gets the icon representation of the file. If the ThumbnailType property on exThumbnailIcon is exThumbnailBitmap the control tries to get a bitmap representation of the file if it is available, else the Thumbnail property is nothing, and the ThumbnailType property is exNoThumbnail.  The control fires the Changing event before updating the thumbnail view, and the Change event once the thumbnail is changed. You can clear the files into the control by calling the InputFile property on "". Use the AcceptFiles property to disable drag-and-drop files in the thumbnail control. The AcceptFolders property specifies whether the control accepts drag-and-drop folders. The LimitInputFiles property limits the number of files the control can display.

The control is able to extract the thumbnail views using the following system interfaces:

The ExtractMedthod specifies the order and the methods the control uses to extract the thumbnails. 

You can use any of the following properties/method to add files into the control: