constants ThumbnailModeEnum
The ThumbnailModeEnum type specifies the type of modes the control supports. The Mode property changes the thumbnail's mode. The ThumbnailModeEnum type supports the following flags:

exThumbnailGrid0 The thumbnails are arranged on rectangles.

exThumbnailStack1 Indicates that thumbnails are displayed as a stack.

exThumbnailAutoFit256 Specifies the thumbnail to fit the frame's client area.
exThumbnailStretch512 Stretches the thumbnail on the frame's client area.
exThumbnailCenter1024 Centers the thumbnails.
exThumbnailRight2048 Right aligns the thumbnails.
exThumbnailAllowResize4096 Specifies whether the user can resize at runtime the thumbnail view by dragging the view while clicking the middle-mouse.
exThumbnailAutoFitOnDblClk8192 Performs the auto-fit layout when the user double clicks the control's client area.
exThumbnailKeepAspectRatio16384 The thumbnail is keeping its aspect ratio. The ThumbnailWidth / ThumbnailHeight  property specifies the size to display the thumbnails.
exThumbnailBrowseOnDblClk32768 Browses for a new folder once the user double clicks it. The AcceptFolders property should be exIncludeSubFoldersOnly or exIncludeAny, so folders are being shown within the control's content. For instance, the Mode = exThumbnailBrowseOnDblClk simulates an Explorer (Files and Folders browser) control. The user can browse back for the parent-folder using the Backspace key.