constants HeaderExtEnum
The HeaderExtEnum type indicates the way the left/right or/and top/bottom header extends. The AllowHeaderExt property specifies the way the left/right or/and top/bottom header extends ( for all pools). The AllowHeaderExt property specifies the way the left/right or/and top/bottom header extends ( for specified pool). The HeaderExtEnum type supports the following values:

exHeaderExtUndefined-1 No extension is defined for the pool's header.
exCornerEmpty0 No corner is assigned to the header.
exCornerTopLeftExtHeaderLeft1 The left-header extends its content to top-left corner.
exCornerTopLeftExtHeaderTop2 The top-header extends its content to top-left corner.
exCornerTopRightExtHeaderRight256 The right-header extends its content to top-right corner.
exCornerTopRightExtHeaderTop512 The top-header extends its content to top-right corner.
exCornerBottomRightExtHeaderRight65536 The right-header extends its content to bottom-right corner.
exCornerBottomRightExtHeaderBottom131072 The bottom-header extends its content to bottom-right corner.
exCornerBottomLeftExtHeaderLeft16777216 The left-header extends its content to bottom-left corner.
exCornerBottomLeftExtHeaderBottom33554432 The bottom-header extends its content to bottom-left corner.