property Element.License as String
Indicates the runtime license required to create the inner control.

String A String expression that specifies the runtime-license.
The control supports ActiveX hosting, or in other words, any element can host another inside controls. The License property indicates a string expression that indicates the runtime license key for the component being inserted, if required. Only, the vendor of the component you are going to use is able to give you such of runtime license, so please contact the control's vendor for such of key. Your development license key is not compatible with the runtime license key, so it can't be used here. The Control property has effect only if the element's Type property is set on exElementHostControl. If you insert a runtime-licensed control you must specify the License property before calling the Control property. Use the ElementFormat property to specify the area where the inner control is displayed.  The Object property returns a reference to newly created control. The ExSwimLane control fires the OLEEvent event if an inside ActiveX control fires an event.

The Control property must be formatted in one of the following ways:

The look and feel of the inner ActiveX control depends on the identifier you are using, and the version of the library that implements the ActiveX control, so you need to consult the documentation of the inner ActiveX control you are inserting inside the exSwimLane control.

The following screen shot shows the surface with different inner controls: