Exontrol's new ExSkinBox offers you skinable message and input boxes. A
message box is a dialog box that displays a prompt and ends when the user clicks
a button. An input box is a dialog box that waits for the user to input text or
click a button.
Features include:
- MsgBox and InputBox implementation.
- AutoClose support.
- Ability to center the message box relative to your window/dialog.
- Ability to apply custom skins to the message box.
- Ability to display custom images using the encoding base64 format.
- Ability to load skins using the encoding base64 format.
- HTML format for message box's prompt, title or buttons as well.
- Ability to define the captions for standard buttons like Abort, Retry, Ignore and so on.
- Ability to define the font being used to display the message box.
- Ability to specify the position where the message box shows up.
® ExSkinBox is a trademark of Exontrol. All Rights Reserved.