property Schedule.AllowEditEvent as AllowKeysEnum
Specifies keys combination that allows the user to edit the event's caption in the schedule view.

AllowKeysEnum An AllowKeysEnum expression that specifies the keys to start inline editing.
By default, the AllowEditEvent property is exLeftClick + exDblClick, which means that the user can double click an event so the inline editing starts. The AllowEditEvent property specifies the combination of keys that the user can use so the event gets inline editing. The AllowEditEvent property on exDisallow, specifies that the user can not use inline editing. The Editable property indicates the property of the event to be edited when user double clicks the event. The LayoutStartChanging(exScheduleEditEvent) event notifies your application once the inline editing starts. The LayoutEndChanging(exScheduleEditEvent) event notifies your application once the inline editing starts. You can use the EventFromPoint(-1,-1) method during the LayoutStartChanging( exScheduleEditEvent) to store the event from the cursor to a global member, and when LayoutEndChanging( exScheduleEditEvent) occurs, you can use the previously stored member to identify the event being edited.  

You can specify an event being not editable, using the Editable property on exNoEditable, or you can set the AllowEditEvent property on exDisallow, to prevent editing any of the schedule's events.

The AllowEditEvent property uses the same keys combination as AllowToggleSchedule property, so if you double click an event, the inline editing is performed, else if clicking outside of the event the toggling the schedule view is performed.