constants OnResizeControlEnum
The OnResizeControlEnum type indicates the options you have to specify what the control does when the control or a portion of the control is resized.  The OnResizeControl property specifies the operation that the control performs when the user resizes the component.

You can use the OnResizeControl property to specify one of the followings:

The OnResizeControlEnum type supports the following values:

exResizePanelLeft0 Resizes the left panel of the control. If this flag is set the calendar view is resized once the control is resized, unless the exChangePanels flag is set, as the schedule will be resized.
exResizePanelRight1 Resizes the right panel of the control. If this flag is set the schedule view is resized once the control is resized, unless the exChangePanels flag is set, as the calendar will be resized.
exDisableSplitter128 Disables the splitter. The user can not resize the panels using the control's vertical split bar. 
exHideSplitter256 Hides the splitter. This flag allows you to display a single panel, the calendar or the schedule view at once. If the exHideSplitter is used in combination with the exChangePanels, the schedule view is shown only, else the calendar panel is displayed only/
exChangePanels512 Exchanges the content of the panels. If this flag is present, the schedule view is displayed on the left, while the calendar panel is shown on the right side of the component. 
exCalendarFit1024 Ensures that the calendar fits to the panel that hosts it. If this flag is present, the Calendar panel can not show its content partially.
exCalendarAutoHide2048 Turns on or off the calendar panel when cursor leaves the panels. The auto hide feature allows you to hide the calendar panel, while the cursor is not in it, so the schedule view gains the entire client area.