property Group.Title as String
Indicates the title of the group.

String A String expression that specifies the HTML title to be displayed on the drop down panel, when user clicks the grouping button.

By default, the Title property is initialized with the Caption parameter of the Add method, with no HTML tags. The Title property indicates the title to be shown when the user drop down the grouping button. The control displays Caption or Title on the control's header based on the date's size. If the date is too small, the title may be displayed instead caption. By default, You can resize the schedule view, by dragging the mouse while clicking the middle mouse button. The ShortLabel, LongLabel or ExtraLabel property of the Event may display automatically the group's Title if the <%=%263%> tag is included in the label. The DisplayGroupingButton property indicates whether the header of the date displays the grouping button. The list of available groups is displayed on a drop down panel, once the user clicks the grouping/filtering button. The drop down list shows the Title for each group found.