property Event.LabelAlign as ContentAlignmentEnum
Indicates the alignment of the event's long label.

ContentAlignmentEnum An ContentAlignmentEnum expression that specifies the ShortLabel/LongLabel alignment. The LabelAlign property supports additionally the following flag:
  • exWidth (4), to distribute the text on the element's width
By default, the LabelAlign property is exTopLeft. The LabelAlign property aligns the event's ShortLabel/LongLabel property on the event's body. The ShortLabel property is shown if the event's body is too small.  The event displays the ExtraLabel, only if the LongLabel property is displayed. The LongLabel property is displayed only if it fits the event's body, else the ShortLabel property is shown. The AddEvent event occurs once a new event is added to the Events collection. You can handle the AddEvent event to initialize the LabelAlign with a different value.

The CreateEventLabelAlign property aligns the label being shown when the user creates a new event. The UpdateEventsLabelAlign property aligns the label being shown when the user moves or resizes the events.