Calendar object
The Calendar object indicates the calendar panel of the component like in the following screen shot:

You can access the component's Calendar object using the Calendar property. Use the OnResizeControl property to specify one of the followings:


AlignDateSpecifies whether the January 1st or MinDate is aligned to the top-left corner.
AllowFocusDateSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to focus a new date, in the calendar panel.
AllowSelectDateSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select dates in the calendar panel.
AllowSelectDateRectSpecifies the combination of keys that allows the user to select dates in the calendar panel, by dragging a rectangle.
AllowToggleSelectKeySpecifies the combination of keys to select multiple not-contiguously dates.
AMPMSpecifies the AM and PM indicators.
DateRetrieves or sets the date being displayed in the calendar panel.
DateFromPointRetrieves the date from the cursor, in the calendar panel.
DisableZoneFormatReturns or sets an expression that determines the dates being disabled in the calendar/schedule panel.
DisplayWeekNumberAsSpecifies the way the calendar displays the week number.
EventsReturns a safe array of dates with events, in a specified group, where the Expression indicates the formula to determine the dates being verified.
FirstVisibleDateRetrieves the first visible date, in the calendar panel.
FirstWeekDaySpecifies the first day of the week.
FitSelToViewSpecifies the list of additional dates to be shown on the schedule view, when OnSelectDate property is exFitSelToView.
FocusDateRetrieves the date being focused in the calendar panel.
GroupHighlightEventHighlights the date in the calendar panel using the HighlightEvent property of each Group found on day's events.
HeaderDayLabelSpecifies the HTML date-format to be shown on the calendar's header.
HideSelSpecifies whether selected date appears selected when a control loses focus.
HighlightEventGives access to the Highlight object, so you can customize highlighting the events, in the calendar panel.
hWndRetrieves the calendar's window handle.
LastVisibleDateRetrieves the last visible date, in the calendar panel.
LocAMPMRetrieves the time marker such as AM or PM using the current user regional and language settings.
LocFirstWeekDayIndicates the first day of the week, as specified in the regional settings.
LocMonthNamesRetrieves the list of month names, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
LocWeekDaysRetrieves the list of names for each week day, as indicated in the regional settings, separated by space.
LongDateFormatIndicates the long date format.
LongTimeFormatIndicates the long time format.
MaxDateRetrieves or sets the max date.
MaxMonthXSpecifies the maximum number of months horizontally displayed.
MaxMonthYSpecifies the maximum number of months vertically displayed.
MinDateRetrieves or sets the min date.
MinMonthXSpecifies the minimum number of months horizontally displayed.
MinMonthYSpecifies the minimum number of months vertically displayed.
MonthNamesRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of month names, separated by space.
NonworkingDaysRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the non-working days, for each week day a bit.
NonworkingDaysColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to fill the non-working days.
NonworkingDaysFrameColorRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the color to show the non-working frame.
NonworkingDaysPatternRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the pattern being used to fill non-working days.
OnSelectDateSpecifies the action that the control does once the user selects new dates in the calendar panel.
ParentSpecifies the handle of the window that hosts the calendar panel.
SelCountIndicates the number of dates being selected in the calendar panel.
SelDateGets the date being selected giving its index in the selection.
SelectSelects the current (focus) day, week, week day, month or year in the calendar panel.
SelectDateSelects or unselects a date in the calendar panel.
SelectionReturns or sets a safe array of selected dates in the calendar panel.
ShortDateFormatIndicates the short date format.
ShortTimeFormatIndicates the short time format.
ShowGridLinesShows or hides the grid lines in the calendar panel.
ShowHighlightEventReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the calendar panel highlights days that contain events.
ShowNonMonthDaysSpecifies whether the control displays the dates that are not part of the month.
ShowTodayButtonRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the today button is visible or hidden, in the calendar panel.
ShowWeeksRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the weeks header is visible or hidden.
ShowYearScrollRetrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the scroll bar ( in the calendar panel ) to change the year is visible or hidden.
SingleSelReturns or sets a value that indicates whether the user can select one or more dates in the calendar panel.
TodayCaptionRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the today button's caption, in the calendar panel.
WeekDaysRetrieves or sets a value that indicates the list of names for each week day, separated by space.