property RadialMenu.SelBackAlpha(Type as RadialItemsEnum) as Byte
Specifies the value of alpha / opacity channel to show the selection of the radial menu.

Type as RadialItemsEnum A RadialItemsEnum expression that determines what portion of the item is selected.
Byte A BYTE expression that specifies the value of alpha / opacity channel to show the selection. 255 indicates opaque, 128 semi-transparent, and 0 fully transparent.
By default, the SelBackAlpha property is 255. The SelBackColor / SelBackAlpha property specifies the selection background color. The SelForeColor property specifies the selection foreground color. The SelectedIndex property gets or sets a value that indicates index to be selected. The SelectItem event notifies once the user selects an item. The SelectItem event is fired when user clicks an item with no child items. The BrowseItem event notifies when a new item has been selected / browsed. When the user selects a new item, it is displayed on the parent portion of the control, while its content / children is displayed around. The SelectParent event occurs once the user clicks the parent of the item. The PointerPicture property indicates the picture to be shown on the pointer zone's background.