property Property.HTMLName as String
Displays the name of the property using built-in HTML format.

String A string expression that indicates the HTML format being displayed in the Name column, instead Name property.
By default, the HTMLName property is empty. If the HTMLName property is empty, the Name property is displayed in the name column. Use the HTMLName property to assign pictures, icons or font attributes to parts of the caption being displayed in the Name column. The HTMLValue property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed on the Value column. The SingleLine property indicates whether the property is displaying by single or multiple lines.

The HTMLName property supports the following built-in HTML tags:

For instance, the "<b><u>B</u>old</b>" sequence displays a string like follows: Bold. The control displays the HTMLName property instead Name property, only if the HTMLName is not empty. Use the IncludeProperty to assign a new html format for a specified property, like in the following sample.

For instance, the following VB sample adds an icon to the Appearance property.

Private Sub PropertiesList1_IncludeProperty(ByVal Property As EXPROPERTIESLISTLibCtl.IProperty, Cancel As Boolean)
    If Property.Name Like "Appearance" Then
        Property.HTMLName = "<img>1</img>" & Property.Name
    End If
End Sub

For instance, the following template sample adds three properties and assign an icon to each of them, using the <img> tag.

Add("Icon1","",1).HTMLName = "1Icon 1"
Add("Icon2","",1).HTMLName = "2Icon 2"
Add("Icon3","",1).HTMLName = "3Icon 3"

The following VB sample adds a picture to a property:

With PropertiesList1
    .HasGridLines = False
    .DefaultItemHeight = 52
    .HTMLPicture("floppy") = "D:\Temp\Icons\3floppy_1mount.gif"
    .HTMLPicture("hard") = "D:\Temp\Icons\3floppy_mount.gif"
    With .Add("Floppy", "", EditColor)
        .HTMLName = "<img>floppy</img>Floppy"
    End With
    With .Add("Hard", "", EditColor)
        .HTMLName = "<img>hard</img>Hard"
    End With
End With