property Property.Bold as Boolean
Specifies a value whether the property appears as bold.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether a property appears as bold.
Use the Bold property to bold a property. The value for the ShowObjects property is important for the Bold property before adding items. Changing the ShowObjects property has no effect after adding items.

By default, 

The following sample shows how to avoid bolding the parent items while building a hierarchy:

With PropertiesList1
    .ShowObjects = False
    .Add "Root", "", ReadOnly
    With .Add("Child 1", 0, Edit, , "Root")
        .Bold = True
    End With
    With .Add("Child 2", 0, Edit, , "Root")
        .Bold = True
    End With
    .ExpandItem("Root") = True
    .ShowObjects = True
End With

In the sample, the root item is not bolded, instead the child items are bolded.

In the following sample the root item is automatically bolded, and the child items are not:

With PropertiesList1
    .ShowObjects = True
    .Add "Root", "", ReadOnly
    With .Add("Child 1", 0, Edit, , "Root")
    End With
    With .Add("Child 2", 0, Edit, , "Root")
    End With
    .ExpandItem("Root") = True
End With