property PropertiesList.ShowMultipleParams as Boolean
Specifies whether the control loads properties with multiple parameters.

Boolean A Boolean expression that indicates whether the control loads properties that have multiple parameters.
By default, the ShowMultipleParams property is True. Use the ShowMultipleParams property to include properties with multiple parameters when browsing a COM object, using the Select method. If the ShowMultipleParams property is True, only the properties with parameters of predefined type like enumeration or boolean are included. For instance, the property Grid.ItemFromPoint (X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS, ColIndex as Long, HitTestInfo as HitTestInfoEnum) as HITEM can't be included in the browser, because it contains parameters that are not predefined like long type. The Name property indicates the name of the property. If the property includes multiple parameters, the Name property displays the name of the property and the parameters separated by comma, like "Background(exButtonDown)". If the property has a single parameter, the Description property indicates the description of the value in the predefined type. The Value property indicates the value of the property. Use the ToString property to save the control's properties and values to a string. Use the EditProperty option when adding a new property, to add properties one at the time, with none, one or more parameters. 

For instance, let's say that we browse the eXGrid control that includes the "property Grid.Background(Part as BackgroundPartEnum) as Color. The property returns or sets a value that indicates the background color for parts in the control.". The Background property has a single parameter of BackgroundPartEnum type ( enumeration type ). The Background property retrieves different values based on the Part parameter. The Part parameter is of BackgroundPartEnum type. When the control includes the Background property, it combines all parameters with their values, and add a new property for each, as seen bellow.

This feature is new, and it is not available for other propertieslist controls. For instance, browses the ExPropertiesList with another browser, and check if the Option property is included in the browser? Definitely, this property may be browsed using the ExPropertiesList control.