constants AutoDragEnum
The AutoDragEnum type indicates what the control does when the user clicks and start dragging a row or an item. The AutoDrag property indicates the way the component supports the AutoDrag feature. The AutoDrag feature indicates what the control does when the user clicks an item and start dragging. For instance, using the AutoDrag feature you can automatically lets the user to drag and drop the data to OLE compliant applications like Microsoft Word, Excel and so on. 

The AutoDragEnum type supports the following values:

exAutoDragNone0 AutoDrag is disabled.
exAutoDragCopy8 Drag and drop the selected items to a target application, and paste them as image or text. Pasting the data to the target application depends on the application. You can use the exAutoDragCopyText to specify that you want to paste as Text, or exAutoDragCopyImage as an image.
exAutoDragCopyText9 Drag and drop the selected items to a target application, and paste them as text only. Ability to drag and drop the data as text, to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation compliant. The drag and drop operation can start anywhere 

Click here to watch a movie on how exAutoDragCopyText works.

exAutoDragCopyImage10 Drag and drop the selected items to a target application, and paste them as image only. Ability to drag and drop the data as it looks, to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation compliant. The drag and drop operation can start anywhere 

Click here to watch a movie on how exAutoDragCopyImage works.

exAutoDragCopySnapShot11 Drag and drop a snap shot of the current component. This option could be used to drag and drop the current snap shot of the control to your favorite Office applications, like Word, Excel, or any other OLE-Automation compliant.
exAutoDragScroll16 The component is scrolled by clicking the item and dragging to a new position. This option can be used to allow user scroll the control's content with NO usage of the scroll bar, like on your IPhone. Ability to smoothly scroll the control's content. The feature is useful for touch screens or tables pc, so no need to click the scroll bar in order to scroll the control's content.

Click here to watch a movie on how exAutoDragScroll works.

exAutoDragCopyOnShortTouch2048 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image or text.
exAutoDragCopyTextOnShortTouch2304 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as text only.
exAutoDragCopyImageOnShortTouch2560 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image only.
exAutoDragCopySnapShotOnShortTouch2816 Drag and drop a snap shot of the current component.
exAutoDragScrollOnShortTouch4096 The component is scrolled by clicking the object and dragging to a new position.
exAutoDragCopyOnRight524288 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image or text.
exAutoDragCopyTextOnRight589824 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as text only.
exAutoDragCopyImageOnRight655360 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image only.
exAutoDragCopySnapShotOnRight720896 Drag and drop a snap shot of the current component.
exAutoDragScrollOnRight1048576 The component is scrolled by clicking the object and dragging to a new position.
exAutoDragCopyOnLongTouch134217728 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image or text.
exAutoDragCopyTextOnLongTouch150994944 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as text only.
exAutoDragCopyImageOnLongTouch167772160 Drag and drop the selected objects to a target application, and paste them as image only.
exAutoDragCopySnapShotOnLongTouch184549376 Drag and drop a snap shot of the current component.
exAutoDragScrollOnLongTouch268435456 The component is scrolled by clicking the object and dragging to a new position.