constants KeywordEnum
The KeywordEnum type specifies the keywords the control's expression supports. The Description property specifies the description for giving keyword. The KeywordEnum type supports the following values:

exKeywordValue0 Indicates the value keyword.
exKeywordOr1 Indicates the or keyword.
exKeywordAnd2 Indicates the and keyword.
exKeywordNot3 Indicates the not keyword.
exKeywordStartWith4 Indicates the startwith keyword.
exKeywordEndWith5 Indicates the endwith keyword.
exKeywordContains6 Indicates the contains keyword.
exKeywordCount7 Indicates the count keyword.
exKeywordLeft8 Indicates the left keyword.
exKeywordRight9 Indicates the right keyword.
exKeywordMid10 Indicates the mid keyword.
exKeywordFormat11 Indicates the format keyword.
exKeywordIn12 Indicates the in keyword.
exKeywordSwitch13 Indicates the switch keyword.
exKeywordArray14 Indicates the array keyword.
exKeywordSplit15 Indicates the split keyword.
exKeywordCase16 Indicates the case keyword.
exKeywordReplace17 Indicates the replace keyword.
exKeywordWith18 Indicates the with keyword.
exKeywordLen19 Indicates the len keyword.
exKeywordType20 Indicates the type keyword.
exKeywordLower21 Indicates the lower keyword.
exKeywordUpper22 Indicates the upper keyword.
exKeywordProper23 Indicates the proper keyword.
exKeywordLTrim24 Indicates the ltrim keyword.
exKeywordRTrim25 Indicates the rtrim keyword.
exKeywordTrim26 Indicates the trim keyword.
exKeywordInt27 Indicates the int keyword.
exKeywordRound28 Indicates the round keyword.
exKeywordFloor29 Indicates the floor keyword.
exKeywordAbs30 Indicates the abs keyword.
exKeywordStr31 Indicates the str keyword.
exKeywordCurrency32 Indicates the currency keyword.
exKeywordTime33 Indicates the time keyword.
exKeywordTimeF34 Indicates the timeF keyword.
exKeywordShortDate35 Indicates the shortdate keyword.
exKeywordShortDateF36 Indicates the shortdateF keyword.
exKeywordLongDate37 Indicates the longdate keyword.
exKeywordDbl38 Indicates the dbl keyword.
exKeywordDate39 Indicates the date keyword.
exKeywordDateS40 Indicates the dateS keyword.
exKeywordDateF41 Indicates the dateF keyword.
exKeywordYear42 Indicates the year keyword.
exKeywordMonth43 Indicates the month keyword.
exKeywordDay44 Indicates the day keyword.
exKeywordYearday45 Indicates the yearday keyword.
exKeywordWeekday46 Indicates the weekday keyword.
exKeywordHour47 Indicates the hour keyword.
exKeywordMin48 Indicates the min keyword.
exKeywordSec49 Indicates the sec keyword.
exKeywordStore50 Indicates the := keyword.
exKeywordRestore51 Indicates the =: keyword.
exKeywordIf52 Indicates the ? keyword.
exKeywordMod53 Indicates the mod keyword.
exKeywordLFind54 Indicates the lfind keyword.
exKeywordRFind55 Indicates the rfind keyword.
exKeywordReverse56 Indicates the reverse keyword.
exKeywordDPI57 Indicates the dpi keyword.
exKeywordDPIX58 Indicates the dpix keyword.
exKeywordDPIY59 Indicates the dpiy keyword.
exKeywordMINimum60 Indicates the MIN keyword.
exKeywordMAXimum61 Indicates the MAX keyword.
exKeywordSin62 Indicates the sin keyword.
exKeywordCos63 Indicates the cos keyword.
exKeywordASin64 Indicates the asin keyword.
exKeywordACos65 Indicates the acos keyword.
exKeywordSqrt66 Indicates the sqrt keyword.
exKeywordLike67 Indicates the like keyword.
exKeywordHex68 Indicates the hex keyword.
exKeywordBitAnd69 Indicates the bitand keyword.
exKeywordBitOr70 Indicates the bitor keyword.
exKeywordBitXor71 Indicates the bitxor keyword.
exKeywordBitShift72 Indicates the bitshift keyword.
exKeywordBitNot73 Indicates the bitxor keyword.
exKeywordLPad74 Indicates the lpad keyword.
exKeywordRPad75 Indicates the rpad keyword.
exKeywordConcat76 Indicates the concat keyword.
exKeywordBIAS77 Indicates the bias keyword.