| | Name | Description | |
| | Alignment | Retrieves or sets the caption's alignment. | |
| | Appearance | Retrieves or sets the menu button's appearance. | |
| | BackColor | Retrieves or sets the control's background color. | |
| | Caption | Retrieves or sets the control's caption. | |
| | CursorInside | Checks whether the cursor is over the control. | |
| | Dismiss | Closes the popup menu if it is opened. | |
| | DropDownVisible | Retrieves or sets a value indicating whether the control contains a drop down button. | |
| | Enabled | Enables or disables the control. | |
| | EventParam | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the current's event parameter. | |
| | Font | Retrieves or sets the control's font. | |
| | ForeColor | Retrieves or sets the control's foreground color. | |
| | hWnd | Retrieves the control's window handle. | |
| | LastID | Retrieves the last command identifier that was selected. | |
| | Menu | Associates a menu to a button. | |
| | MenuAlign | Retrieves or sets the menu's alignment. | |
| | Picture | Retrieves or sets the control's picture. | |
| | PictureAlignment | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the picture's alignment. | |
| | Push | Presses the button. | |
| | ShowFocusRect | Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the focus rectangle is visible or hidden. | |
| | Type | Retrieves or sets the control's type. | |
| | Version | Retrieves the control's version. | |