property Group.ItemFromPoint (X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS, Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS, ColIndex as Long, HitTestInfo as HitTestInfoEnum) as HITEM

Retrieves the item from point.

X as OLE_XPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current X location of the mouse pointer. The x values is always expressed in client coordinates.
Y as OLE_YPOS_PIXELS A single that specifies the current Y location of the mouse pointer. The y values is always expressed in client coordinates.
ColIndex as Long A long expression that indicates on return, the column where the point belongs. If the return value is zero, the ColIndex may indicate the handle of the cell ( inner cell ).
HitTestInfo as HitTestInfoEnum A HitTestInfoEnum expression that determines on return the position of the cursor within the cell.
HITEM A long expression that indicates the item's handle where the point is.

Use the ItemFromPoint property to get the item from the point specified by the {X,Y}. The X and Y coordinates are expressed in client coordinates, so a conversion must be done in case your coordinates are relative to the screen or to other window. If the X parameter is -1 and Y parameter is -1 the ItemFromPoint property determines the handle of the item from the cursor. Use the ColumnFromPoint property to access the column over the point. Use the GroupFromPoint property to get the group's caption from the cursor. Use the GroupListFromPoint property to get the group's list from cursor. 

The following VB sample prints the cell's caption from the cursor:

Private Sub ExplorerTree1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
    With ExplorerTree1
        ' Determines the group's list from cursor
        Dim g As EXPLORERTREELibCtl.Group
        Set g = .GroupListFromPoint(X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY)
        If Not g Is Nothing Then
            ' Determines the item from the cursor within the group
            Dim h As HITEM, c As Long, hit As EXPLORERTREELibCtl.HitTestInfoEnum
            h = g.ItemFromPoint(X / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX, Y / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY, c, hit)
            If Not (h = 0) or Not ( c = 0 ) Then
                Debug.Print g.Items.CellCaption(h, c) & " HT = " & hit
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following VFP sample prints the cell's caption from the cursor:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS button, shift, x, y

with thisform.Olecontrol1
	local g
	g = .GroupListFromPoint(-1,-1)
    If !isnull(g) Then
    	with g
	        local h, c, hit
	        c = 0
	        hit = 0
	        h = .ItemFromPoint(-1,-1,@c,@hit)
	        If h # 0 Then
	        	with .Items
	        		.DefaultItem = h
	                wait window .CellCaption(0, c) nowait